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Huey+almost all vehicles

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wow man never found that much b4 without chopper xD so glad they are back in game makes it so easy lol i hoarded it for my clan problem lonewolfs?

The tone and how you write your replies make it look as if you have some serious, deep issue.

Either you're a troll, which would support the fact that your replies make you sound like a 10 year old arguing over who has the better sandcastle..

Or you're genuinely .. well.. I'm probably not allowed to make direct insults so [insert insult regarding mental defection here].

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The tone and how you write your replies make it look as if you have some serious, deep issue.

Either you're a troll, which would support the fact that your replies make you sound like a 10 year old arguing over who has the better sandcastle..

Or you're genuinely .. well.. I'm probably not allowed to make direct insults so [insert insult regarding mental defection here].

Now you should ask him if he cares.

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No, its not hard to fly around the map flying cars... it just shows youve never done it. above the canopy.. its incredibly easy to spot vehicles.

and not to bash on your stash... but.. a few crappy cars and a quad is hardly 'almost all vehicles' when you are missing some of the best offroads there are..

1, UAZ's

2, BAF Offroad

3, Ural

4, V3S Civ

come back when you have th ose! :P

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Nice work.

Fuck everyone who dislikes your collection.

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Then why make the snarky comment.

A man's gotta pass his time somehow.

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a quick gametracker look at "act" and i found they play on US 941. joined the server, saw 3 different choppers flying around. fucking lol


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saw 3 different choppers flying around. fucking lol

Odd. Considering there is only 1 legit heli per server.

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It's obviously at the edge.

By the looks of the tree type, direction of the heli, it is north line.

The terrain looks like around the far northwest.

Look for high terrains. It's at the top of the mountain.

Could be wrong though, but enjoy the hunt guys.

The server might be US 602 or US 941 like dylan said

EDIT: I wasn't going to do this if the OP didn't show such rude behavior.

Edited by Bahhh

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Is there a us 602?

Just checked it, currently closed now.

Maybe the admin got pissed because of this :)

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Nice :)

I remember the time I had 4 Choppers 2-3 UAz's 2 ATV's and a minivan xD

Was so fun raiding chernarus with 4 choppers

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A simple scan around the edges of the map and your camp will be found.

I just hope I'm the one to do it

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Reading through most of these posts, I think it's awesome you found all of those vehicles.

And did what you did for your friends.

But, when you come to the community forums and act like this,

That's pretty bad. Your ability to communicate with other people via a forum is awful, and needs work.

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trust me its US 941 northwest corner of the map. i logged in, destroyed all the vehicles. server restarts so i wait a while and log in and destroy all their vehicles again.

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trust me its US 941 northwest corner of the map. i logged in, destroyed all the vehicles. server restarts so i wait a while and log in and destroy all their vehicles again.

Nice to know are you the hacker that bombed our base? spawned a few choppers? after this ammo boxes appeared north of stary we have clan mates who saw the bombings so gg hacker

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i may have brought more attention than you wanted to your location and your server but i only bombed your campsite in the northwest. anything else was somebody else giving you what you deserved lolz

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not butthurt you just think your a boss because you hop on an empty server and scoop up all the vehicles ,WOW YOUR AMAZING MAKE MORE VIDEOS/PICTURES , if your a real player you would post what server you play on and what time your on ect ooooooooh wait you did and someone fucked your shit up :( . anyone can jump on an empty server and pull this shit off. way to be a tool

Edited by :VADER:

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Nice to know are you the hacker that bombed our base? spawned a few choppers? after this ammo boxes appeared north of stary we have clan mates who saw the bombings so gg hacker


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gtfo my thread scrub come back when you have something better than a lee enfield and a makarov mkay and raid other bandits and win and steal vehicles from all over the map

Sure. I think you need to grow the fuck up and learn that pretty much everyone here is equal - anyone playing DayZ can get ghosted or found and ambushed at any time, that's life. I don't care about your MK48s and other shit gear, that's what happens when a partner and I go looking for maybe 20 minutes. You really need to learn some English and grammar too, by the way.








Now do us all a favor and go back to whatever lame ass first person shooter you came from. No one around here needs a person who gets lucky to think they own the world.

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