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About raxx

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  1. raxx

    Vorkuta Roofs Video

    This is you just sitting on a roof for about 8 minutes then trying to kill somebody at the end and failing, if you decide to make more videos in the future could you at least make them a little bit entertaining?
  2. raxx

    I'm on IRC

    Confirmed for rideable cows in the standalone version
  3. raxx

    I'm on IRC

    Forever Alone Lightfoot
  4. raxx

    DayZ "Safety Button" Suggestion

    A lot of shotguns do have safety, it usually automatically sets itself when you reload the gun and is just a button kind of thing that you push in to take the safety off.
  5. And of course, there don't have to be conflicts for there to be any sensitive areas. Research places and some larger military bases (Such as the ATCs) would be tight on security. Also not forgetting the current situation with Afghanistan, there would be a lot of things going on relating to that that would be secret.
  6. All depends on the locations, some places house no secrets and has no reason to prevent you from taking pictures. Satellite images would tend to avoid military bases since they can see into the compound and past the fences/walls that would usually stop you from seeing inside, you may be able to see things from the sky that you can't see from the ground which may be classed as confidential.
  7. raxx

    I know why it is called Dayz

    Think of it kind of like D-Day in WW2, that's when the Invasion of normandy began. Switch it around a bit for the zombies and you get Day-Z, when the zombie attacks began.
  8. raxx

    Trip Flare

    Yea, I think it should be kept to non-lethal traps such as flares, tin cans/bottles and smoke.
  9. raxx

    Trip Flare

    I like the idea of this, say they put a new item in called string which could be used for a few different things. Flares could be set up with it to trigger in a radius or perhaps across a line if possible. You could also use empty tin cans and bottles as suggested above to make a sound alert which would function during the day too.
  10. raxx


    I'm not too sure the CPU will be up to it either unless you run on very low settings, i'm no expert at this though and know even less about laptops.
  11. raxx


    hmm, search for "can i run it" in google and try the first link.
  12. raxx


    http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx look for ARMA 2 in there and check the results, will give you an idea on what you need.
  13. Do this, it will help us in regards to telling you what you might need to upgrade or possible things to do to increase performance.
  14. raxx

    Paying someone to fix my DayZ

    Also try verifying your ARMA and OA files in steam to make sure there isn't a corrupt one in there.