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Why do people call them zeds

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Why are you guys arguing pointlessly over what the mobs in the game should be called? Zeds, Zees, Infected, Zombies. I honestly don't care what you call them.

No one is arguing, the OP is an idiot an he is being told so.

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Seriously u sound like faggots

Hello there

You're saying I sound like a tasty meat product or a homosexual?

And if so, what do they sound like to you?

Meat products don't generally speak to me and homosexuals sound the same as straight people, to my ears.



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No I meant ppl who call zombies zeds soundike fags

No one truly knows what you meant but humour clearly passes you by.


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Seriously u sound like faggots

Well, I'm American, and I pronuce DayZ(Zee) as DayZ(Zed). So, I'm apparently, a faggot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Luka25

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Stereotypical American - Check...

It is indeed stereotypical, and like all stereotypes it is bullshit.

No other yanks are responsible for his idiocy.

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Ahh TC must be one of those pig headed americans you hear about on stuff like are you smarter than a fifth grader who know nothing other than their own country. I know you're not nearly all like that. But there are quite a few. We just found one.

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Shut up, You major fucking Faggot.

[Warned - 4L4N]

Edited by 4L4N
Unnecessary posting/Homophobic slurs.

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What if we forget about the stupid Zees and Zeds, and we call them Zombies?

Exactly what I'm trying to say

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americans really should stay off the international scene.. especially when it confuses them...

its dayZ pronounced DAY ZED in most of the world... so we shoot z (zeds)

you of course call it day zee, and maybe call them Z (zee )

in pulp fiction the guy is called zed but his key ring is a Z (not zed)

so zed is dead baby... not zee is dead...

reminds me of that doogy dog stuff from another thread (the saying is " who wants to live in a dog eat dog world?")

I understand how u pronounce z is zed

I'm saying call them fucking zombies

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I understand how u pronounce z is zed

I'm saying call them fucking zombies

I'm saying "mind your own business, I'll call them what ever I bloody like."

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