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Why do people call them zeds

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I hate people who use gay slurs such as 'faggot' and seem to forget the definition of gay. Fucking hell, what is it your business anyway? In a game, a persons sexuality is not relevant.

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Americans will love this post because they are too stupid to realise Im taking the piss, its win win.

We have a winner!

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What is a zed anyway? Bunch of retards.They are called zombies.

no actually, they're called INFECTED.


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The dude that made this thread sounds really very scary and even quite butch at times. I for one am intimidated by him and will now forget that I'm from Europe and start trying to be more American.

Have a nice day.

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Miles better than those people who say "baddie" to describe someone they percieve as bad at a game. Not only does it make them sound 4 years old, they're also usually the one who is shit at the game.

I don't use it but I don't think "zed" is all that bad. Just a capitalised pronunciation of their first letter. Could've come up with worse. Like "zees" or "zeebies". I'll stop before I give out any other ideas.

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If you call them Zeeee it could sound like C. Thats why you call em Zeds. Thats why in Nato Alphabet a Three is pronounced Tree, a four is a Fow-er and a nine is a Nin-er.

Finally it makes sense...

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Is it that big of a deal that someone calls something a different name than you? Diversity = Evil!!! Grr, this thread hardly deserves a spot on these forums, and if you're going to use such foul language, please take your complaints elsewhere.

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no actually, they're called INFECTED.


No they're not unless you can accurately imply there's a virus involved. I just call 'em SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT Oh Goddamn it GO AWAY

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Seriously u sound like faggots

For every bug report, helpful hint or piece of feedback on these forums there are about 250 worthless posts like yours.

Just putting that out there, food for thought.

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americans really should stay off the international scene.. especially when it confuses them...

its dayZ pronounced DAY ZED in most of the world... so we shoot z (zeds)

you of course call it day zee, and maybe call them Z (zee )

in pulp fiction the guy is called zed but his key ring is a Z (not zed)

so zed is dead baby... not zee is dead...

reminds me of that doogy dog stuff from another thread (the saying is " who wants to live in a dog eat dog world?")

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Why are people so worked up about what they are called? Zed is the Latin Alphabet version of the American letter "Z". People just like to use it as a nickname to call the zombies. It's slang, there are many slang words in this world and zed is one of them. I'm American and I don't find a problem with it as long as I know what people are talking about when they say it. Personally, I usually say "walker", "hopper", or "crawler" based on the zombie's movement.

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Seriously u sound like faggots


1. Slang for a Zombie, usually of the George A. Remereo (famous zombie movie director) type. Used commonly in the Max Brooks two novels: World War Z, and The Zombie Survival Guide. Used by zombie fans as a short cut to typing or saying the word.

2. The "proper" English way of pronouncing the letter Z

1. I just watched Dawn of the Dead and the ZEDS in that were fast!

2. I just got done reading World War Zed, and was it freaky

Google is your friend.

Edited by Anthrax12
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Seriously u sound like faggots


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No they're not unless you can accurately imply there's a virus involved. I just call 'em SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT Oh Goddamn it GO AWAY

Now that you mention it, thermal vision indicates the zombies give off a heat signature. Doesn't sound like normal characteristics of a dead person to me (well neither is walking around but you see what I'm getting at).

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1. Slang for a Zombie, usually of the George A. Remereo (famous zombie movie director) type. Used commonly in the Max Brooks two novels: World War Z, and The Zombie Survival Guide. Used by zombie fans as a short cut to typing or saying the word.

2. The "proper" English way of pronouncing the letter Z

1. I just watched Dawn of the Dead and the ZEDS in that were fast!

2. I just got done reading World War Zed, and was it freaky

Google is your friend.

Probably his only friend.

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well im going to call them zeds, and im calling all of you ridiculous for getting a little worked up over nothing.

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Why are you guys arguing pointlessly over what the mobs in the game should be called? Zeds, Zees, Infected, Zombies. I honestly don't care what you call them.

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