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Sol (DayZ)

Can't beat them, join them

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Dudes, leave sol the attention seeking five year old alone and let him feel PRO after shooting freshly spawned people!!!!

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OK so here's my epic story... I'll try to paraphrase it otherwise we'll both be here all day.

This took place in entirety over about 3-4 days of actual play. We had like, 10+ hour sessions from Fri-Sun over the weekend much to the displeasure of my wife.

Team up with two friends, it's night. We move through Cherno almost immediately and manage to kit out with some OK guns. We head north (since I'd never even made it off the beach prior to this) and so through some small towns, looting and killing zombies. We make it to Stary Sober and find the skoda. After a few hours of scavenging and sneaking around we repair the car that was kindly pre loaded with guns. we make off north again in our new car until we find a suitable camping area. Next we all decide to scout for fuel since the car was low and we had like 4 empty jerry cans. We all decide to head to the NW airfield since we are camped somewhere nearby. We've never been there before but logic prevails that airfields have fuel and it was our best shot. After a few hundred zombies later and a bunch of new guns we get fuel and decide to head to Cherno again since we are now pretty low on medical supplies. We drive there in the night, and hide the car about 500m out. We decide to loot the hospital and one of our team gets killed by a guy in the apartments across the street. I take some hits and fall unconscious while my last friend manages to bandage me and give me a transfusion. As soon as I'm all fixed, I see the perp running off. I shot him with my 12 guage slug but only winged him, and he vanished. We threw my friends gear in the car and went to pick him up. After recovering him we went to drive back to camp and end our day, only to flip the car over on a washing machine just past Pavolo. We knew the car would flip back over on server restart so we left. End of day 1.

As soon as one of us woke up after the previous marathon night, the car was still there (and now right side up) and there happened to be some random dude pilfering through the gear. My axe said hello but I somehow missed and he was startled. He had a double barreled pointed at me, but he ran off almost immediately. I think he was out of ammo, and he was standing next to an upside down red skoda surrounded by piles of zombie corpses, to be freaked the fuck out by a guy with an axe. I noticed after that some wheels were damaged and that's the only reason the car was still there. 5 hours later we finally found some wheels and off we went. Shortly after arriving at camp again, we decided to do an airfield run again, since now we needed fuel and spare parts. Great idea until half way back the server did another random weird reboot, not only causing us to loose the gear we got from all the way back at the hospital and the airfield run we just did (yes we saved the car many many times in between), but three tires were flat again. After a couple more hours of wheel searching and several more server reboots, everything was just gone including our tents and other vehicles. They came back again after several more reboots and the wheels I had repaired were broken again. I gave up, and that ended day 2.

The next day someone else had repaired the car before we could get to it... my friend died somehow from the server rebooting so much, and so I decided to go pick him up once again, this time using the dirt bike. On the way I found our little red skoda, crashed headlong into, you guessed it, a washing machine. Two tires broken... luckily my friend had found one already... only one more to get. After a nice drive in the dark with no lights (lucky my monitor is awesome, so even with default gamma values I can KINDA see in the dark a little bit) I picked him up. We got all excited about getting the car back finally and decided to just write off the last bad events and carry-on. On the way back towards camp, and our car which was now up around Vybor area, I stopped to check the map briefly just north of Pustoshka. I pulled just off to the side of the road and stopped. I checked the map for about 5 seconds then heard it... pewpewpewpew a silenced weapon less than 30m away, mowing us both down with two wheels in our packs, our car just up the road, and our motorcycle now lying on it's side, motor still running.

That was the end of it all.

It's not even that though, which makes me change my play style. I was happy enough to die there (even though I was annoyed like FUCK) because I knew if I was in that dudes shoes, I would have killed me too because we had a motorbike and he didn't. At least he would have been like "FUCK YEAH", and had a legit reason to do it... even though had he been friendly he would have had access to all our other shit too (which is now somewhere in US 1192 in the forest, north-west of the NW airfield) but that's another story in itself. What did change me however, is reading the forums and realising I'm fighting a useless battle, and to make life easier on myself I'll become what I hate. I'm not blaming the community at all, they just made it obvious that what I was doing was wrong.


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Seriously like, why hasn’t anyone logged into his server and taken the this dude out? I would if I was a: more experienced with the game, b: online at the time in question & c: tooled up like a motherfucker, unfortunately I’m neither of those and would just end up another notch on his epeen belt but surely there’s a squad or some bored dudes out there that fancied a challenge, he offered up a pretty good one and certainly didn’t shy away from it..

As for I’m an indie dev about to release a beta game with zombies in it blurb, way to go endearing yourself to potential customers/gamers, not a cool way to start bro.

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someone will get you eventually. it's a popular place, people come from every direction, and you can't watch every direction

I think I'll run out of ammo first... I'm up to 38 murders now and have yet to be even shot at.

I find more enjoyment in helping people

I used to, now I don't give a fuck :)

Dudes, leave sol the attention seeking five year old alone and let him feel PRO after shooting freshly spawned people!!!!

I'm not 5, and you're extremely rude. What did I do to you? You on ANZ8 being shot by me? No? Then fuck off :)

Seriously like, why hasn’t anyone logged into his server and taken the this dude out? I would if I was a: more experienced with the game, b: online at the time in question & c: tooled up like a motherfucker, unfortunately I’m neither of those and would just end up another notch on his epeen belt but surely there’s a squad or some bored dudes out there that fancied a challenge, he offered up a pretty good one and certainly didn’t shy away from it..

As for I’m an indie dev about to release a beta game with zombies in it blurb, way to go endearing yourself to potential customers/gamers, not a cool way to start bro.

You're free to come and get me.

Also, I didn't "start" that way. I made a passing comment that someone challenged. I'm not here to hang my dick out. Notice I didn't mention what the game is or anything else about it apart from it has zombies?

Harden the fuck up mate.


Edited by Sol

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I just wanted to feel involved.

I'm not mad though... Why does everyone think I'm mad and raging?

I just changed my play style and made a guide for it... geez :/


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Sol man....take it easy if you wanna kill people that's fine, but don't feed the trolls alright. You're jsut makin it too easy for them, just enjoy yourself, o and by the way don't saty in any one spot too long kill and move man. Snipers number one rule never stay in the same place too long, good huntin!

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I just changed my play style and made a guide for it... geez :/

And I seriously thought you were an agave developer. You're being passive aggressive about a poor experience you had in DayZ.

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Sol man....take it easy if you wanna kill people that's fine, but don't feed the trolls alright. You're jsut makin it too easy for them, just enjoy yourself, o and by the way don't saty in any one spot too long kill and move man. Snipers number one rule never stay in the same place too long, good huntin!

I'm the troll here if anyone, not them... but cheers for the tip. I have been moving around but I think there are a some guys looking for me. I'm going to try and sneak around to the opposite side of town... it's dark and I think most of these guys are total noobies. I'm sure the server pros are looking for me as we speak.

And I seriously thought you were an agave developer. You're being passive aggressive about a poor experience you had in DayZ.

I'm sorry you feel that way, and at the same time am amazed at how you came to the conclusion that a bad experience in DayZ caused my change in thinking. Please, tell me more about me.

Also, if you read my posts entirely I mentioned what made me change... and it has nothing to do with any experience in the game at all, what so ever.


Edited by Sol

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NOTE: This is my guide on how to play DayZ the "right" way

So I now have a DMR with about 20 mags...

I'm going to sit on the hill in a tree for the next 10 hours and shoot anyone I see, regardless.

I hope you enjoy playing DayZ.


"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa people have been killing me in this sandbox PVP game and I don't like it.

I'm putting up an attention seeking post complaining about it but gonna phrase it in such a way that you'll all regret killing me because I'm so awesome at DayZ I'm going to make Cherno a living hell for all of you."

Move along. Next whine thread please.

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I feel like Sol is near ending it all IRL. He seems to be taking his decision to start pvp'ing in a pvp game very seriously.

Edited by WisdomSnork

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"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa people have been killing me in this sandbox PVP game and I don't like it.

I'm putting up an attention seeking post complaining about it but gonna phrase it in such a way that you'll all regret killing me because I'm so awesome at DayZ I'm going to make Cherno a living hell for all of you."

Move along. Next whine thread please.

Cool story bro. I can see you read the whole thread, and now you don't look stupid at all.

I feel like Sol is near ending it all IRL. He seems to be taking his decision to start pvp'ing in a pvp game very seriously.



Edited by Sol

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Cool story bro. I can see you read the whole thread, and now you don't look stupid at all.



Why in fucks name would I bother reading anymore than the "yet another whine about being owned" you wrote in the first post?

I shouldn't have even wasted my time reading that.

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But seriously. I do the same thing, I just didn't realize I was making a statement by doing it... I don't figure us shooting at anyone who strays too close is playing wrong, but I don't figure it's playing better either. I know a good amount of long time players who try to avoid fights and expand their groups. Personally I like to play with a group to get supplies and strike out on my own to rack up kills :]

I made a thread just recently saying the same, essentially... I like to stock up on all my necessities which usually takes a little hunting around and zombie dodging, maybe help out a friend who needs a transfusion... then I generally pick an area to look for people to shoot at in.

I love killing other players, it's a thrill in this game. Although I only have a paltry 10 murders :]

edit: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54148-i-will-gladly-shoot-you-on-sight-and-i-expect-the-same-from-you/#entry517894 that thread ;]

Edited by WisdomSnork

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Why in fucks name would I bother reading anymore than the "yet another whine about being owned" you wrote in the first post?

I shouldn't have even wasted my time reading that.

Because it helps you look less stupid when making a post about something you clearly don't know anything about. Instead you assume something about me, and act like an elitist jackass that's never gotten mad at anything before (even thouh, this thread isn't about me being mad... you seem to have anger problems or something though).

Whatever man, good luck in life, I wish you all the best.


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But seriously. I do the same thing, I just didn't realize I was making a statement by doing it... I don't figure us shooting at anyone who strays too close is playing wrong, but I don't figure it's playing better either. I know a good amount of long time players who try to avoid fights and expand their groups. Personally I like to play with a group to get supplies and strike out on my own to rack up kills :]

I made a thread just recently saying the same, essentially... I like to stock up on all my necessities which usually takes a little hunting around and zombie dodging, maybe help out a friend who needs a transfusion... then I generally pick an area to look for people to shoot at in.

I love killing other players, it's a thrill in this game. Although I only have a paltry 10 murders :]

Oh but the thing is, I'm not surviving... I'm killing everyone I see simply because I can, not because I need to. I'm enjoying the rage strangely enough... I can see why the kids of today act like dickheads. It's fun apparently.


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You're free to come and get me.

Also, I didn't "start" that way. I made a passing comment that someone challenged. I'm not here to hang my dick out. Notice I didn't mention what the game is or anything else about it apart from it has zombies?

Harden the fuck up mate.


try re-reading my post again "matey", i neither have the equipment, time nor the experience or else i would be all over this, to post a screenshot of your lifeless body in this post would surely be full of win.. Harden the fuck up!? come now, no need to get snarky.

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Oh I see, so on a forum you don't actually say what you mean in your first post, you make a retarded one whining like millions of others then make people wade through loads of shit to get to your actual point later in the thread when people already think you're a moron?

I had no idea.

Oh and thanks for the "good luck blessing". I'll be sure to attribute my next bout of good fortune to it.

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You ARE surviving, unless you are refusing to reup on food and drink and just killing people until you die from one thing or another?

Just like in real life, you get the shit you need so you can do the shit you want, in this case... you spend time collecting clips so you can enjoy your leisure time capping nubs ;]

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ANZ 8, on the side of some hill in the woods north of Cherno... it's pitch black but I have NVGs so come get me :D

I've got NVGs, too. Glad it's an Australian server :D

But I'm way too far off, sorry. Haha.

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Oh I see, so on a forum you don't actually say what you mean in your first post, you make a retarded one whining like millions of others then make people wade through loads of shit to get to your actual point later in the thread when people already think you're a moron?

I had no idea.

Oh and thanks for the "good luck blessing". I'll be sure to attribute my next bout of good fortune to it.

That's weird as hell because what you said, and what I wrote are not the same. Nowhere was I whining or complaining about anything. I was stating how I had discovered the correct way to play the game, and was sharing it with everyone. You're worse than my wife putting words in my mouth and saying I mean something else by what I said. It's not my fault you're such a pessimist and obviously think the worst of everyone/everything.

You ARE surviving, unless you are refusing to reup on food and drink and just killing people until you die from one thing or another?

Just like in real life, you get the shit you need so you can do the shit you want, in this case... you spend time collecting clips so you can enjoy your leisure time capping nubs ;]

Yeah I have food and water, enough to last my ammo... after that I don't care, I'll start over again and keep doing it.


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You're really maximizing the boring, though. I mean, if it's max fun to you, so be it. But that's about as boring as you can make it. I definitely love shooting unarmed people on the coast but I generally do that between helping friends with whatever they're up to.. or maybe engaging in a riskier ambush but all together just to liven things up.

I mean, I get where you're coming from and I'm very happy for you that no one has taken the time to come and kill you. Let us know what you do after this gets boring lol

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You're really maximizing the boring, though. I mean, if it's max fun to you, so be it. But that's about as boring as you can make it. I definitely love shooting unarmed people on the coast but I generally do that between helping friends with whatever they're up to.. or maybe engaging in a riskier ambush but all together just to liven things up.

I mean, I get where you're coming from and I'm very happy for you that no one has taken the time to come and kill you. Let us know what you do after this gets boring lol

I don't think it will ever get boring, until they add more stuff to do in the game other than "find gun, kill everyone".

If I had some means of protecting my gear, vehicles, and such... like I don't know say, a lock and key... then really there's no point in collecting anything more than you need to shoot the fuck out of the server.

Pity it reduced to this so quickly, I was enjoying myself doing other fun stuff for a while... the general sourness of the community has pretty much forced me to play this way though, since there's no use in trying to play "properly" when everyone else is doing this incredibly fun stuff.


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That's weird as hell because what you said, and what I wrote are not the same. Nowhere was I whining or complaining about anything. I was stating how I had discovered the correct way to play the game, and was sharing it with everyone. You're worse than my wife putting words in my mouth and saying I mean something else by what I said. It's not my fault you're such a pessimist and obviously think the worst of everyone/everything.

Yeah I have food and water, enough to last my ammo... after that I don't care, I'll start over again and keep doing it.


Your thread is entitled, "can't beat them, join them". Throughout the thread you whine you can't find anything fun to do, and so will do this "unfun" thing instead.

You're actually saying the only thing left to do is something that isn't fun and you're going to do it. How crappy must your life be to voluntarily play something unfun? Why don't you go and spend some with that "wife" of yours instead? After you inflate her ofc..

Stop defending yourself. Your thread is just another in a long line of whine.

Edited by omfgitsfrag

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