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FULL Weapon Comparison Resource?

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I've found an up to date (in regards to recent patches) weapon comparison table, but it lacks a lot of pointers such as weapon fire rate, recoil, all of that. I know this is all available on the wiki as well.


I was curious as to whether there was a complete and up to date weapon table or perhaps even a list from best to worst guns in each category, with pros and cons for each gun.

I'd say it needs to be completely up to date with patches, etc.

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It is up to date.

RoF is a bit harder to calculate than damage and recoil is mostly user preference (some might say the SAW has a large recoil, but I find it better than the AKM's).

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The Makarov vs the PDW, for example.

They show the same damage, but apparently one is exponentially better than the other. Why?

Will the rate of fire on one be different and therefore make it better?

Does the shown damage for each gun indicate the number of body shots to kill? Headhosts?



This resource outlines weapon refire rate. So for the Bizon, does 889 damage mean per shot? Because it's got a very high refire rate, and if the listed damage is per shot then it would therefore be high damaging weapon.

Edited by Sasstraliss

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