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Banned on UK31 - Not quite sure why

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I was playing on UK31 today, scrawling around bandit camps when I came across a pickup with tons of gear, I proceeded to repair it so I can drive off, but an AS50 soon went into my car and it went kaboom. Anyhow I got out of the car and watched the tree line for activity, when I saw this guy and killed him.

While I was busy glaring at my newly looted NV goggles, A big shiny ban message came up and kicked me from the server.

Not sure why, I suspect angry victim with privileges but whatever :D

Hoping to get this sorted if possible, cheeers.

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  On 8/2/2012 at 9:52 PM, CutiePie said:

I was playing on UK31 today, scrawling around bandit camps when I came across a pickup with tons of gear, I proceeded to repair it so I can drive off, but an AS50 soon went into my car and it went kaboom. Anyhow I got out of the car and watched the tree line for activity, when I saw this guy and killed him.

While I was busy glaring at my newly looted NV goggles, A big shiny ban message came up and kicked me from the server.

Not sure why, I suspect angry victim with privileges but whatever :D

Hoping to get this sorted if possible, cheeers.

You wouldn't of been kicked/banned from the server just for killing someone on the server. There was only Xecuter on last night that could of banned you so i will have to speak to him but in the mean time i could do with some info from yourself!

Name in game

who you shot and killed

where about's when you were banned

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Thanks for getting back to me.

In-game alias: Silver

Not sure who I shot I'm afraid.

Was near to grid reference: 013 088 not sure what time, was after 7pm GMT.

I had been flying in a chopper which was most likely hacked however ;p, but that was all down to a player called Nyx, who has been spawning in choppers and black SUVs for days ;p

I know hacked items = bad, but can't even expect a saint to just ignore a fully working chopper :D

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I heard a helicopter flying west of zeleno,so i went over to investigate it.

I camped the heli with my AS 50 and was waiting for the guy to appear,but nothing happened.

15mins later a second heli landed there,but i couldnt see a guy running around,only heard a car door.

Then some other of our guys arrived their,1 found about 2 or 3 other helis about 400m SE from the helis i found.

1 went over to the helis and got shot by an m14/dmr,then our guy shot the guy out of the heli,it was you silver.

Did you also had satchel charges on you ?

Some minutes later,think it was 5,there was the next heli flying so we kicked you silver and the heli crashed,think executer banned you then,

dont know.

We didnt kick you because you shot me and looted me,we dont care about gear but there are loads of hackers on our server the last 2 weeks,

and you were flying with the helis and there was at least 6 helis there,that should be the reason why you got banned,you better talk to one of the

admins,should be the best option.

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Hey soulside, it was you I shot :D because you blew up that awesome truck ;p

Going back into the chopper where you died, thats when i got shot and instant banned, the 5 mins later thing couldnt have been me as I had been banned 5 minutes before :D

But glad to know it wasn't an abusive admin who killed me over lewtz :D

Still like to get this sorteds please guys ;p

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Talk to an admin ;)

Still wondered that the truck survived so long when i hit it with the NATO rounds :)

Oh and who told you that Nyx spawned choppers ?

Because nyx was the whole time with our guys,so this is a false information

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Yeah Nyx doesn't cheat as ive been playing with him for months now, plus he was with another guy in Cherno for the full duration of the night.

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A few days ago, I was on the server sometime mid afternoon, and I heard a black SUV beeping next to elektro chruch, As I slowly snuck up on him, the church suddenly blew up with satchels.

I suspected he was beeping getting everyone near by so he could make it go boom.

At this time, crazy loot was spawning everywhere, like FN FAL at supermarket along with blood bags etc.

When I got close enough to the SUV, i shot the person inside.

Nyx has been killed.

I took the SUV and drove towards the mountains, where I parked to tell my mates on steam, "omg i got a black SUV :D", just as I tab back in, I see a person infront on my car and I run him over

Nyx has been killed

less than 1 minute later, a person spawns next to me and the SUV blows up.

I assumed this to be Nyx spawning at my location again, as I was too far in the middle of nowhere for it to be a coincidence.

That same day, there were massive helly fires everywhere and hellys flying overhead, the sever seemed out of control ;p

Anyway, yesterday when I got the chopper, guess who was online? Nyx ;p

Hey, I might be wrong, Nyx just happened to be everywhere and is innocent I get it, by my spidey-sense put Nyx in the conservatory with a lead pipe ;p

Just came across another post, and although I know it's not proof, I hope it acts as a character witness:


"Confirmed people who aren't hacking: "Silver" " :D

Edited by CutiePie

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Hello every one i'm the Nyx

I have being palying on the UK31 server since it started.

I know lost of people on the server that can confirm that i'm not a hacker.

Well where should i start.

The day began whit our group finding a heli at the Island in the SE.

We looked for gear to fix it all day. After fixing it up and fueling it up whit a little fuel we decided to land it at kamyshovo to fuel it up all the way.

After refueling it for about 5 mins our chopper blow up and we toughed we were ambushed by a guy whit a rocket launcher.

Then second explosings we know that wassent a guy whit a rocket but a hacker planting satchel charges every where.

After the explosions this stuff happend ( look at the YT link below


After the Cop car driving by the hacker spawned in Black SUV's we got in and tryed to out run him. Kinda stupid of us.

Then i went to eat but stayed in the game so got killed in elektro some where inside the black SUV's

When i came back i respawned in kamenka and got teliported to our group who were still talking to the hacker.

they were trying to figure out who he was so we could bann him

after a while the hacker spawned it Heli's every where.

Then we got the hacker and we restarted the server and we went back to finding a new heli

If you think i'm lying or iff you want to join our group come join our public mumble server.


Well have fun and kill them Z'eds for me :)

Edited by Nyx

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Hey Nyx,

Although I have no proof of your guilt either, that video hardly tackles the issues I stated above.

What is that video even meant to convey? All I saw was a guy in a skin which is not in the game by default ( camo + helment ) standing above satchels which was quickly followed by the text, Nyx was killed.

Additionally, what day is that even meant to be? :P

But back to the original point: Admins going to resolve this or what? Tiddle-taddling isn't benifiting anyone.

Edited by CutiePie

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  On 8/3/2012 at 5:12 PM, CutiePie said:

Hey Nyx,

Although I have no proof of your guilt either, that video hardly tackles the issues I stated above.

What is that video even meant to convey? All I saw was a guy in a skin which is not in the game by default ( camo + helment ) standing above satchels which was quickly followed by the text, Nyx was killed.

Additionally, what day is that even meant to be? :P

But back to the original point: Admins going to resolve this or what? Tiddle-taddling isn't benifiting anyone.

No ones tiddle-taddling at all m8, i still have to wait for X to come online to talk to him about it.

But i know what day this was because there is another video that someone took of 100's of heli's spawning on the back field of Elektro, people being teleported and hacked weapons being spawned onto the server.

The 2 guys who were hacking were :

BUMBANDIT and League of Shadows

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But the video Nyx linked was completely irrelevant to my story of his black SUV.

Not forgetting that he's wearing a hacked player skin in that video, I called him out about the day with a black SUV, and he shows me a video of him being blown up.

See my point?

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the video was prior to the Black SUV's spawning in. And i'm the guy who's being morfed all the time.

And iff you hear closely you can hear me asking the dude are you doing this to me ?

Edited by Nyx

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So how is it you teleported to the SUV I stole from you twice?

Anyway I haven't got beef with you, I'm just trying to explain the circumstances in which I obtained the chopper. I just want to get back to my camp on UK31 ;(

Edited by CutiePie

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well me teling next to SUV's hassent happend to me.

But when Xecuter come back online i will ask him iff he has a talk whit you

Edited by Nyx

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  On 8/3/2012 at 11:35 AM, CutiePie said:

In-game alias: Silver

We have multiple witnesses, stop taking the piss and think yourself lucky you are not banned from ALL servers.

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Multiple witnesses for what?

Don't talk shit without hard evidence, evidence you do not have for that matter.

Slander ain't cool bro.

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When PM'ing it says Sye73 cannot recieve any new messages.

Got any other forms of comms?

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  On 8/3/2012 at 7:27 PM, CutiePie said:

Multiple witnesses for what?

Don't talk shit without hard evidence, evidence you do not have for that matter.

Slander ain't cool bro.

I do not have to explain myself to you.

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  On 8/3/2012 at 11:08 PM, CutiePie said:

When PM'ing it says Sye73 cannot recieve any new messages.

Got any other forms of comms?

Try it now now my inbox was full.

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  On 8/4/2012 at 9:01 AM, Mutagen_7B4 said:

I do not have to explain myself to you.

yes you actually do!

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  On 8/4/2012 at 11:33 AM, crashchaser said:

yes you actually do!

Maybe try renting a server, putting your hard earned cash into it to see it ruined by constant cheating. Our hands tied because of Rockets kid glove approach to these scumbags, noway of exactly knowing who is cheating, no log reports on who killed who, logs taking you days to traipse through to find anyone that looks dodgy, noway of identifying who is DC'ing, BE not doing it's job, server providers not being interested in hackers, people using multiple GUIDs then coming on here being smart saying they aren't hacking, all this and having to try and play the game i think anybody would be slightly fucking pissed off don't ya think?


Was going to add that not in my 12 years of online PC gaming have i ever come across a game that purposely supports people hacking! Yeah there have always been hacks present in games but on this level and scale and with Admins hands tied because they are either too scared to act or have no idea on what to do it has become an absolute joke!. And to see these YouTube videos showing these arseholes how they hack and how to do it and with it gaining more likes than negatives then we can all see where this game is going.......

Edited by sye73
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What the hell man i know who you are now, your also called BearTrapper and you were indeed flying a heli which crashed north of Kamenka. One of the guys looted your body and it contained a DMR, Ghillie, G17, satchel charge. You were then spotted over Elektro in another heli with in minutes of spawning which again crashed, one of the other regulars of our server went over to the body and when studying it it said your name and again you had the same gear as before.

I remember this because i was on that night, so can you explain this then??


Sorry you didn't have the satchel charge but you did have GPS and NVG, you crashed the heli behind Elektro church firestation, jumped out and then was shot in the alley.

Edited by sye73

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