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Are there vehicle location hacks? or admin abuse here?

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Not working today, so I stayed up very late last night and found 4 vehicles. Bicycle, UAZ, Tractor, ATV. They were all in their spawn points and required fixing up. I hid them all, far from each other and logged off to sleep. When I logged off, there were only 3 people on the server. 5 hours later, I log on to 40 people on the server and ALL VEHICLES GONE. I check their spawn points and they're not there.

I can understand someone finding 1 vehicle, but 4? And they were very well hidden in bushes. The ATV, UAZ and bicycle would be impossible to see unless you literally ran into them.

I'm wondering if there's a hack that shows current locations of vehicles or if admins have a way to see also. It's just way too fishy to have all 4 gone in just 5 hours. The server also restarted 1-2 times when I was gone.

The server has the option to see yourself and anything near you on map. yourself and vehicles (if you're within about 40m) show up blue dots, and zeds/players show up yellow dots. I'm thinking someone had a hack that allows all dots on the map to be shown.

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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.

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$20 says your vehicles where found.

Admins cannot see vehicles.

And when you see the map indicators you ONLY see it after interacting with the vehicle. Not before hand (from my experience)

Also you check their spawn points? Did you mean you checked the locations you moved them too?

And it could be possible that hackers can move the vehicles. A hacker today appeared behind me (Said he'd been following me and my friends) Offered us a ride to his camp, Off we went. It had over 10 vehicles in it, A crashed huey all sorts of crap. Vehicles that appeared like they had spawned on their spawn points and not been repaired. For example an atv that had full hull but needed everything else.

We proceeded to destroy all vehicles to get them back to spawn points as i'm sure people lost them due to him doing this.

Maybe the hackers can find camps and take the vehicles no idea how it works.

But please, Don't blame the admins! Most of us do what we can to keep it fair.

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admins really have that kind of power? wow, that's f'n ridiculous. That's worse than hackers

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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles.

And exactly how do we do this?

Please explain. As I rent a server, And I see nothing more then any other player EVEN when logged in as Admin via Rcon.

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$20 says your vehicles where found.

Admins cannot see vehicles.

And when you see the map indicators you ONLY see it after interacting with the vehicle. Not before hand (from my experience)

Also you check their spawn points? Did you mean you checked the locations you moved them too?

And it could be possible that hackers can move the vehicles. A hacker today appeared behind me (Said he'd been following me and my friends) Offered us a ride to his camp, Off we went. It had over 10 vehicles in it, A crashed huey all sorts of crap. Vehicles that appeared like they had spawned on their spawn points and not been repaired. For example an atv that had full hull but needed everything else.

We proceeded to destroy all vehicles to get them back to spawn points as i'm sure people lost them due to him doing this.

Maybe the hackers can find camps and take the vehicles no idea how it works.

But please, Don't blame the admins! Most of us do what we can to keep it fair.

I check their original spawn points too and nothing. I doubt all 4 were found in just 5 hours. Add in the fact when I left the server, there were only 3 people, and less than that for the last 2-3 hours I was on before sleeping. I'm pretty good at hiding vehicles and i've managed to keep several vehicles for 10+ days. I usually lose vehicles from bugs or being shot at while in the open.

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You can be as good as you want hiding your vehicles and tents.

Doesn't change the fact that there are still people that spend their time hunting for them.

But it does suck to loose all that. Recently lost an entire camp/ural/motorbike/ute/bicyclesx2 after having them for about 10 days also.

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From what i've been told they don't necessarily "have the power to know where your vehicles are" but the the information is in the server logs which they do have the power to search through, it's not like a hack where it shows where every player/vehicle is at on the map.

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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.

Are you stupid? They can't do any of that. Admins only have the power to kick ban restart and lock the server. Unlike popular belief admins are not vengeful deities who can turn you into a pig and steal your 1337 ep!c l00tZ

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Not working today, so I stayed up very late last night and found 4 vehicles. Bicycle, UAZ, Tractor, ATV. They were all in their spawn points and required fixing up. I hid them all, far from each other and logged off to sleep. When I logged off, there were only 3 people on the server. 5 hours later, I log on to 40 people on the server and ALL VEHICLES GONE. I check their spawn points and they're not there.

I can understand someone finding 1 vehicle, but 4? And they were very well hidden in bushes. The ATV, UAZ and bicycle would be impossible to see unless you literally ran into them.

I'm wondering if there's a hack that shows current locations of vehicles or if admins have a way to see also. It's just way too fishy to have all 4 gone in just 5 hours. The server also restarted 1-2 times when I was gone.

The server has the option to see yourself and anything near you on map. yourself and vehicles (if you're within about 40m) show up blue dots, and zeds/players show up yellow dots. I'm thinking someone had a hack that allows all dots on the map to be shown.

From what I've erad on the forums to date, it seems there is a hack that will show u the locations of all tents vehicles and players, and also allow you to teleport to them. Which would explain a lot for you really.

You have my sympathy, this kind of behaviour destroys any game it happens in.

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Are you stupid? They can't do any of that. Admins only have the power to kick ban restart and lock the server. Unlike popular belief admins are not vengeful deities who can turn you into a pig and steal your 1337 ep!c l00tZ


Coz you know I rent a server simply so I can grief on people.

What a retarded thing to think.

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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.

They can not see where you spawn or where car's are, You people need to get that in your head god dam.

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Admins cannot see everything or do anything besides play, kick, restart and lock a server. Admins do not have an ability to see vehicles or players on a map.

It does however sound like you were playing on a server running recruit settings, where big glowing lights show up to all players that give away locations of any player or vehicle at distance. The vehicles you found and hid would have been visible via a nice big glowing light on the screen of anyone within a km or so, even in the trees. The markers are visible in the same way the little glowing markers on the rabbits etc are visible, just much bigger.

Most likely they were just found this way.

Try playing on a server that has veteran settings.

Edited by Slyder73
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it says regular server. the dots seem to show on map about 40-50m out, then fade

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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.

Please STFU if you know nothing.

Admins can see a person's gear, not where they are or if they have a vehicle, Nothing, cant even see if they killed anyone...

If you have encountered admins that know where players are, you have encountered HACKERS! NOT ADMINS(at least not exclusively admins).

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Are you stupid? They can't do any of that. Admins only have the power to kick ban restart and lock the server. Unlike popular belief admins are not vengeful deities who can turn you into a pig and steal your 1337 ep!c l00tZ

Oh shut up and stop spreading bullshit. Information sent to the hive is in the logs. Admins can see player locations, locations of vehicles, items in your inventory

You're either not an admin so have no real business saying what they can and cant do, or you're an incompetent admin. Either way you're wrong.

Please STFU if you know nothing.

Admins can see a person's gear, not where they are or if they have a vehicle, Nothing, cant even see if they killed anyone...

If you have encountered admins that know where players are, you have encountered HACKERS! NOT ADMINS(at least not exclusively admins).

Same goes to you. Edited by Strife
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Admins can see the location of everyone on the map as well as their items. I'm sure they can also find vehicles. All in all admin abuse is just as bad as hacking. The server admins usually highly favor their group by giving them information otherwise unattainable.

Are you fucking kidding me? I mean there are a few bad admins but don't say the all are, and they don't have any powers unless they have bought a hack themselves. Those admins your hating on are the only reason you can play dayz you cheap prick.

And strife none of that info is real time so it won't help you track down 4 vehicles AT all.

I actually think the OP is encountering the age old no vehicle/tent glitch with the server. Try checking after another restart and they might be all back?

Edited by Aitloian

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Are you fucking kidding me? I mean there are a few bad admins but don't say the all are, and they don't have any powers unless they have bought a hack themselves. Those admins your hating on are the only reason you can play dayz you cheap prick.

And strife none of that info is real time so it won't help you track down 4 vehicles AT all.

I actually think the OP is encountering the age old no vehicle/tent glitch with the server. Try checking after another restart and they might be all back?

They are vehicles, at some point you stop driving them. Real-time is irrelevent

Also to the OP. There is an issue with server restarts not putting the vehicles ingame. I find they usually come back next restart.

Edited by Strife
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Oh shut up and stop spreading bullshit. Information sent to the hive is in the logs. Admins can see player locations, locations of vehicles, items in your inventory

You're either not an admin so have no real business saying what they can and cant do, or you're an incompetent admin. Either way you're wrong.

Which server do you administer? Please, tell us all publicly.

I've seen enough admins on these boards say they can't do shit like that, precisely because retards like you make accusations of them being able to teleport players and use kill commands.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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Which server do you administer? Please, tell us all publicly.

I've seen enough admins on these boards say they can't do shit like that, precisely because retards like you make accusations of them being able to teleport players and use kill commands.

Yes. I'm a retard because i've sat there with my buddy and had him tell me exactly where I was ingame, while he was out of the game by checking the logs. I didnt say a damn thing about kill commands or teleporting players.

You have no idea what the hell you are talking about so why don't you try to act somewhat near the level of an adult's level of intelligence and stop spouting off bullshit you have NO idea about. You are not an admin or you're incapable of reading a log file. Which is it?

Edited by Strife

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Yes. I'm a retard because i've sat there with my buddy and had him tell me exactly where I was ingame, while he was out of the game by checking the logs. I didnt say a damn thing about kill commands or teleporting players you idiot.

You have no idea what the hell you are talking about so why don't you try to act somewhat near the level of an adult's level of intelligence and stop spouting off bullshit you have NO idea about. You are not an admin or you're incapable of reading a log file. Which is it?

I am not an admin, I asked you which server you administer. Failing that, which server does your friend administer?

You're calling me childish but all I said was that I've seen enough admins on this very board correct retarded accusations like the ones you're throwing out, it sounds to me like you're taking it real fucking personally too.

I guess getting called out on bullshit and not being able to back it up really pisses some people off, who'd have guessed?

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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Yeah strife please share with us this server you or your 'friend' andminster. I would love to visit it.

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Sorry, I need to prove anything to you? Believe it or don't, doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to sit here and teach admins how to understand how to relate the coordinates in the log to the ingame format. As for the items, that's plain as day in the logs. There are enough douchey admins as it is.

How is the server i'm on relevent? What do you have to worry about, admins cant track you or your vehicles remember?

Edited by Strife

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Sorry, I need to prove anything to you? Believe it or don't, doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to sit here and teach admins how to understand how to relate the coordinates in the log to the ingame format. As for the items, that's plain as day in the logs. There are enough douchey admins as it is.

How is the server i'm on relevent? What do you have to worry about, admins cant track you or your vehicles remember?

So you're going to make accusations of potential admin abuse, but you "don't need to" prove anything to me and it "doesn't matter" to you? Do you really fail to see how fucktarded your logic is? It's clear at this point that you're just making shit up, congratulations on publicly humiliating yourself.

Next time you make accusations prepare your homework in case you get called on it. It's just a shame some active admins didn't come in here and mop the floor with you, as I have seen it happen numerous times on this board.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn
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