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Huey+almost all vehicles

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Nice to know are you the hacker that bombed our base? spawned a few choppers? after this ammo boxes appeared north of stary we have clan mates who saw the bombings so gg hacker

lololol go cry to mama now haha

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hoarding like a boss found chopper and raided over 10 separate camps along with every vehicle stolen

Hell yeah! Don't know why everyone is complaining considering you have a big clan and all will be used. Either way if we find a vehicle it is going with us to our camp! Not just gonna leave that shit behind..
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Sure. I think you need to grow the fuck up and learn that pretty much everyone here is equal - anyone playing DayZ can get ghosted or found and ambushed at any time, that's life. I don't care about your MK48s and other shit gear, that's what happens when a partner and I go looking for maybe 20 minutes. You really need to learn some English and grammar too, by the way.

Now do us all a favor and go back to whatever lame ass first person shooter you came from. No one around here needs a person who gets lucky to think they own the world.

I dont think im lucky just showing how fun this game is and everyone trolls everytime and it gets annoying, and a hacker bombed my base i dont care its part of the game gets boring when u have everything its fun starting off new, seriously why all the need for the hate? i got lucky had the best 12 hrs playing dayz and helped out my entire clan wow im such a douchebag and im a troll and blah blah blah people bitch so much on internet and need to play more then just sit on forums all day.


right hes so obvious

lololol go cry to mama now haha

so you support hackers over someone enjoying a game? why cry? its a hardcore game i can handle death it happens. you will not survive for ever unless your a hacker or a alt+f4 bitch.

Edited by xxnickpwnsxx

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why were you so proud of this? i knew exactly what spot you were in and how to find you because you didnt edit your screenshots. your mindset behind this was "man im gunna look so good guys look how good i am!"

youre not handling your shit at all. you fucked up after being a pious asshole and now youre being a bitch about it. you gotta learn to play smarter than that if youre gunna try to rub it in our faces. what exactly was the end-game here? get a pile of cars and just leave them there barely inside the map? your campsite was garbage, your tents had nothing in them. you can thank me for not emptying them. or maybe someone else did, i dont know. you probably deserved it. xxnickpwnsxx is my bitch, for reals.

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why were you so proud of this? i knew exactly what spot you were in and how to find you because you didnt edit your screenshots. your mindset behind this was "man im gunna look so good guys look how good i am!"

youre not handling your shit at all. you fucked up after being a pious asshole and now youre being a bitch about it. you gotta learn to play smarter than that if youre gunna try to rub it in our faces. what exactly was the end-game here? get a pile of cars and just leave them there barely inside the map? your campsite was garbage, your tents had nothing in them. you can thank me for not emptying them. or maybe someone else did, i dont know. you probably deserved it. xxnickpwnsxx is my bitch, for reals.

mm hmm thats why right before you post this and after there is bombs falling over camp your just tryna cover yourself up loser

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hoarding like a boss found chopper and raided over 10 separate camps along with every vehicle stolen haha video coming soon






saluting for respect i flew over 12 hours not 1 crash and helped over 13 clanmates with the help of 2-4 good mates.

nice work, shut up and take my beans!

also, your member title "Helicopter Hunter" is quite fitting for this post. nice work in taking bandit's vehicles

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We have more ;)

2 buses, 2 offroad trucks, Ural, V3S, Blue van, Hatchback, GAZ, UAZ (red and normal), 3 tractors, 4 ATV's, 2 Dirtbikes, and 6 old bikes.

That's hoarding like a baws.

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Stoating about, feeling all proud because you use maphacks and raid shit and steal loot. Theres a word for people like you. Glory Whores.

Just act all hard, like you own the world, making as much noise as you can to get as much attention as you can, its rather pathetic. Your base was bombed, and I know, and we all know, deep down you were hurt by this as everyone is when it happens to them, but the only difference is, is that you sir, deserve that shit. You also had it coming to you, and it was just a matter time.

You brought this all on yourself with your constant cockiness, and as a large DayZ community owner, I can safely say you brought this upon yourself, and the worst part is that you say you 'got lucky' when you clearly didnt.

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Agree, whenever me and my friends find a good vehicle, we stop searching for any more. You only need enough seats to fit all your friends, you don't need to be a douche and keep everyone else from using cars.

Truth. This game is so much fun when you come across a vehicle and can ferry all your pals to the same location. Hoarding vehicles just ruins the server for everyone else.

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To krtshv i play on a EXPERT SERVER that can only be found in arma launcher not six launcher or dayz commander. no 3rd person all expert, flew huey for 12 hours not 1 crash or fuckup all in 1st person hate on the video too i like feedback

congratualtions you have teh same skill as me, mine took a couple of hours in the arma II armoury ... so not very much really

sorry no e-peen enlargment here for ya

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Stoating about, feeling all proud because you use maphacks and raid shit and steal loot. Theres a word for people like you. Glory Whores.

Just act all hard, like you own the world, making as much noise as you can to get as much attention as you can, its rather pathetic. Your base was bombed, and I know, and we all know, deep down you were hurt by this as everyone is when it happens to them, but the only difference is, is that you sir, deserve that shit. You also had it coming to you, and it was just a matter time.

You brought this all on yourself with your constant cockiness, and as a large DayZ community owner, I can safely say you brought this upon yourself, and the worst part is that you say you 'got lucky' when you clearly didnt.

but i aint even mad xD I LOVE HARDCORE GAMES DEAL WITH IT. rule numero uno DO NOT GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR OR LOOT! or your gunna have a bad time. i dont get mad anymore in dayz lol kill me take my shit grats! lol why get mad? you can always get everything back!

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sounds like you were pretty attached because ive gone back twice and your admin rolled back your server and you had the same shitty bus, van, and car sitting on top of that hill with those two tents. so yes, i will take your shit everyday so long as your admin restarts the server to your personal gain.

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sounds like you were pretty attached because ive gone back twice and your admin rolled back your server and you had the same shitty bus, van, and car sitting on top of that hill with those two tents. so yes, i will take your shit everyday so long as your admin restarts the server to your personal gain.

My admin?? I dont no him 1, 2 first time EVER playing that server, 3 he rolled back because YOU hacked in shit, 4 WTF is a maphack??

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My admin?? I dont no him 1, 2 first time EVER playing that server, 3 he rolled back because YOU hacked in shit, 4 WTF is a maphack??

Dear god, trying to read and make sense of this guy's posts is hurting my MIND.


I'm trying my best not to take any of it seriously.

He types as if he doesn't stop talking IRL,

that one guy who doesn't know when to stop responding to someone.

Like, telling a small child to be quiet, and they immaturely make a sound afterwards anyway.

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