fix_ 14 Posted May 25, 2012 Strange looking kitchen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 543 Posted May 25, 2012 I'm not not sure what balanced shooting games you're talking about. This is the DayZ forum.I'm a long time Counter-Strike player' date=' as a player of undoubtedly the most balanced shooting game on Earth the mentality of having balanced mechanics in a game which at its core is a shooter must be balanced for every player across the entire playing field. Having a smaller model affects the shooting mechanics and effectiveness as a player because of size discrepancies that can be taken advantage of. I dont think they all need to be super slim anyway. I would see our female characters wearing practical clothes for the end of the world, leaving them the rough body dimensions of the male characters (which is convenient for rigging also).I figured something along those lines was probably going to be the way you would remedying the problem if it were implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazydred 0 Posted May 25, 2012 "I never played with a female character and never found any harder to hit them"Suicide MouseAnd why would you hit a girl?:angel:+1 on the idea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazierivan 2 Posted May 25, 2012 This is a key priority for me personally to see this implemented. I think games have been neglecting girls in games or stereotyping them for too long.that is great to hear Rocket! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gremlin (DayZ) 0 Posted May 25, 2012 I'm just having trouble figuring out why balance would be important on this issue, and not on the dozens of deliberately unbalanced, unfair things already in the game. Balance and DayZ don't exactly go hand-in-hand skipping across the hilltops (they'd be spotted that way). For DayZ to suddenly balance this one aspect would be wildly out of character.That said, Rocket has clearly put thought into this already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 543 Posted May 25, 2012 I'm just having trouble figuring out why balance would be important on this issue' date=' and not on the dozens of deliberately unbalanced, unfair things already in the game. Balance and DayZ don't exactly go hand-in-hand skipping across the hilltops (they'd be spotted that way). For DayZ to suddenly balance this one aspect would be wildly out of character.That said, Rocket has clearly put thought into this already.[/quote']Tell me one thing in this game which is currently unbalanced.Something that is not subjective or opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beastro 0 Posted May 25, 2012 The Global Chauvinist League made sure there were no wimmim survivors of the zombipocalypse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gremlin (DayZ) 0 Posted May 25, 2012 Not saying that anything in the game is actively unbalanced, just that it isn't about balance in the same way that Counterstrike is--its about a different kind of balance, if you prefer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bat (DayZ) 230 Posted May 25, 2012 I would definitely like to see female characters in the game. Skeletons and models would have to be different, females have thinner bones and shoulders are not as large as males, animations would also need to be different, a little bit "lighter" than the male.What I do not want in the game is female head on male body. Theres nothing more uncanny and ugly to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 543 Posted May 25, 2012 Not saying that anything in the game is actively unbalanced' date=' just that it isn't about balance in the same way that Counterstrike is--its about a different kind of balance, if you prefer.[/quote']My point was there is almost nothing unbalanced about it. Everyone starts the same, everyone has equal opportunity, there is nothing you can do, have or get that I cannot as well. The only (kind of)unbalanced aspect I have currently witnessed are the survivor skins, they are actually quite misleading as of right now so maybe that would be a better word for the issue. On your screen you could be wearing the full black and grey clothing but on the screen of another player you could be wearing tan and bright blue. This is quite game breaking in all reality as you can think you are hidden wearing extremely dark clothing against or in something dark such as the base of a tree or in the shrubs but unknown to you you are actually contrasting these color tones and wearing bright colors.That needs to be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paikea 0 Posted May 25, 2012 This is a key priority for me personally to see this implemented. I think games have been neglecting girls in games or stereotyping them for too long.That's really great of you to say that..:)It's not really about fat or thin, it's just about being female..lolIn this type of game without more character creation it can be confusing.And I just need to say that alot of girls like video games, the problem is the companys assume a girl will not want to play a game like this or a combat type game and we do, but when they advertise you really don't see a female character. During some of the videos I watched the guy playing would be with friends and sometimes he would get confused during a shootout and tell his friend he thought he was someone else for a second. Could accidentally get shot like that!... but then again I've seen teammates accidentally shoot each other in battle which was pretty hilarious to me.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bandit Hunter 29 Posted May 25, 2012 There may be in the future, as ArmA already includes female skins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lockie1976 39 Posted May 25, 2012 I think female characters are a must and a little disappointed that BI don't already have them... Also where the fk are all the female zombies!? it seems Chernarus is a land of men... I'd imagine that that being the case that every loot pile would be as it is with empty whiskey bottles and empty cans but with a ton of porno mags and old socks too.Pretty sure its a thread on the BI forums but hurry up and get with the times.Bring on the female characters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpaceMonkey 2 Posted May 25, 2012 That's timely, I was just chatting with that with my partner yesterday when she watched my playing and she asked whether there were any female skins at all.I agree with you Rocket, in a situation like anyone would wear similarly looking clothes, male or female, and I don't think anything fancy is needed in terms of changing the body mesh a lot, new faces are what are needed the most.It's also funny that some think that everyone would become a female just to optimize some stats. Geez, it's not an excel sheet, it's a game where immersion and emergent stories are supposed to be at the centre of the focus (this reminds of some D&D video games, where people would say: don't mix that class with this class because your stats will be slightly worse - heck, where had gone the Roleplaying in RPG?). No one ever wins anyway, soon or later a character will die, and personally I don't care so much about how long it takes for it to happen as long as the story is great. And story wise, I think it's great to depict a world with male and female survivors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suicide Mouse 50 Posted May 25, 2012 "I never played with a female character and never found any harder to hit them"Suicide MouseAnd why would you hit a girl?:angel:+1 on the ideaSometimes they just won't make me my sammiches fast enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 25, 2012 I remember back in WoW, guys who played as female characters and acted female often had an easier time advancing in the game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pricelinenegotiator 1 Posted May 25, 2012 I approve this feature only if all the women characters look like Lara Croft/Angeline Jolie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazydred 0 Posted May 25, 2012 I approve this feature only if all the women characters look like Lara Croft/Angeline Jolie.ROFL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
montauk 2 Posted May 25, 2012 It'd be great if we had a female character. For some reason I always get rather uncomfortable when I have to play as a male :vI remember back in WoW' date=' guys who played as female characters and acted female often had an easier time advancing in the game...[/quote']yes for some reason I always had an easier time in the game. Whenever I tried to trade someone for say, a gem for a socket or even a mount they sold them to me at a bit cheaper than what other players would get.I approve this feature only if all the women characters look like Lara Croft/Angeline no no that shouldn't happen!If that happened I wouldn't shut off the game for weeks :| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djshauny1 222 Posted May 25, 2012 alot of sexist people in herei agree with the OP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutonizer 78 Posted May 25, 2012 This is a key priority for me personally to see this implemented. I think games have been neglecting girls in games or stereotyping them for too long.Simulate periods, menopause and all the other shit women go through, don't make them looking like some silly photoshop model and I swear nobody's gonna play a girl character.Joke aside, while it'd be a nice feature in concept, I think it'd bring a lot of shit people (or this mod) might not want to deal with. I mean...I really wouldn't want to be a women in a post apocalypse world with no law to restrict man's most basic instincts and I'm not sure you want that in a game, no matter how "realistic" that game wants to be.If you're a woman playing dayz, then I say you're much better sucking it up and playing as a male character and if you don't believe me...check your history books since..err..the beginning of time. Without the cushion of modern society, with laws and relative peace, I'm sorry girls, but during wars or when society breaks down, you always ended up being nothing but meat on legs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suicide Mouse 50 Posted May 25, 2012 I remember back in WoW' date=' guys who played as female characters and acted female often had an easier time advancing in the game...[/quote']Yeah, because the place was filled with fat virgins that gave items to female chars so they could have someone to think about when it came the lube/sock time.I think this game is safe, for now.alot of sexist people in herei agree with the OPWe're just kidding, friend! (Most of us) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
montauk 2 Posted May 25, 2012 Simulate periods' date=' menopause and all the other shit women go through, don't make them looking like some silly photoshop model and I swear nobody's gonna play a girl character.Joke aside, while it'd be a nice feature in concept, I think it'd bring a lot of shit people (or this mod) might not want to deal with. I mean...I really wouldn't want to be a women in a post apocalypse world with no law to restrict man's most basic instincts and I'm not sure you want that in a game, no matter how "realistic" that game wants to be.If you're a woman playing dayz, then I say you're much better sucking it up and playing as a male character and if you don't believe me...check your history books since..err..the beginning of time :)[/quote']I have to's funny seeing people telling me I have a small 'penis'. Also, there's a way to restrict man's basic instincts.It's called a bullet :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suicide Mouse 50 Posted May 25, 2012 a post apocalypse world with no law to restrict man's most basic instincts and I'm not sure you want that in a game' date=' no matter how "realistic" that game wants to be.[/quote']Sure I want that in a game, are you nuts?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
griffinz 2817 Posted May 25, 2012 I approve this feature only if all the women characters look like Lara Croft/Angeline Jolie.They would be dressed practically for the scenario. (No battle-bras, no mini-skirts, no high-heels) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites