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Balota, worth it for new spawns?

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To elaborate, the MP5, AK74 and M14 AIM were all found in the control tower, while the m1014 was found in one of the hangars. Also I found an m4a1 and a glock 17 in the military deer stands just nearby recently.

The number of military loot spots between the deer stands and hangars and control tower are very competitive with the number of military loot spots in Cherno between the firehouse and military tents, but with considerably less risk of the dreaded "You are dead" screen. lol

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You're out in the open on the airfield, however. At least with the military tents in cherno you're walled in and relatively protected (except from the roof of the hospital, haha).

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You're out in the open on the airfield, however. At least with the military tents in cherno you're walled in and relatively protected (except from the roof of the hospital, haha).

The issue with the miltary tents and firehouse in Cherno is not "being there" - its "getting there". You more likely to encounter hostile resistance (snipers, campers and regular players) when trying to get into cherno from your spawn point and make it to these loot spawns as opposed to spawning in Komarovo, Kamenka, Balota or Airstrip and getting over to the airstrip loot spawns. Am I wrong?

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Where's the loot in the camp, in the guard towers?

Only time I entered, where blind at night and zombie where all over the place so I headed for the airfield instead.

Found a coyote pack in the hangers and when I spawned there today, I had a pick between a M16/203 and a M4A3.

If you spawn there, you've got nothing but a bandaid to lose... well and your life.

But life is cheap.

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Thanks for the advice dude. And also, anywhere is "fair game for being shot". Your characterisation of that specific area would imply that there are areas that are NOT "fair game"? Is this true as i believe i can put a bullet through anyones head wherever i wish too.

I look forward to your ensuing posts of moaning about your deaths and how unfair it was and how the game needs to be changed to appease you. Because they'll be coming...

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Blaota is not a cash cow like everyone says it is. However, as a fresh spawn with literally nothing to lose I head there, if I spawn near it. Just know that I have been there just after a server restart and made a slow approach, spawned the zeds myself (and the loot supposedly) and got Jack and shit inside. Lots of tin cans and lots of ammo for no guns... so it's not perfect, but it can be worth the risk.

Of course with you posting this thread and so many people saying they go there... I'd consider Balota a snipers camp ground for a while.

Ya'll (and moi) just advertised how popular the site is, and there is little fear of being shot back, so cowards will camp it so they can shoot unarmed noobs headed there with no fear of being shot at themselves.

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Blaota is not a cash cow like everyone says it is. However, as a fresh spawn with literally nothing to lose I head there, if I spawn near it. Just know that I have been there just after a server restart and made a slow approach, spawned the zeds myself (and the loot supposedly) and got Jack and shit inside. Lots of tin cans and lots of ammo for no guns... so it's not perfect, but it can be worth the risk.

Of course with you posting this thread and so many people saying they go there... I'd consider Balota a snipers camp ground for a while.

Ya'll (and moi) just advertised how popular the site is, and there is little fear of being shot back, so cowards will camp it so they can shoot unarmed noobs headed there with no fear of being shot at themselves.

Beans for a good observation. lol

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I found an AKM with two mags and an M9 with 2 mags there once.

If you're just starting and don't have much to lose, I don't think a trip there could hurt.

But don't expect to find food/water there.

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I agree with all in this thread. For a fresh spawner this is a great place to get a fairly decent gun.

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