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I spawn and as soon as I leave the beach I'm attacked by zombies and eaten. I respawn just outside of cherno go around a corner and I'm attacked by zombies. I respawn make it to a barn and find ... a jerry can! go to the sheds down the road and.... rotor parts and a tire!! Just say screw it and run into town like a mad man after all there must be weapons there... oh a makarov yay. It only took 4 headshots to kill a zombie! Oh would you look at that zombies can climb ladders!! I respawn on the beach....

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Nope sounds about right. Welcome to the end of the world Zompocolypse style.

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Look at the several recently created forum posts probably 1 or 2 rows under this one, with lots of comments, trolling, and complaining.

I am not trying to be sarcastic. Those threads will give you a lot of info. Someone complains or loves it, and it goes from there explaining why and what to do.

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Have you seen the movie 28 days later? That's kinda what this world is like. These "zombies" are actually infected people, they are intelligent (open doors, run fast, climb ladders) and aggro can only be dropped by line of sight. You need to go through buildings with an entrance and exit, or drop prone after going behind a couple of walls/bushes yadda yadda. The eye and ear on the side of your screen let you know how much you can be seen and heard by them.

The handgun nerf was done in Arma and is going to be addressed or so I hear for this mod DayZ, which uses Arma's engine. Hit up the grocery store, apartment buildings, the school house, deer blinds.

Edited by Ghoulina

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All I need is to get a hatchet without being eaten. After that I stay alive for a good long time. Getting one is the problem.

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Deer blinds? lol all I've ever found in one of them is Zombies and a backpack.

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Ok Ok let me not troll.

Learn to forget what you know about FPS's this is not CoD or BF its a simulator. These zombies are like the Rage zombies from 28 days later they can do what you can outside of using weps.

Learn to sneak and watch zombie movement (although the broken zombies from 100+ yards away are rather a bitch atm).

Barns are your friend for low tier weps. Not only can you usually find one in them the zeds have to walk through buildings atm.

Learn to get off the beach asap to escape most PVP. When PVP happens remember this is a PVP game with RPPVE elements and well it happens.

Not everyone is going to be friendly or hostile but at the moment the general rule of thumb is to attack first ask questions later. It sucks but sadly its a rule to live by.

IF they are unarmed dont be a douche and just pop them. You may make a friend and partner in crime or survival.

Food and water are not an issue once you learn to be smart even though its overwhelming at first. Once you have a Hatchet Knife and matches food becomes trivial. Once you have a canteen water also becomes trivial.

If you think you found a good camping spot chances are someone else has been there.

Always be paranoid. As soon as you become complacent is usually when you die. Stupidly at that.

Learn how items spawn. There is a radius from your character that things spawn. If you learn to figure it out then you can check towns in advance. If their are zeds someones already in there.

Thats a few hints. The rest you will pick up as you go.

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Right side screen: Ear and eye icon.

Toggle crouch, always run crouched.

If you see/hear zombies before they see you, switch to walking or crawling.

Pick up empty bottles/cans, press F to switch weapon mode to throw, hold fire to throw cans/bottles, use them to distract zombies away from the places you want to search.

Edited by Dallas

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And when the zombies see me from behind a building 500m away?

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Yeah i'm missing skill that's why weapons aren't spawning near me can't be bad luck.

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Yeah i'm missing skill that's why weapons aren't spawning near me can't be bad luck.


learn to search for places to find weapons, dont just run into the first town you see. there may be a barn nearby with only 1 or 2 zombies about. click on the small blue icons in that map, look at all the houses which spawn loot, try to remember what they look like and ignore the rest. scout out a town for those places, and if you need to crawl all the way there to avoid zombies then do. the idea isnt to kill zombies. as soon as you fire, remember all players around have heard you, and may be coming for you. so you want to try and get items from the most secluded places you can find, not towns unless totally necessary.

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Yeah i'm missing skill that's why weapons aren't spawning near me can't be bad luck.

Actually, it could be a desynch issue. It can take items up to 10 minutes to fully spawn in a location.

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You don't even need to stealth in this current version. Run right through churno and elektro, kite zeds around and through buildings, use this map:http://dayzdb.com/map to pick your target locations. Hit up firestations, grocery stores, and residential spots and the hospital. You'll have a trail of zeds, but they can't hit you while you are running and they slow to a crawl in buildings.

Easy peasy.

Now you are kitted up. Head north and make a quest for yourself.

Edited by cragzeek

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learn to search for places to find weapons, dont just run into the first town you see. there may be a barn nearby with only 1 or 2 zombies about. click on the small blue icons in that map, look at all the houses which spawn loot, try to remember what they look like and ignore the rest. scout out a town for those places, and if you need to crawl all the way there to avoid zombies then do. the idea isnt to kill zombies. as soon as you fire, remember all players around have heard you, and may be coming for you. so you want to try and get items from the most secluded places you can find, not towns unless totally necessary.

I realize that making noise = death. I had just come off a string of 5 or 6 spawns where I never found anything I COULD make noise with not even a hatchet. 4 empty deer stands in one life is a little disheartening.

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Find a low pop server, sprint into Chern/Elek loot ALL THE PLACES while kiting zombies through buildings. Once you've got the necessities (survival gear yay!) GTFO into the wilderness. Head north while searching deer stands for lucky drops of military grade crap, if you want to risk it try zerging airfields/military. If not scavenge the small/medium towns that everyone else ignores. Make friends, get gear, decide to be a bandit and/or group up/lone wolf.

Break legs on closing doors, die of dehydration next to lakes, congratulations you are successful at zombie life.

Die unexpectedly, do it all over again.

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Don't give up on the game yet, the first few weeks where tough for me to, but now I am very good at the game and having a blast.

Edited by kozzy

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Right after my last post I played some more. Explored electro looted some firestations and the grocery store. Then killed and was murdered by a bandit.

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Right after my last post I played some more. Explored electro looted some firestations and the grocery store. Then killed and was murdered by a bandit.

Get used to that. It happens all the time.

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I think you misunderstood that part was FUN.

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