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Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

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Wow it's awful. The inventory/loot system is horribly implemented, item usage is just weird (it was weird before, now we have to open our bags? even weirder), menus are a joke (have you looked at the keybind section?)...

It's one of the worst, clunkiest game I've ever seen. I would pay full retail in a heartbeat for this game on a legit, non-scrub interface.

Am I the only one?

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It's a military sim.............bro you don't need an rpg like menu system and inventory when your playing arma2....if your worried about that then of course Arma isn't your cup of tea

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Must be a CoD'irther. Like the other person said, u dont like it, dont play. Random dislike threads are not constructive to the DayZ mod.

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I like the new menu system. It lets me choose exactly what I want to eat or drink so it doesn't use up cans of soda when I want to use a canteen, or use cooked meat when I have full blood and only need a can of food.

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It's always been like that, all the way back to Operation Flashpoint, hardcore fans deal with it. 2 months ago, before DayZ, there was only 2000 players TOPS still playing. Other awesome MOD's are struggling to stay alive because of the low player base.

Let's hope they've done a good job with ARMA 3 but for now there isn't much to be done about it.

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Same as Orbital. I just hope the player base will still be stable once DayZ will eventually be out of it's alpha/beta stage.

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Am I the only one?

Nope. I agree. I didn't buy Arma 2 until I heard about DayZ, and with good reason. The massive maps and high detail is awesome, but it's very clunky. I do love the helicopter tutorials though. Good practice.

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Honestly, as someone who hadn't played Arma 2 before this game, I actually like the inventory system. You do not magically have your bag open in real life, so thus one must open it to access items in the bag. Obviously it isn't the BEST system but nonetheless, it is quirky. :)

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i'm sorry you're too used to your COD/BF arcade shoot-em-ups. arma is an entirely different type of game, and in my opinion, vastly better than those games in every regard. the engine was never designed for zombie mods - it's surprising how great dayz runs as it is.

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Honestly' date=' as someone who hadn't played Arma 2 before this game, I actually like the inventory system. You do not magically have your bag open in real life, so thus one must open it to access items in the bag. Obviously it isn't the BEST system but nonetheless, it is quirky. :)


I have to say, this is hilarious... I love the explanation! Ahahahhaa

i'm sorry you're too used to your COD/BF arcade shoot-em-ups. arma is an entirely different type of game' date=' and in my opinion, vastly better than those games in every regard. the engine was never designed for zombie mods - it's surprising how great dayz runs as it is.


Don't be confused by my post - the engine and the way this mod runs is subpar (compared to a real game), but that's totally acceptable for what this is - an Alpha "experiment". I am totally with cool choppy, clunky zombies and less than stellar gameplay.

It's the design of the Arma interface that I'm talking about, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the game being "hardcore". It has to do with having a brain when designing the inventory screens, ui, item usage, key mappings, etc. It's just bad.

Thanks to those who chimed in on both sides. I was curious what the general feeling was.

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Well, the beauty of ArmA2. If you don't like the inventory system, write your own. The ACE team did a pretty awesome job with a new system. It is very popular with people.

The ArmA2 system wasnt designed to do what I have been doing with it, so its easy to be critical. Rewriting this to a new one would not be majorly difficult but it would take time.

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Wow it's awful. The inventory/loot system is horribly implemented' date=' item usage is just weird (it was weird before, now we have to open our bags? even weirder), menus are a joke (have you looked at the keybind section?)...

It's one of the worst, clunkiest game I've ever seen. I would pay full retail in a heartbeat for this game on a legit, non-scrub interface.

Am I the only one?


ACE. Go look into it.

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Don't be confused by my post - the engine and the way this mod runs is subpar (compared to a real game)' date=' but that's totally acceptable for what this is - an Alpha "experiment". I am totally with cool choppy, clunky zombies and less than stellar gameplay.


You don't understand Real Virtuality engine and that is why you think its subpar compared to a "real game". "Real games" were designed for smooth game-play which designers thought conveyed a better experience. They don't try to try to simulate an entire world and its entities. No matter how much crap we give A2 for its clunkiness and quirks, there is no engine out there that is capable of real time simulating thousands, even tens of thousands of entities and AI at the same time while capable of supporting hundreds of players. Yeah there is a bit of desync every now and then and the system could always be improved for better performance but there is no other engine possible of creating this type of environment (correct me on this if I am wrong, but please do so with concrete examples of engines in use and not proof of concept projects). In fact part of what you like about DayZ so much is the fact that the A2 engine can build and allow players to run around in this giant virtual world at the same time. You might be alone in your little town or part of the woods but you know that there are potentially 49 other players out there in the same world fighting zombies, looting, engaging other players, building fortifications, doing something and you never know when you might run into one. As far as I know there isn't another engine that can replicate this sort of experience.

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Funny, something of years and years of tradition and a dedicated fanbase, when it becomes famous people expect it to be shaped for the mainstream. Why would you assume the creator would want that in the first place? Muny?

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I wouldn't really have a problem with the interfact if certain actions felt more.... snappy, I guess. Like when you're clicking a can of food to eat it, there's often a brief delay before it actually happens. Also, I have problems looting sometimes because when I double click an item to put it in my inventory, nothing happens at first. Sometimes this magically puts the item in my pack 30 seconds later, sometimes it prevents me from looting at all.

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The OP definitly doesnt understand what ARMA II is about. ARMA II is a MILITARY SIMULATOR, not a RPG. And the inventory system does its job for a military sim. Matter of fact you only open the inventory menu when you want to pick something up/drop something in arma. Which is quite rare due to the fact that you usually stick with that your kit has. You don't use inventory for anything else which is very unlike DayZ were somone has to use it very frequently to use items/sort.

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Id love to see your verson of a better system op.

Thanks for contributing nothing to the actual discussion.

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Arma 2 is both a horrible game and a great game at the same time.

The netcode is awful, the game is horribly optimized, the interface is bad. Yet those things aside its extremely good at what it does, and it really is the only game out there that can give you these kinds of experiences atm. Also the fact that it is greatly moddable is really its absolute greatest strength. Once you've played amazing mods like day z or ace+acre and go back to the vanilla game, you get kinda disappointed.

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Id love to see your verson of a better system op.

Thanks for contributing nothing to the actual discussion.

Seeing as this discussion has been over many times on the bis forums with working examples and this thread is a bitch and moan thread I think I contributed just fine.

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You obviously can’t survive on ARMA2, longer than you do on Day Z .

You only purchased the game for Day Z anyway, like 90% of those playing it, so stop injecting your irrelevant thoughts on to us please.

Though i do understand your whining, ARMA fans have been playing for years on Game Spy and Steam Servers (thousands of them) and the majority are kicking your Arses on Day Z because of the ARMA experience, some are those who have the highest kills and are living the longest.


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