csharp 47 Posted August 2, 2012 Another griefer, that never bothered to find out the original idea of this game. (which I think is dead)What is the original idea of this game? Surviving? Thats so damn easy without pvp, that there is no reason for that. I can play for 15mins and i have weapon to hunt, i have hatchet to make wood, i have knife to gut animals, i have matches to make fire, i have container for water. So what then? Okay i need better weapon for hunting down animals, since ak74 is not good enough. Wait, it is. So i don't need any better loot. Do you suggest that i would sit 2hours per day just cooking meat, and "explore" chernarus, which i am pretty familiar with? No, i don't need to do that. I want to have fun with the game, i want to feel the game. The adrenaline rush you get from this game is amazing.And small question to the end; Do you ever think that even us, "the bandits", will go trough the same shit you do? We have to find good gear, we have to find food and stuff, we will die, but thats just the name of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted August 2, 2012 People will complain as long as there is a way to inconvenience them. Law of gaming.-MONSTER 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J.R 1 Posted August 2, 2012 beans for you my man. these kids really need to learn how to play. get off the coast and explore other towns and watch some fucking guides or something....fuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nexus545 13 Posted August 2, 2012 I'm having fun looting and gaining so far and I haven't killed another player (except my friend who ran in front of me but what's a guy to do?) and I haven't died in at least a week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vexus 25 Posted August 2, 2012 An example is of me laying above Stary Sobor today and spotting 2 companions going north together. I scope in on them and watch them, to determine where they are going and why. I see them approach a deerstand when all of a sudden a gunfight breaks out between them and another guy coming from Stary behind them. One of the two companions dies, and at that point I have located the third person, the killer, sitting behind a bush in perfect view and shooting distance; And I kill him.I lay there for 10-15 minutes more, I see another guy coming by but he never gives me a clear view of him so I never take the shot. I decide to move away, and I do. 20 meters away, someone starts unloading at me from behind, I get hit once but I survive.THAT, is the thrill of the hunt. THAT, is what I play for.Ouch... 'survived' means 'ALT-F4 QUICKLY!!!'Such shame, and to those who gave beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robinhood (DayZ) 16 Posted August 2, 2012 - Creambomb "20 meters away, someone starts unloading at me from behind, I get hit once but I survive." <----- story endsHAHAHAHA THIS RAMBO ALT F4'd WELL DONE SIR!!! BRAVO! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creambomb 49 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) You're not very imaginative are you...You wanna hunt people, fine. Set up your own version of Hard Target. You and your buddies find one or two people that have nothing. Tell them they have a head start, and then you hunt them.There is nothing to do.....this is the lamest thing people use to counter their "I'm a bandit" argument. Use your fucking imagination for once.I've seen some seriously creative shit online. Like the group who picked up survivors on a bus and made 2 people fight to the death for their lives.This game is what you make of it. If this is what you want to do, fine, but FFS, stop staying there is nothing else to do.My example of a hunt I had was one I wrote down in my first post. It describes how unpredictable the hunt of players is, and that's what's fun. My imagination can't make up the way people will act and react, and that's the awesome part.You'd be lucky to find random people to do any of those things with you. If you take a buss to a populated area like Chern or Elektro, I can almost guarantee you will be shot at. Where's the fun in that?I did do something I thought was fun when I was freshly spawned once, I trained zombies into Elektro whilst yelling "ZOMBIE TRAIN! WOOO WOOO!" in the mic. That was kinda fun, even as some wanker started shooting after me :PI've got no problem with pking, it's fun to do, educational when it happens to you and part of the game. What I do find hilarious are all the internet tough guys saying in a REAL zombie apocalypse, I'd kill anyone I saw for their supplies just to survive a few more days. Really? In the impossible situation of a zombie apocalypse I'd honestly rather be dead by my own hands. Why would you want to prolong the agony of surviving in that hell? There will never be a new book written, or a new movie filmed. All your food from now on will be preserved crap or whatever you manage to hunt and kill. Relationships will devolve to either rape or caveman alpha-male dominance in a group. Quality of life is nil. You will never raise a family. I could go on, but fuck who would want to live like that?I didn't say that though. The reason people happily kill is not out of realism, it's out of greed, or as in my case the hunt. There is no reason to kill for greed when you have the gear that I have, there's hardly a reason to kill for greed even as freshly spawned, because it's risky as hell to go into a confrontation if you cannot guarantee that you will succeed in killing your target.I've avoided killing just as much as I have killed. It's an assessment of risk vs reward.I was laying on the NW airfield to see if I found someone to kill, preferably one of the clan members on that server at the time (I had killed one earlier, was fun). So I spot this one guy going from hangar to hangar, but I see he has the basic backpack and little else, so I never really take the shot. Then I hear someone shooting to my left, I turn and see some guy coming from the southern barracks, shooting zombies with an M16, and I killed him instead. Why? If you shoot an M16 on an airfield, you deserve to die :P- Creambomb "20 meters away, someone starts unloading at me from behind, I get hit once but I survive." <----- story endsHAHAHAHA THIS RAMBO ALT F4'd WELL DONE SIR!!! BRAVO!Do you really want the story of me escaping? You know, running and running and running a little more. Is that interesting? He shot me and missed all but 1 shot. I escaped from him and I nothing else happened. I survived.Another griefer, that never bothered to find out the original idea of this game. (which I think is dead)Looks like another illiterate carebear. Did you even read past the first sentance? You don't really put forth any counter-argument, you just parrot the same words that all the other carebears say.You don't even know what you're saying. The original idea? I sorta touched that part in my first post. But yeah, you haven't read it or are incapable of the simplest of comprehensions and insights. Edited August 2, 2012 by Creambomb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bazbake 456 Posted August 2, 2012 Put a muzzle flare on that gun, add twice as many zombies, make the gunfire audible from as far away as the gunshot is, and send a horde of zombies running in the sniper's direction. See how much fun that bandit would have sniping newspawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 81 Posted August 2, 2012 Wall of text.TL;DR s in the title.My own experience:I've died about 7-8 times, having played this game for about two months. Half my deaths are to zombies, because I was a complete nitwit when I started playing. The other half is to being shot. I don't know wether that is good or bad compared to the general populace, some of my friends have died well over a dozen times, but they take a lot of risks because they think it's fun.I have a ghillie, an AS50 rifle with 8 mags, GPS, NV, rangefinder, everything. I've found and had vehicles, the only thing I have left to aspire to is finding a helicopter and flying around like a bouse, I've even trained for the occassion.But here's the thing, even if I did find one I'd just get my mates and we'd fly to the popular areas and kill every living fucker we'd see. There is literally, nothing else that's exciting to do. That and it's fun to kill people, because we all know some of them will be the carebear whiners we all love to hate.Though let me tell you this, I have killed far less than I could've done. Some times I notice the shitty gear on someone, and I just don't bother. Other times, confrontation is too risky and not worth it. Many of you will go through this, people DO see you but avoid you. You just never know because... they avoid you.So you died today? Here's the major reasons why people die.1. You went into Cherno.2. You went into Elektro.3: You went to the NW airfield.4. You went to Balota airfield.5. You went to the NE airfield.6.You were running whilst standing up.7. You didn't have a clue.8. Bad luck, you ran into someone.9. <----All in all, the reasons most people die is because they take risks. Risks equals death or reward in this game, you better get used to it.Your two enemies in this game are zombies and other players, it's most likely you'll die to other players more than zombies because the players can shoot you.But why would they shoot you? Because they're noobs or because they've got all the gear they could ask for, like me.Noobs shoot you for the chance of getting better stuff. The geared people shoot you because there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO when you have what gear you need. Look for vehicles? Yeah you could do that, then what? You could hoard items, then what?Now that duping and hacking is rampant, gear is hardly a good enough reason to kill anyone anymore, unless you see a guy in a ghillie. I have several hoard tents I can just go to if I die and respawn, gear means nothing to me nor will I kill anyone for it. I will kill for the rush of the hunt. The only excitement left is to hunt for other players. The hunt for players is unpredictable as fuck and a real adrenaline kick. Even as I crawl through a throng of zombies, my only real worry is if another player see's me doing so.An example is of me laying above Stary Sobor today and spotting 2 companions going north together. I scope in on them and watch them, to determine where they are going and why. I see them approach a deerstand when all of a sudden a gunfight breaks out between them and another guy coming from Stary behind them. One of the two companions dies, and at that point I have located the third person, the killer, sitting behind a bush in perfect view and shooting distance; And I kill him.I lay there for 10-15 minutes more, I see another guy coming by but he never gives me a clear view of him so I never take the shot. I decide to move away, and I do. 20 meters away, someone starts unloading at me from behind, I get hit once but I survive.THAT, is the thrill of the hunt. THAT, is what I play for.But what about cooperation?What would you want to cooperate to? What would be the end goal? What is the purpose of risking cooperating with a complete, anonymous internet douchebag? When you achieve your goals, when you get your gear from possibly cooperating with a stranger, what then? You will eventually face a situation with zombies or most likely survivors, where you WILL die. And that touches another fundamental problem in player mentality: A lot of player can't handle dying.You will die, no matter what you do, you will die. Especially if you're a new player and don't know your way around. I cannot overstate this, count yourself as dead from the moment you spawn.Get rid of your pride. Drop that lootwhore attitude you got from World of Warcraft. This is an alpha of a modification, gaining and keeping gear is completely insignificant.QFEGreat Post and a rare form of knowledge. So rare especially from todays gamers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sealteamaus 16 Posted August 2, 2012 Enjoy the beans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sostronk 334 Posted August 2, 2012 Its difficult to learn to play whilst being spawn camped by experienced players. I hear that hacks are rampant in this game and it has made the learning curve easier for some people. Also this thunderdome seems to lose all that gear for some of those snipers camping spawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fauji 8 Posted August 2, 2012 Hey I'm fine with what this guy likes to do, but I bet he is a DC'er when it comes to being shot ;-)Horses for courses and we all get something different out of it.We recently have been trying to take a server over with a group of about 7-8 this other group has grown to 12 and we raid each other hunt each others bases and destroy all we can of their equipment and they of ours. We actually had a discussion with them on ts about joining forces and in the end we decided on keeping the status quo and then ambushed them. When we are not doing that we go looking for snipers overlooking Cherno and elektro, also love upsetting those guys who camp north west airfield watch them DC'ing in panic when we shoot them.The game gives a lot on different levels yes there will be times when you get bored but times of sheer exhilaration when you are under fire make up for those. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creambomb 49 Posted August 2, 2012 Its difficult to learn to play whilst being spawn camped by experienced players. I hear that hacks are rampant in this game and it has made the learning curve easier for some people. Also this thunderdome seems to lose all that gear for some of those snipers camping spawns.I don't camp the southern part of the island for fresh spawns though, that's boring and has no challenge at all. Nothing exciting about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZenBC 35 Posted August 2, 2012 Lets face it - bandits are only a problem because there's nothing else to do and no other incentives either. The solution is not to nerf bandits or remove weapons - the solution is to wait for more features as this is an ALPHA build of a game. Everyone crying about bandits are correct - bandits suck and nobody likes them. But add more features and challenges instead of removing the parts of the game already in place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quadg 5 Posted August 2, 2012 the problem with this post is there are 100's of PVP mods and scenarios for arma, which i play when I’m in the PVP mood. (needs ACE2 and ACRE for good team PVP)and only one zombie survival mod which i play when I’m in the mood for something different.i get what you’re saying though, the end game is definitely a bit dull. why I have stopped setting up tents and hoarding.. I prefer starting in a random place with no stuff, as I always seem to have more fun in the beginning..also bored of the sniper rifles, prefer a silenced weapon or a shotgun. Don’t usually bother with a pistol anymore.. just takes up space. Maybe setup an obvious camp instead of a “secret” one, late game. And take on all comers? You can then use the barbed wire and sand bags... Declare vishnoye yours on a server and defend it with your good stuff.. Basically they need to make zombies harder the further you get from the player spawns.. so you need that good gear to survive.. Make different zombies (harder ones) spawn or more of them.. that way you will need stuff to leave the coast and better stuff the further away you get. Raiding the barracks should be hard from a PVE standpoint, let alone a PVP standpoint. Now I’m not asking for PVP to be removed, I like the tension. Just not the grief from people who cannot come up with a better excuse than “I’m bored” Also its a sandbox so the definition “this is not a PvE game it’s a deathmatch game with zombies” is wrong..It’s a sandbox... all emergent game play is allowed.. statistically being a bored, griefing, well loaded bandit puts you in the minority.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malcotch 4 Posted August 2, 2012 Ok, so I guess you said they suck, they must suck. Didn't realize I was talking to so many of "the fucking kings of DayZ" here. My examples were simply to point out that there are things to do in a sandbox game if you have enough brainpower to come up with shit...I'm completely and 100% fine with bandits and murderers. I'm fine with other threats other than crappy AI. I'm just not fine with folks who seem to think that they have a right to tell everyone else how to play. There are plenty of ways to play this, none of which are wrong, but stop telling everyone how YOU want them to play. If I want to run through a field spamming AK fire lining up zeds for miles and miles, that's my choice. If I get killed by a bandit, I don't fucking care. I respawn and have fun getting my loot again. I'm not attached to it like so many of the people here on these forums seem to be.I agree ..one fix I want to see, if you die you lose all your shit, your inventory gets reset, including saved tents, vehicles etc. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Oh look, another thread where the OP actually tries to make a point and gets shat on by replies.He doesn't care what you think about the game, he's just trying to prove a concept on how the game CAN be approached, as 1 of many approaches. Do you people still not realise this game can be taken on in many different ways and views? Just play as you see fit or what seems fun to YOU, as long as you adhere to the general rules Rocket prescribes. Don't start forcing ideas on other people. If you don't have fun (anymore), don't play.It's really not that hard guys. Edited August 2, 2012 by Ferrex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fail (DayZ) 5 Posted August 2, 2012 Great, but you forgot to include hackers as the #1 reason for dying on your list. I just want to gank people fair and square, and if they get me, so be it. But then, some guy in a ghilie suit with unlimited health spoils the fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeCrick 8 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) I think Rocket really needs to see your post.This is what the player base has become, people with tons of gear shooting other players simply because they have nothing else to do. Now I disagree that there isn't anything left to do once geared up. Ultimately when I get bored I'll just stop playing not start shooting people for kicks, but I digress.However I tend to role play and run with friends, one of whom is useless and is always getting me into bad situations, which actually maintains my interest. However not everyone likes to play this way or CAN play this way and I can totally see WHY people end up resorting to the activities practised by the OP.There needs to be more, something to keep players like this interested, this will improve the state of the game, less n00b hunting and more player satisfaction.However, I will say that I 100% don't support your play style. It's frankly childish. You're expecting the game to provide you with challenges and activities instead of creating them for yourself. If you truly hunt other players then that's fine but your attitude suggests your 'hunting' is really just you watching high end loot spawns for people to pass by. Give yourself a higher purpose, seek out people who hunt n00bs, or protect high loot spawn areas for those players. More content should be added to the game to keep people playing but this game has never been about someone dictating a play style. Don't feel like you HAVE to do anything, make your own game.Don't try to convince us you're not all bad because you let one go here and there, that doesn't make you a better person it's just how you justify it to yourself. If you're a murdering bastard who kills for kicks then own that, be that person. I can't agree with that perspective but you know what? I'll respect the hell out of it.Seriously though people if you've got nothing better to do than shoot people all day then why the hell are you playing this game still? Take a break. Wait for a significant update and join in when there IS more to do. Let new players experience the game, It's not like it won't be here when you come back. Edited August 2, 2012 by MikeCrick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
@ndreas 15 Posted August 2, 2012 ... first of all: dying in DayZ is only so annoying due to the long loading times you experience often while waiting for another life to spawn.But though OP listed some good points (well elaborated too, so I shared some beans), I disagree with his statement that with lack of endgame goal the game leads you to kill (you may call it hunt) other players.Shooting around out of boredom is but a lame excuse.I think you don't get the idea/meaning of the term "sandbox game" right!"Sandboxes" provide not goal to achieve out of themselves.Playing in a "sandbox" is only as much fun as you by yourself are able to provide goals/challenges.Killing players as goal is a valid choice, but don't try to explain/excuse it with lack of endgame/boredom, just admit to it."Sandboxes" are not boring, you are boring.If the game provides no more interesting options other than "killing out of boredom", then, Sir, maybe "you suck, your attitude is wrong and need to GTF over it!" :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 81 Posted August 2, 2012 THIS POST NEEDS STICKY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightRipper 284 Posted August 2, 2012 Woah, a wall of text actually worth reading. Beans for you, good sir. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted August 2, 2012 All this would make sense if 90% of bandits weren't pussies who alt+f4 when they get shot back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivan keska 39 Posted August 2, 2012 Looks like another illiterate carebear. Did you even read past the first sentance? You don't really put forth any counter-argument, you just parrot the same words that all the other carebears say.You don't even know what you're saying. The original idea? I sorta touched that part in my first post. But yeah, you haven't read it or are incapable of the simplest of comprehensions and insights.This game isn't suppose to be about the pvp, that's just there for realism. This game is meant to be an experiment on how people would react in a world like DayZ, but instead its just becoming more and more into another shooter.Because people like you are playing it that way, by hunting down people for the reason you said "you enjoy the hunt". Trying killing another human being or yourself, I can assure you it's a feeling unlike any other one you only start to feel before you even do the act and that little taste of it is enough to stop you and most others.If you want to kill just to kill, and not to play the game in a realistic fashion then play normal arma or another game for that. I'm I saying never come back no because this mod needs testers but it doesn't need people trying to change the very core idea because they are to lazy to lay something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CLewis 31 Posted August 2, 2012 I have several hoard tents I can just go to if I die and respawnDrop that lootwhore attitude you got from World of Warcraft.Hmmm... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites