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PricelineNegotiator (DayZ)

Would You Play a Cherno/Electro Capture the Mountain Dew?

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Anyone up for a 25 vs 25 player deathmatch/capture the flag with one team in Electro and Cherno? Our community has a couple of regular ArmA2 servers on our box and to mix it up a bit, we're going to be holding our own version of Capture the Flag. There would be the Blue team that starts in Electro and the Red team that starts in Cherno. Each team will have a Mountain Dew that spawns on the top floor (inside) of their respected Firestation. We have our own Teamspeak server which you will have to use.

Objective: Capture the enemy team's Mountain Dew and return it to your Firehouse

Boundaries: Powerlines that surround the cities

Weapons: M4 and AK variants in crates with one m16 ACOG per team

Uniforms: Soldier for Blue and Camo for Red (subject to change)

I would love some good feedback.

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If you gave me a horse and painted my face with blue stripes and gave me long dirty hair, can I do the rallying speech?!

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your tents, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the dayZ, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR MOUNTAIN DEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!

Edited by Izziee
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This sounds great, I know a group of guys who would probably be interested in this. In any case I'd like to participate. If you need help organizing pm me and I can pitch in with the rules and game design as well as the execution. SwitchBlayd it can be run in Arma2 not in Dayz and server admins can regulate who spawns in.

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Quake Live is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that way.


DayZ is a sandbox game. People can play this any way they want. Kudos to the OP for trying to organize this. Best of luck and I hope it works out man. Sounds like it could be fun provided the hackers and overall douchebags keep out.

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no, totally not in keeping with the game. would you play games if your life was in danger?

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no, totally not in keeping with the game. would you play games if your life was in danger?

Re-read his post. Then you'll edit yours / or delete it.

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DayZ is a sandbox game. People can play this any way they want. Kudos to the OP for trying to organize this. Best of luck and I hope it works out man. Sounds like it could be fun provided the hackers and overall douchebags keep out.

It seems like it would be easier if we used vanilla ArmA. We couldn't lock our DayZ server to ensure that "outsiders" would try to ruin the party, but we could lock our ArmA server and also make sure that everyone has guns and spawns in the right place. I think it would be better without zombies, as all they provide is a quick distraction.

Edited by PricelineNegotiator

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Would You Play a Cherno/Electro Capture the Mountain Dew?

How does this vary from regular DayZ?

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I am so down to help publicize this. I really want there to be some kind of competitive DayZ, Even if we make it ourselves. Please use the 2 sites in my sig and ask me if you need anything. I can totally post up a page with info or something for you. it's hard to find stuff on this board.

Great idea, the only thing that could make it better is have it all in 1 city, but that can be done too and this is a great start towards something.

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I am so down to help publicize this. I really want there to be some kind of competitive DayZ, Even if we make it ourselves. Please use the 2 sites in my sig and ask me if you need anything. I can totally post up a page with info or something for you. it's hard to find stuff on this board.

I'll definitely keep you in mind if we need any help. Thanks.

Great idea, the only thing that could make it better is have it all in 1 city, but that can be done too and this is a great start towards something.

We could do this, but the map layout between Cherno and Electro isn't that far and it's more symmetrical than either city alone. You couldn't have a fight between the two firestations in Electro because they're too close and they're aren't two buildings on opposite sides of Cherno. Obviously it doesn't need to be in a building at all, but my community will test the mission before we start anything public. This thread is here merely to see if the public would be interested in playing and discussing pheasibility.

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no, totally not in keeping with the game. would you play games if your life was in danger?


<slaps forehead> Yes, cause this is 100% real fucking life.

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Like I said my 2 sites are here for the community to use, but on a personal level I want to play!

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Great concept, would be super awesome with a live stream and commentary. By the way does the Arma engine allow spectator mode?

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