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How Was Your First Life?

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I remember my first life. I spawned at the factory east of Elektro. As I was meddling with the options, I encountered two zombies. I freaked out and emptied all of my makarov ammo into them, but I was bleeding. I asked someone on side how to bandage myself. He replied very late, and as I was bandaging I collapsed and died. All in all, I lasted about 3 minutes.

How was yours? Most importantly how long did you last?

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My first life? Do we have more than one? lolz (:

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I started in Kamenka near the lighthouse.

I think i lasted about 2 minutes at the most before i was killed by zeds.

Oh the fond memories of being a free meal.

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dark, spawned at cherno harbour, close to the silo's

i spent like 2 hours crawling through the night, then it was day and i died to a zombie.

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I spawned at the factory near cherno, went prone in the grass to change my options and check the controls and didn't notice a zombie walking into me and instantly breaking my legs before slowly killing me. Lasted about 5 minutes

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Spawned near Electro, went to some houses to see if i can go in there. Found another Guy behind a house and tried to chat with him, whilst i was looking on how to chat he turned around and shot me. Lasted around 3-5 minutes maybe.

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spawned near balota airfield. found an AKM in 5 minutes flat. i was like "wow awesome im the luckiest guy in this game" then I got sniped

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I lasted around half an hour actually. For some reason I spawned in a town away from the sea. Started looting a few towns, then stopped near a house to bring up a loot map. The infected took advantage of this and proceeded to eat my brains.

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My first life was a joke...

I spawned in Cherno, didn't realize I was running, immediately got eaten by the infected.

I died a lot until I got the hang of things...

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not my first but among my first 5 (as i was still like a new born calf in the woods), literaly spawned by the dock in Elctro, 2 Zombies saw me the second i got in game, dead within 15 secs..

thats gotta be a record.. i was kinda mad that Zombies patrol spawn areas, that seems kinda lame..

talk about having no chance.

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My first life wasn't that exciting, but my second one was, i got hit by a door and died. Apparently in russia "door hits you"

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Spawned near some train tracks I followed to the right. I eventually encountered a village (which up to this day I've still not identified).

2 zombies case me and I start bleeding. Lose them in the water, swim back to shore and patch up. Crawl into one little house and find trash. Leave the building and get hit again. More bleeding. Run twoward the water with no plan of how to resolve the bleeding. I guess I hoped it might stop. Let myself die.

I thought I was just a little unlucky. But even now, I can't seem to crouch-walk without getting spotted instantly unlike those people on youtube. I prone the second a zombie pops up in the distance.

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I'm not sure where I spawned, but I spent around 30 minutes looking for a friend. We thought we did well at the time but we actually got sniped outside the Cherno barns whilst carrying guns like lee enfields. It lasted sort of long but we didn't do very well as I know now....

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It was quite awesome.

Spawned near the coast it was one of those bright night days, out of the blue two bandit skins show up ( of course I had no idea about the skins)

They asked if i were new, and so they decided to take me with them, and teach me about the basics

on our way to the north one of them told me that usually, people who look like them are not to be trusted, one second later the other guy got sniped, I found my self sprinting, and watching the one alive going down by a head shot...I survived, my guides didnt...

I believe this initial exprience of friendly helpful people dying that made me a friendly " carebear"

I often find my self trusting people and even supply them with weapons, been lucky so far, almost not backstabs..

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Spawned in, started changing my controlls, a zombie ate me. Lasted about 2 minutes :) Funny how zombies are such a huge threat untill you learn how to deal with them.

DancingBear, that story gave me shivers. Its always chilling when you see veterans, who had a few moments ago been so powerful and confident, taken out in seconds.

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Started and immediately wondered why I didn't have a gun since the few videos I saw of it on YouTube showed people with guns at the very beginning. Didn't think to check the dates...

Anyway, I mucked around the controls for a bit before setting off. I stayed near the coast as I walked, and came across 2 villages which I looked around in, quickly getting frustrating and wondering why some of the doors to all those houses wouldn't open. I knew enough to stay low as I moved, so I didn't have too much trouble with zombies. I got food, soda and ammo, but never managed to find a gun on my first life. I did managed to find a crowbar, but either it was still bugged at the time or I was just not doing the right thing, which is also a distinct possibility. Anyway, upon leaving the village I got too close to a zombie, so I started running. This zombie chased me for what seemed like forever. The first hit he got off on me caused me to bleed, so that was the beginning of the end right there. No buildings around since I was in the wilderness and I hadn't even seen another player. Tried to keep running to find a building, but eventually bled out and died.

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Spawned in, started changing my controlls, a zombie ate me. Lasted about 2 minutes :) Funny how zombies are such a huge threat untill you learn how to deal with them.

DancingBear, that story gave me shivers. Its always chilling when you see veterans, who had a few moments ago been so powerful and confident, taken out in seconds.

Exactly, they were like gods to me, super equipments knowledge experience (to the noob me)

they were so freakin cool, i thought nothing could stop them, im safe, im safe, im going to survive this...BAM BAM my two new godly friends are dead and im alone in the middle of the forest with some killer on the loose who knows im there...

i was so afraid yet deeply sad...

This my friend is the whole point of dayz.

cant understand anyone who wants to ban banditry, its a major part of the game...saying no to banditry is for me is even bigger..

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Been playing for a little over a week died about 30 times.....my first life was the best. First place I went was the church.(found an ak and other goodies)

I was about to leave the church as I hear FRIENDLY! don't shoot.....PLZ friendly......friendly....So I did what I thought was the best idea...I shot him in the leg then let some Zs finish him. He was so pissed... It took me a while to figure out how to loot his body. Got some decent stuff off him. Walking away I see someone walking up.....Shot them. By this time I had a decent pack a kit, tools, full ammo. so I headed out of town..10 mins later I was walking backwards in the middle of no where........Crunch....Broken leg. Assuming it was that easy every time to get all that gear I suicided to avoid the long craw back....WORST mistake ever

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Before there was a big community, put mod on game. Spawn in near a town and headed for it. Died in 5 minutes. Quit for about a month. Came back with friends and learned how to play.

Now, find good gear day 1 or 2. Rape.

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Spawned and went toward the nearest road, followed it and ended at a dead end. Then I walked for quite a while into Wilderness trying to see what was over the hill. Made my way back to the woods, got frustrated, and respawned.

Very uneventful.

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My first life was back when we all spawned with Makarovs. Found an enfield in a barn then followed a trail of zombie bodies into Elektro. First dude I met was friendly and we teamed up. I aggro'd some zombies, and mistakenly decided to head for the hills so we wouldn't aggro more with our shots. Ended up almost dying, but dude saved my life. We headed back into town, met a 3rd person who was friendly. Tried crawling our way through the center of Elektro. One of us aggrod, and we got into a mad dash/firefight toward the hospital and took cover on the roof. After we barely survived the horde of 30+ zombies we decided to log out for the day.

Logged back in the next day to find a stranger up on the roof, he was friendly and so was I. He wanted to trade but neither of us had anything spectacular. I decided to loot around in cherno. Ran into some dude. Not friendly. He put 2 Makarov rounds into my shoulder. I took cover behind a wall, bandaged, and took a few pop-shots at him with my winchester, but decided to leave well enough alone and get out of the murder-fest that Elektro had become overnight. On my way out of town I stopped at the Train Station midway through Elektro. I saw a player body and foolishly tried to loot it. Big mistake. As soon as I stand still and start looting the body a sniper from far away (so far I didn't hear his shot until after the hit) tears into me. I take hits and my leg breaks. I manage to limp for cover behind the platform before passing out, while his long distance shots ping around me all the while. Wake up and bandage just over 1000 blood left. I morphine up, eat some food bringing me up to about 1500, and get away from the kill zone. I escape to a factory, but aggro some zombies in my haste. I try to lose them in the factory but I keep passing out and they catch up to me, eating me.

Posting up video footage of some of these encounters on my youtube:

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first life was k. lasted maybe a few hours. ended up dying of starvation while bleeding to death because there was no food anywhere

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