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I know why it is called Dayz

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I couldnt stop thinking about this, they maybe called it Dayz because they too like me cant wait and are just thinking about the 5 dayz that are left for the Payday: The Heist Wolf Pack DLC that will hit Steam on August 7th! I feel ya Dayz Devs!


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Think of it kind of like D-Day in WW2, that's when the Invasion of normandy began.

Switch it around a bit for the zombies and you get Day-Z, when the zombie attacks began.

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It's called Day Z because it's a day that the Zeds attacked.

Or Zombies. Depends on how you talk.

You mean because of the Zeeeeeeeeeeeeees attacked.. bwahhaa *troll* :D

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DayZ - Day Zero

The Day the infection began.

It even says Day 0 when you first spawn.

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I think the "Z" stands as a variable.

A variable meaning it could be any number, because no matter what day it is... You are still going to be out there... Still going to be surviving... Still going to be stuck in a world of zombies.

(Day 0, Day 32, Day 9,001) = Still zombies!

Edited by DRUNK_JESUSx561

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A brand new account, just to post that? Nobody's going to buy the DLC as a result of your post here, you know. Find a more appropriate place for your advertisement.

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It is Deans alphabet code for when we receive the Alpha, we are currently at the letter V. Z is Alpha launch launch day then it all goes back to A and we count again to beta and then of course restart again on our way to the final release. Its also another secret code in that 28 days had already been done so dean used Z in place of the number 26. 26 days or day 26.

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