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First Impressions....

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So my clan flipped a wig when they found this mod had been released recently & we've been playing quite a bit the past couple of days. This thread is a compilation of our "feelings" toward the mod.

First, empty cans, flares, and metal scraps (in order of commonality) are FAR TOO COMMON. I can't tell you how many times we've walked into a massive warehouse to find over 40 empty/rusty cans all throughout it when only ONE of our 5 guys has ammo for their weapon, and even then it's like 3 bullets. Part of the fun of this mod is finding cool stuff to help you, but at the same time you don't want to walk into a house and find everything you need. However, at the same time finding NOTHING for HOURS is bullcrap. =|

Second, food & water decays too quickly for the rare amount of food that can be found. I find soda all the time, but find food almost once every 3hrs. We had to start killing other players for their food in noob spawn areas to survive. I don't like being a bandit, but it's the only way to REALLY survive with this terrible loot system =].

Third, Banditism is FAR too common, and FAR too easy. We had someone in our group kill anyone & everyone they came across. The only negative aspect was that his name was said in global as being a bandit. However, prior to his X++ number of kills no one knew he was a bandit. Quite frankly, one kill -should- be enough to turn someone into a bandit given the amount of time it takes to find -anything-. Additionally, once you become a bandit a player's name should have either a "Bandit Like" model with raggs or leather armor + spikes, or SOME sort of indicator like a RedName in non-veteran mode.

Fourth, there's really no reason to leave the shoreline. In fact, the game almost forces you to. I can't tell you how many times we've come across a random tiny shed in the middle of a GIANT field to have 20 zombies randomly spawn and run after us in the middle of a field (it's especially interesting when we don't notice the building as we run through a forest to suddenly have a hoarde chasing us).

Fifth, and finally, inventory space is FAR too limited. Backpacks need to be able to hold a LOT more than what they can. I can't tell you how many times i've found ammo for a weapon I left in a build a couple hours ago because if I picked it up I would have *poofed* my weapon & ammo i scavanged into nothingness completely fubaring me. Inventory space & carrying capacity is really really REALLY crap atm. Scavengers are bound to carry a CRAP load of stuff if possible.

Otherwise the above issues this is pretty much the best Zombie Mod i've ever played. Even better than Left4Dead itself. However you really need to address the above issues ;/!


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The only point I agree with is how easy it is to get away with being a bandit.

The rest are exactly how it should be. This mod is meant to be about survival. Food is going to be rare, water too, and those big packs and guns aren't going to be in cities that have been picked clean. You're also one person. You can get new backpacks to hold more stuff. Outside of that, you shouldn't be able to get more on you.

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The only point I agree with is how easy it is to get away with being a bandit.

The rest are exactly how it should be. This mod is meant to be about survival. Food is going to be rare' date=' water too, and those big packs and guns aren't going to be in cities that have been picked clean. You're also one person. You can get new backpacks to hold more stuff. Outside of that, you shouldn't be able to get more on you.


I found that the best backpack around is still weak as heck.

However, the 40billion tin-cans for every 1 clip of ammo that you probably don't have the weapon for is fairly lame :|.

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I think he addressed the tin can issue with 1.5.2, Ive seen alot more akms lying around also.

Theres actually a good bit more areas to find military grade weapons also, but I'm not going to just hand that out. That would ruin the fun of it I guess.

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I agree with most of the OP's points except inventory. tin cans are useful now and most of the backpacks hold quite a bit. it would be nice to see the CDF (green camo?) backpack hold more then the defualt coyote though.

I also agree with it being too easy to just survive by killing everyone you see. I can stay by the coast at night and shoot all the new people I see without fear of them returning fire.

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Yeah I found a lot of AKM's myself recently. Maybe the reason he only found tin cans, is because all of the other stuff had been picked up before by other players.

You don't need to stay close to the shoreline, there's 2 airports and a military camp inland, but that is unfortunately it.

The CZ550 should be made a lot rarer, almost as rare as the M24. It's too easy to kill people in a lame way.

Another problem I have is that it's too easy to just suicide and get a new spawn point. If I don't like the spot I respawned, I just suicide and get a new one till i'm in cherno or elektro. This needs to be adressed. Perhaps a time penalty for people who suicide.

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I agree with most of the OP's points except inventory. tin cans are useful now and most of the backpacks hold quite a bit. it would be nice to see the CDF (green camo?) backpack hold more then the defualt coyote though.

I also agree with it being too easy to just survive by killing everyone you see. I can stay by the coast at night and shoot all the new people I see without fear of them returning fire.

Can you say "why tin cans are useful"? I haven't found a use for them :|!

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Braxton' date=' you can throw them and zombies will investigate the noise.


You're a liar Mr.Potter :s

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I find this is just nitpicking, this isnt a casual run and gun, conserve your ammo and stop attempting to casualize it

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I find this is just nitpicking' date=' this isnt a casual run and gun, conserve your ammo and stop attempting to casualize it


I'm not :(

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Translation : This game is too hard, QQ, we want easy mode, QQ, what is challenge, QQ, You mean we actually have to think?, QQ

Oh and cool stuff wouldn't be cool if it was common...

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The tins are everywhere, and if you go inland with a knife and matches, your backpack will be stuffed with enough meat to feed a T-Rex. I seriously cannot explain why you're having food trouble other than to speculate on a massive string of bad luck. :huh:

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I find this is just nitpicking' date=' this isnt a casual run and gun, conserve your ammo and stop attempting to casualize it


Food is fine as of now, as one can can last up to 2 hours and are common as hell. Even zombies drop them sometimes.

That being said, there are plenty of places where nothing but tin cans spawn that would be better off spawning something a little more useful.

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I have never really liked zombie games/mods to tell you the truth.

But - when intelligently filtered through the mighty ArmA 2, like DayZ, there was suddenly a solid reason for me to re-think and get in line for some zombie slaughter! :D

On behalf of myself and my mates in [XSYS] Sweden: Thanks for an awesome mod!

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There's alot of tin cans and shiet like that, because it gives a feeling that theres been someone else there and have looted and stuff. And dont you think there would be many people in hangars and stuff waiting for help, also eating alot of food, therefor empty cans?

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If you find too many tincans, there is a very simple solution to that.

Pick them up!

Do so and soon something new/else will spawn in that spot. I often pick up all the trash and put it on a heap. It works wonders.

I also cant really confirm your food-problems. You usually find plenty in houses. If you dont, then dig in somewhere and kill a couple of zombies, they also often have cans of food.

Best solution however is to first scavenge for a hunters knife + matchsticks, that way you can hunt for food, which is very effective. A cow gives you 8 pieces of meat, a sheep 4, a goat 3, and you can even kill a rabbit (which can be found everywhere in the woods) for 1 meat.

Inventory management is an essential skill, learn it. The size of the backpacks is fine.

For example: You don't have to carry around a dozen magazines for your winchester. You find ammo for that gun all the time, so carrying 3-6 magazines is easily enough, depending on how you play.

Here are the basic supplies I usually try to have (I normally dont carry more of these unless I have excessive space in my backpack):

2 painkillers

3 bandages

2 morphine

2-3 bottles of water (which i refill whenever i can)

1-2 units of food.

So even a backpack with 10 slots would be enough to hold the minimum of this. (not even counting your inventory slots)

Zombie spawns are usually not an issue if you move carefully and keep your eyes peeled.

As far as buildings in the woods are concerned... if you have a map you can plan your route accordingly and avoid those.

I agree about the bandit-thing though. It is a bit too common currently.

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I enjoy the fact it's very hard to find usefull gear, it does make the game more interesting. I however support your point on adding more slots to the backpack, the ammo you can take is a little bit too less, in real life you could put more in a backpack then the current system holds.

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eh, you don't want inventory to be too realistic though. I've got an alice pack with 80 of those 30 round AR mags in my storage room right now. That might be a bit excessive, and if they were all full very heavy.

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