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You know you've played too much Day Z when...

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- You dont walk along pavements/sidewalks anymore and tend to stick to the shrubary instead

- You avoid stangers when outside

- You start stock piling beans

- You decide your school/work/gym backpack isnt big enough and you go to the shops to buy an ALICE backpack with more "slots".

- You hate the sight of empty tin cans!

- You stop turning on the lights in your house on a night for fear of attracting bandits.

- You start to carry too many cans of soda in your backpack everytime you go out

- You try to fill your water canteen up every time you go to the bathroom

- You avoid long grass for fear of "crawlers"

- You ditch the flares in your boat for "safer" chemlights.

- You find yourself rifling through the tent display at Go Out Doors looking for loot.

- You start to crouch an awful lot more.

- You try to repair your car with scrap metal

Add your own.....

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When you go camping you steal your neighbors beanZ and replace them with road flares ô┬ô

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You keeping sneaking around and when you suddenly face another person you scream repeatedly "FRIENDLY? FIRENDLY?? FIRENDLY!"

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Every time before climbing a latter you make sure you are holding something that requires two hands.

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Your walking in the woods and try to use the right mouse button to zoom in on a bird.

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you nearly jump out of your chair everytime there is a loud sound.... whether your playing or not.

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You hear a helicopter overhead and your first thought is to go prone behind a bush.

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Funny that you made this thread. I actually was going to make it myself.

True story:

When walking down the road today, I saw a small pile of trash and my first thought was "I wonder what loot is in there?"

During the same walk, I heard someone walking behind me, and my initial instinct was to "press Alt to look behind". I kid you not.

Also, when playing another game (APB), I saw some people running toward me and immediately thought "Shit! The Zed!"

I've definitely been playing this too much.

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ahahaha, all good ones.

- when i hear church bells i think of cherno or elektro.

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When I see a radio tower in the distance, I want to go check it for loot.

When I go somewhere with my car, I hide it under some trees instead of parking it in the parking lot.

When I see other people tent, I go loot them.

When I pack my bag, I make sure I have firewood in it.

When I go to the hospital, I shoot the windows off to enter the building instead of using the door.

Everytime I see a ladder, I think to myself that could it could be a nice sniping spot.

When there is a crowd somewhere, I suddently drop to the ground and crawl in between people.

When there is a lone car parked, I try to enter it, since it never work I tell to myself it must be a wreck.

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Nobody posted this much up on my identical thread started yesterday morning....


I guess that's the problem with the success of the mod - and by definition thereof - this forum... topics get buried pages back very quickly....

Any chance a mod can merge?

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If I break my leg i will get on my feet in no time because I always carry morphine.

I always scout a villages/city with my binoculars before entering it.

I was thirsty, so I drank salt water.

Im not afraid of death, because I know I will go to the beach if I die.

When I want to help somebody, I point my gun to their face while trying to get the action menu to pop.

Everytime I do an action, I accidently fire my gun.

Whenever I can't see in the dark, I look for the gamma option.

If Im holding a flashlight, I can't hold anything else.

I eat my beans directly from the can, without a can openner.

I try to make a fire, without firewood, and wonder why it doesn't work.

If someone ask me where there is a good place to meet people, I tell them to go to cherno.

If someone wear a scarf on their face, I shoot them on sight.

I never go in garages, because I know there is nothing useful there.

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Here on my Army base I am at we have deer stands like in the game. Whenever I drive or walk by one I always look in the top to see if there is anything in there.

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Everytime i go out at night i worry that i will have to light flares. But luckily i don't need to since its never as dark outside as it is in DayZ.

I try to keep a distance from walls and especially doors, since i know Zombies can hit/walk through them.

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lol some good ones, keep them up!

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i was at work and talking to somone wiht my back to my desk somthing fell on my desk and i tripped right out full on scream for some reason as i recount storys from DayZ to my coworkers i get into the mindset im in game and the smallest noises will get me allerted as if theres Walkers around or somthing haha

definatly agree tho with most of these haha keep em coming

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When you get cold, you immediately think to start a fire and warm-up.

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- When you go camping and refuse to use the wood readily available. You insist upon going into nearby towns and villages for it.

- When you start to only recognize Coke, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew as acceptable drinks.

- When you're afraid of going to sleep because you are afraid when you wake up you'll be almost dead from starvation, thirst, or both.

- When you don't wanna swim anymore because you're afraid you'll lose something during the swim.

- When you start to compare the actual night outside to if this is Day Z dark.

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you can see the words "waiting for server response" everywhere you look' date=' as the words have been burned into your retinas


hahahahaha THIS!

you got a rep + because you seriously made me lol

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When the only fun way to kill players anymore is to bait zombies to them with tin-cans.

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