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Wrath (DayZ)

Release the damn patch, Please.

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As everyone is aware the graphic glitches are making game play IMPOSSIBLE in some areas.

Just release the patch if it fixes this problem and delay the other fixes you are working on.

We just want to be able to play.

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Last time they updated the patch_notes that problem hadn't been fixed. Most everything else planned had. One minor ammo thing. Most likely it is the graphics fix holding it up.

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video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.

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I agree, I can't go into any of the airfield dues to the graphical glitches, the flush command always makes it worse and I have tried pretty much every graphical setting possible to try and fix the issue but no dice.

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No don't take your damn time, the graphical glitches should have been fixed in a hotfix. When you update a piece of software, which makes it unusable for a large percentage of the user base its generally good practise to drop everything and fix the issue, then resume work on the other problems.

GroomExGtE, you're a perfect example of a selfish prick. Oh it works for you? There are a ton of people it doesn't work for that simple cannot play until it is fixed.

Edit: Dankine - Awesome. Now before being a complete tosser realise that just because it works for you and your mom doesn't mean it works for everyone. Guess what, it doesn't work for me you clown.

Edited by Wrath
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My 2 biggest complaints are


2.Zombies spawning under deer stands next to the ladder. they glitch out there and make it hard to lead them away to climb up. I just open fire, but it sucks.

Edited by jordan2412

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video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.

I can vouch for this working like a charm.

The power of positive visualization my friends. The paatch is alreeaddy heeerrreee you are having sooooo much fuun, just relaaaaax. I feel better already.

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I found a way to temp fix them. I switched from "Very High" to "High" and back in the options and they were gone. I find it odd though that since my graphics card far surpasses what the game needs there are graphics problems at all. I chalk it up to the engine since everything else I play is fine. Hopefully it gets fixed soon though because it is annoying.

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video memory to default - also if you see these artifacting and glitches, change your 3D resulution to something else so your screen loads, and then back to the original. should fix it. works EVERYTIME for me and everyone i know.

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I've tried all the 'fixes', the only thing that temporarily works is playing with the AntiAliasing settings. If it works, it only holds for 5 minutes, only to result in horrendous glitches while im inside a military area, or it doesn't work in the first place and the situation gets a hell of a lot worse.

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video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.

I've had my video memory set to default since day 1 and I'm getting the graphical glitches. I've tried almost every "fix" that has been spread and none have worked. My equipment is great and my game always runs smooth. I never once received any graphical glitches until So instead of "calling people out," you should just keep your mouth shut until you have your facts straight.

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I dont see the problem with glitches as I dont have any!!! :|

If your pc is a bit below par then shit gonna happen !!!

Me am all fine and dandy!! :D

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I dont see the problem with glitches as I dont have any!!! :|

If your pc is a bit below par then shit gonna happen !!!

Me am all fine and dandy!! :D

More ignorance. 580GTX, i7, 8gbram. - Not so below par you moron.

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video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.

Always some idiot who thinks that something that worked on some configurations will work for every configuration. Guess this time it is you?

There are plenty of people for whom none of the "fixes" work, either temporarily or permanently. People who didn't have these issues until the latest dayz/arma2 beta patch.

...which means they're not the ones who need to sort it out, cupcake.

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I dont see the problem with glitches as I dont have any!!! :|

If your pc is a bit below par then shit gonna happen !!!

Me am all fine and dandy!! :D

It has nothing to do with your system being "below par." My buddy who plays on a laptop on the lowest settings doesn't get them at all while I do. Somedays I get the glitch worse than others; just the other day I didn't have it at all, but ever since this patch I get the glitch 80% of the time near dead soldiers (Balota, NWAF, Cherno, Stary, etc.)

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Video memory settings don't do squat for me. I still get horrible artifacting and can't go into Cherno, any airfield or Electro if I do i'm an open target or have to have my back to the cause of the problem. Seems to be coming from dead soldiers and sometimes barbed wire/tank traps.

AMD 6870, 4Gb DDR3 RAM, i5-750. Never had this problem pre-patch so if those bitching about those of us with this problem could stfu it would be appreciated. >:(

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Just to make clear, this is not just a complaining thread.

I greatly appreciate everything Rocket has done to bring what is my 'perfect' game to reality.

I just want to put emphasis on the fact that this one issue is preventing a number of people from playing the game at all, and/or making their experience very frustrating, so it would be nice if the rest of the patch could be delayed so we can have this issue resolved quicker.

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Just to make clear, this is not just a complaining thread.


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Just to make clear, this is not just a complaining thread.

I greatly appreciate everything Rocket has done to bring what is my 'perfect' game to reality.

I just want to put emphasis on the fact that this one issue is preventing a number of people from playing the game at all, and/or making their experience very frustrating, so it would be nice if the rest of the patch could be delayed so we can have this issue resolved quicker.

I agree 100%. I love this game and I think it's headed in a great direction. It just stinks that I can't go to half of the places on the map because of this. Also, it's just a tad annoying that I was ready for this to be removed with the patch that was targeted for yesterday. -_-

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You should learn to read entire posts before making an idiot of yourself.

Too much work.

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