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"CD-Key in use" issues

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they already told me that the are requesting my key now i have to wait...... -.-

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Hi guys!

Just got an awnser from Bis support, They said, they are currently investigating this issue and they will give me a new cd-key as soon as they can.

Edited by Cika

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Whats good?

So i spawned today with an entirely new character, different location, no gear and bleeding to death... hmm...

Let me start off like this tho,

I'm a proud owner of the Arma X Anniversary Edition. Bought 2 copies here in Germany with a friend.

Now a couple weeks ago my friend has become a victim of this "CD-Key in use" issue. I have been following this

thread ever since, witnessing the way it spread like a disease amongst mostly Arma X users. So i guess it all adds up!

It was just a matter of time. I won't be surprised if i now, am also a victim.

Keep me posted as i will do the same.


Edited by hate
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Hi guys!

Just got an awnser from Bis support, They said, they are currently investigating this issue and they will give me a new cd-key as soon as they can.

I got the same message yesterday. Hopefully they'll fix it.

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Any news ? ... i got a key from petergames, but it isnt working since its a normal AO key, but i need a arma X one cos this version installs BAF+PMC aswell, so waiting for my key atm. Its 3 weeks now for me :\

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Same here, Peter Games key doesn't work. Still waiting for response from BIS-support.

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I got this problem too!

I'm also from Germany and I use Arma Free + OA. I baught Operation Arrowhead a few years ago, when it was released. So I do still have the original DVD Box.

But from now, I only get the message "CD-Key in use"

Lets see, if someone else is really playing with my character. If this should be true, then I'm going to contact BI Support and as long as I dont get an useful answer, I have to annoy this secont player. For example throing away all his weapons, swimming out in the sea and stay logged in as long as possible.

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having this problem too.

I'm from Germany and got ARMA X from Amazon, just got my copy today, installed and updated everything and having this problem on every server :(

I'll send E-Mail to the two adresses too, lets see what happend.

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Still no response from BIS. I think we were patient enough! >:(

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Same here since this morning...

Played for 2 or 3 months as a lone and friendly survivor, only to login as a bandit today...

Got that Cd-Key in use error too.

I'm from Austria and got the Arma X DVD Box.

Going to contact Petergames tomorrow, and see if i can get a new key.

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cd-key in use from steam bought arma 2 co. sent in support email. when i can log in i have different gear. hope they dont hack on my cd key and get me banned before i can get this fixed.

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@Kniekehlenheinrich: Also ich nicht.

Ich glaube auch wirklich nicht, dass hier Keys gestohlen wurden.

Vielmehr scheint es ein Datenbankproblem oder so etwas zu sein. Ich hoffe immer noch auf ein statement von BIS. Langsam aber sicher nervt das ganz schön.

Ich habe mir jetzt allex nochmal gekauft, also A2, A2:OA und Reinforcements. Bis jetzt funktionierts.

Trotzdem möchte ich einen funktionierenden Key für ArmaX, dann schenk ich's meinem Kumpel.

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Hate to be the douche here but I'm assuming you all saw this: WARNING: Massive cd-key theft going on

Their process of stealing cd-keys is quite simple: They advertise a supposedly undetected hack on sites like YouTube and the moment you download and run it (it will probably report that the hack failed to load) your cd-key is already stolen.

I already posted this in the other thread so I'll just copy it in here. The context isn't the same though, but the odds of anyone *guessing* your cd-key or randomly creating it is astronomical to say the least.

I call bullshit.

BIS has a list of legit cd keys in their auth server which contains all sold physical copies, including what is sold to distributors. I'm guessing they dispatch bulks of keys to electronic versions as well, such as Steam. So lets say there are 2 million valid keys in the auth server. The key-generator only allows you to install the game, once you go online it checks if your key is legit. For each letter in the CD key, you can have A-Z and 0-9, meaning 34 possible combinations. Arma has a 24 digit CD key, meaning there are 7,085,587,176,950,499,380,342,846,631,444,480,000,000 (7 duodecillion) possible combinations. Are you claiming that this is not good enough? Are you really gonna claim that some how some one got your key with the staggering odds of 1:7 duodecillion? Yeah, good luck with that.

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Interesting. I actually never downloaded something like that and still believe my key got stolen.

Some one is definitely playing with my character. I tried to contact BIS via e-mail, let's see what they can do.

Edited by EpeeNoire

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Hey Rakrul, I've read this, too. But still I can say that I never used any script or whatsoever nor did I download any shit from crappy websites.

I bought everthing new and installed it without updater tools. No more problems since.

But actually I want to give my armax-version to a friend as a present and that for I need this problem solved.

@EpeeNoire: Which version do you have? Arma X retail or another one?

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Just a few minutes ago I have received a mail from bis support with my new cd keys. Hurraay!

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Ich habe jetzt auch das selbe problem CD-Key in use

was muss ich jetzt machen das ich wieder zocken kann ich habe das alles hier nicht verstanden :(

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