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To all spawn killers out there!

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Cry More

Read the whole damn topic retard.

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fuck you and your shit

>implying anyone gives a fuck

Also to you btw, read the whole topic before you reply on something jerkwad

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Also to you btw, read the whole topic before you reply on something jerkwad


you've already made a statement and thus i am ignoring your post

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most fledgling games try to nurture new players in, so they stick around to try to make the overall community bigger..

There is no nurturing in an apocalypse. That's why dayz is great , spawning is a real slap to the face and you need to fight back or get out.

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Guys lay off him

Edited by Jaiar

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So according to your logic everyone who plays video games is a no lifer? You must be a real shut-in then.

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It's easy..

Spawnkillers are sad. If you are bored when you are geared up, go snipe around some of the northern airfields. I mean, you with SVD camo, NVG and ghilly suit, killing a freshly spawned player with only a fucking flashlight, or you with SVD camo, NVG and ghilly suit, killing another guy with SVD camo and ghilly suit. Whats more epic? If you are geared up and bored, dont go kill new ppl, makes no sense. If you want to kill because you are bored, go some higher in the map, where most of the pvp finds place.

If you want to keep spawnkilling, dont care. But its just sad to kill a unarmed surviver from like 600m. You should at least have the guts to go face to face with an AK or something.. Give him the opportunity to run or something you know..

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you've already made a statement and thus i am ignoring your post

Than just don't respond instead, retard (:

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While I always shoot a well armed player on sight, I really do not like those scumfuck sniper pricks who shoot fresh spawns in Cherno and Electro. This is the main reason that I have a well maintained bicycle, which I ride up and down the hills behind those two cities listening out for sniper fire. Then I sneak up and stick a burst from my M16A4 ACOG in the back of their skull.

I did this to some asshole called azariell and his boyfriend, whose name I forget in Electro the other day. He even had the balls to come at me with a Remington, trying to get his shit back. I killed him a few times, took his AS50, ammo, Coyote, LMG and hid the bodies.

Edited by Fapnapkin

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i dont kill freshly spawned players only little kids do that, i simply shoot them in the legs and watch them crawl for hours untill they logout,

the removal of the respawn button is the best thing ever

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Easy ticks on my kill count.

You mad?

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Easy ticks on my kill count.

You mad?

i wait at the beach, before u can use your "leet scriptz" on them they have to get past me, win/win situation

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I had a person spawn in while i was at stary sobor raiding the tents as i was picking up gear he popped up in front of me. I shit myself and started to unload in to him after 2 full mags of my ak he dropped dead and i found on his body.

Anti material sniper,

1x MP5A5

1x PDW

12x Mags for the MP5A5 and PDW (they use the same ammo)

Lots of food and supplys.

A coyote backpack with 24 slots


range finder,


I would of never killed him if i saw him walk in say hi and then start to grap loot but when he spawned in and i jumped a friggin mile i had no choice but to unload all over his face and think after *i bet that guy is p***ed off with me all that gear and its gone as he logged in...

No i dont find this cheating as he shouldn't of logged out at a high player destined place he should of logged out just outside the area in the tree line that way he could of seen me popping in and out of tents and either asked over direct comms hey do you mind if i grab some supply's i would of kindly said sure come down here grab what you need and we will be on our way!

Or if he decided to he could of just used his sniper and popped me of and had his way with my corpse, I have been on a vehicle hunt for the last few days now and i have found nothing and after my first kill the adrenaline was pumping, hands shaking, i have no found a new lust for blood.

Now i dont kill to raid bodys unless they have the best weapon in the game but i do now kill take there map and replace it with mine just incase they have vehicles marked up on the map or if they have a hidden stash of goodys. so if i ever kill you make your way to your body and you can get your stuff back minus the best weapon in the game and your marked up map! i might take your beans and a soda as killing is hard work :)

that guy was a fucktard for logging out in a tent in starry don't feel bad he deserved it

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I haven't had much chance to bandit or champion... I must confess it would depend on my mood and the circumstances. I've no problem shooting someone down, even noobs (since I have no way to know if they're ACTUALLY noobs, or if they're some PvP champion freshly respawning from a failed endeavour who will later stalk me). Neither do I have a problem NOT shooting someone. I do know one thing. If I shot someone, and they responded somewhere with a post like this OP...


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There's tons of things to do ESPECIALLY when you're all geared up

You have no idea what are you talking about.

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to the OP, your blood washes the treads of my jeep quite well.

thank you

Seriously? Man you know how nerdy that sounds holy shit xD

Was that meant to insult me or something? I don't get your goal, really haha.

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You have no idea what are you talking about.

I actually have, I find lot's and lot's of enjoyment sneaking around towns getting supplies and eat and drink to stay alife.

Or occasionally try repairing a car even though I fail at it, and I'm constantly travelling to discover new things.

If you don't like to do such thing even than there are so much other options, and alot of those options are very time-filling. You can even just bandit hunt people all around Chernarus for all I care, it doesn't matter if you happen to kill a new spawn because he was in your way either. Just don't be a that douche guy with a sniper rifle sitting on the coast waiting for someone to spawn and start shooting at him with the meaning of killing him.

Edited by Scratchz

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I actually have, I find lot's and lot's of enjoyment sneaking around towns getting supplies and eat and drink to stay alife.

Or occasionally try repairing a car even though I fail at it, and I'm constantly travelling to discover new things.

If you don't like to do such thing even than there are so much other options, and alot of those options are very time-filling. You can even just bandit hunt people all around Chernarus for all I care, it doesn't matter if you happen to kill a new spawn because he was in your way either. Just don't be a that douche guy with a sniper rifle sitting on the coast waiting for someone to spawn and start shooting at him with the meaning of killing him.

you enjoy scouting towns, i enjoy shooting people that scout towns, its all about the little things in life that give you pleasure and you shouldn't judge people for doing what they love

Edited by unknownuser

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doublepost, they should add a delete button

free +1 postcount

Edited by unknownuser

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i shoot fresh spawns for sport of course.

Lol, i like how the whole first paragraph is just "this is a well thought out, cogent argument for as to why you should not do this, it contains no opinions and is all fact". Then not even a sentence later, "OMG U ALL FGGTS FOR KINLN NEW SPAWNS, JT GTFO OF GAEM PL0X"

Theres always going to be morale care bears telling me i shouldn't hunt animals with bandages.

Doesn't stop my kill count though.

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Shooting gearless people, because god forbid if they had a weapon they just might have a slight chance of killing you? That's pure skill indeed.

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Are you retarded?

First; This game isn't meant to kill people for fun, it's meant for realistic survival purposes.

Second; That's right, it's a game. Not real life, but even better.

It's fun to play, but if you fuckfaces do such stupid nonsensical things it get's alot less fun for people that are actually trying to ENJOY the game for what it's made for. This game is a simulator of real life, and it's purpose is to Scavenge, Slay bandits and zombies and Survive.

This game is not meant for retards enjoying theirselfs ruining the fun for other people. Even if Call of Duty or Battlefield isn't the same, you can still play another game in which it actually IS the purpose killing new spawns. Like for example Ace of Spades, in that game it's a good thing to kill new-spawns and it gives just as much of a kick as in this game the only difference is that it isn't perma-death.

Someones buthurt lol let people do the things that they like to do they dont give a shit if it pisses you off they actually enjoyi it more and whats up with telling people to get a life and that there a no life If you get this pissed off about a videogame then youve got issues.

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He does have a point. We shouldn't waste ammo on noobs, all we will get is a bandage and painkillers if they haven't used them already. Ammo isn't cheap.

So when you see that hour+ guy who has tons of crude shoot him instead. Its much better then killing someone with nothing to lose!

Edited by harley001

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