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Wrath (DayZ)

Release the damn patch, Please.

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Figures. At least you know you're mentally handicapped.

Now you are just being mean.

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More ignorance. 580GTX, i7, 8gbram. - Not so below par you moron.

Not to bad but an

i5 2500k @ 4,8ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 480 1.5gb ram, 2x1tb Hds and 30gb ssd ready boost!!! I dont see problems!! ;)

Its not all about spec you know, there are other things to consider for example, back ground tasks, anti virus, i-tunes, blah balh etc

Whatever loads in before you get to windows will effect memory, cpu usage and GPU though put. All together this effects game play!!! ;)

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Current patch works fine for me :) Take your time boys, get it right before you bring it in ;)

I have spent a lot of time trying to fix the issues. The pending patch notes admit there is a problem with tearing, it suppose to be fixed. I have tried all the fixes I can find, and same thing. Military zombies cause screen tearing, a lot of people have tried to fix it. Some it is a temp fix, some it is random, but a lot of people cannot fix it. So next time think before you post, and making your self look like a ass.

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Not to bad but an

i5 2500k @ 4,8ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 480 1.5gb ram, 2x1tb Hds and 30gb ssd ready boost!!! I dont see problems!! ;)

Its not all about spec you know, there are other things to consider for example, back ground tasks, anti virus, i-tunes, blah balh etc

Whatever loads in before you get to windows will effect memory, cpu usage and GPU though put. All together this effects game play!!! ;)

Great you've just prooven your computer is lesser spec than mine, and mine still has problems.

In regards to what else you're talking about, my computer is custom built by me, with absolutely zero bloat on it. I work with computers everyday, it is nothing to do with my computer. Trust me.

Edited by Wrath

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My 2 biggest complaints are


2.Zombies spawning under deer stands next to the ladder. they glitch out there and make it hard to lead them away to climb up. I just open fire, but it sucks.

Wow.. zombies spawning under a deer stand is a biggest complaint? lol gtfo

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These fixes only temp fix it for me and sometimes not at all, just because it works for you doesn't mean it works for everyone.

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I've had my video memory set to default since day 1 and I'm getting the graphical glitches. I've tried almost every "fix" that has been spread and none have worked. My equipment is great and my game always runs smooth. I never once received any graphical glitches until So instead of "calling people out," you should just keep your mouth shut until you have your facts straight.

This + my comp stomps the requirements into the ground.

I can play Metro 2033, Skyrim, TSW, etc etc etc. on Ultra and this game tears all over the damn place.

And using FLUSH... good way to ruin your video card... keep doing it over and over see what happens.

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Actually the ignorance in this topic is that you all think a DayZ patch will fix an Arma 2 problem.

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Actually the ignorance in this topic is that you all think a DayZ patch will fix an Arma 2 problem.

It wouldn't be in the next patch notes for no reason..

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video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.

This does work but not for everyone. What works for me every time is disabling crossfire, then turning it back on. My friends claim that opening the map, then alt tabbing out of the game, then back in works as well, but it's had no effect for me.

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The only fix I've found that works for me is closing the game entirely and opening it again. It works until the next town with military bodies, so it gets pretty frustrating.

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We shall see.

It will fix the problem people have been having, hopefully, since the last DayZ patch.

But artifacting issues have been around forever.

I mean, kudos if he fixed something BI either can't or hadn't bothered to.

But we shall see.

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Always some idiot who thinks that something that worked on some configurations will work for every configuration. Guess this time it is you?

There are plenty of people for whom none of the "fixes" work, either temporarily or permanently. People who didn't have these issues until the latest dayz/arma2 beta patch.

...which means they're not the ones who need to sort it out, cupcake.

except it has fixed it for everyone I know who had the problem. except for randoms on a forum. I wonder if it could be that they're idiots.

an ass in irc, an ass on the forums it seems.

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except it has fixed it for everyone I know who had the problem. except for randoms on a forum. I wonder if it could be that they're idiots.

an ass in irc, an ass on the forums it seems.

It works for 'everyone you know'. Whats that, like maybe three people? That means it must work for the other 950,000 players?

You're a fucking idiot, the fact that you can barely string together a coherent sentence reinforces this.

Edited by Wrath
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