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What's your ideal loadout?

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I've been playing for a while, and now that I've seen almost every weapon in the game, I THINK I have an idea of what items to consider the “Best”

That doesn't mean I don't have a lot to learn.

I'm wondering, what gear would you choose if you had access to anything currently in DayZ?

Primary weapon: SVD Camo with 4 magazines (or an AS50 with 4×M107 mags)

Secondary weapon: M9SD with 6 magazines

Cloths: Ghillie suit

Backpack: Coyote Pack

Optics: Range Finder, Night Vision

Tools: Knife, Hatchet, Matches, Toolbox, Entrenching tool, GPS, Compass, and I don't care about everything else*.

Supplies: 2×Morphine, 4×Bandage, 4×Steak, 2×Canteen, Antibiotics

Maybe an M16 ACOG in the backpack with a few mags.

*The GPS has a built in map, I don't need a watch to see what time it is, and I'll never use a flashlight.

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Primary: MP5SD

Secondary: M9SD

Clothes: Ghillie

Backpack: Coyote Backpack

Optics: Range FInder, NVGs

Tools: Knife, Hatchet, Matches, Toolbox, Entrenching Tool, GPS, Compass, Military Flashlight

Supplies: Medical, Wood Pile, Antibiotics

M107 in the backpack.

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Primary weapon: M4A1 SD with 6 mags

Secondary weapon: M9SD with 6 mags

Cloths: Ghillie

Backpack: Coyote Pack

Optics: Range Finder, Night Vision

Tools: Knife, Hatchet, Matches, Toolbox, Entrenching tool, GPS, Compass.

Supplies: 3x morphine, 3xbandadges, 3x meat, 3x mountain dew.

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Primary weapon: M4A1 SD with 6 mags

Secondary weapon: M9SD with 6 mags

Cloths: Ghillie

Backpack: Coyote Pack

Optics: Range Finder, Night Vision

Tools: Knife, Hatchet, Matches, Toolbox, Entrenching tool, GPS, Compass.

Supplies: 3x morphine, 3xbandadges, 3x meat, 3x mountain dew.

same here... atm i don't got a thing since i tried driving over a cliff.. was fun but lost ghilie, as50, L85 and lots of other stuff... off to hunt some newbies with an axe! :D hehe

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