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Sad day in dayz.

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Found 2 Helicopter crash sites within throwing distance of each other, started to take out the zombies and WOSSSSSSH all of them from both crash site's are at me, i have enough ammo, but not enough luck 9000blood zombie hit's me and breaks my leg.

Very sad day.

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If you loot helicopter crash sites without proper medical supplies.

You're gonna have a bad time.

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I had medical supplies :( i got my leg broke and then there was like 20zombies eating on me and then i got knocked out, not even chance to inject myself.

But, that's the life of DayZ, start again in 3.2.1

Edited by Authentic92

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They are rare, so imagine my delight when i found 2 within throwing distance of each other, i was like YEHA, gun shots attracted both set's of zombies, i had the ammo but broken leg and knocked out make's for a bad time, not even time to inject myself, bleh.

Edit, Loading into my next life at the moment, going to head back and beat them this time lol!

Edited by Authentic92

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Too bad. If you had SD amunition for your gun if it was compatible, it might have been better to switch to that.

Edited by whitetigerofmichigan

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Too bad. If you had SD amunition for your gun if it was compatible, it might have been better to switch to that.

Only had an AK and M9 Pistol :( im more bothered about loosing my map than anything Lol!

Just spawned in again.

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Looting solo, especially two sites, is quite risky. A smoke grenade might have bought you some time. Next time find some allies. It makes the blood bags more useful.

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Ouch, that sucks. I am currently seeking out Heli crash sites. Trying to get a ghillie suit.

Ghillies should spawn in residential as well, which also explains the recent influx of higher tier people into Cherno proper.

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Looting solo, especially two sites, is quite risky. A smoke grenade might have bought you some time. Next time find some allies. It makes the blood bags more useful.

My Friend's quit playing the game because of the hackers, strangely enough i have never come across an hacker yet so i must be lucky that way. So im a lone wolf for now :(

Edited by Authentic92

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They are rare, so imagine my delight when i found 2 within throwing distance of each other, i was like YEHA, gun shots attracted both set's of zombies, i had the ammo but broken leg and knocked out make's for a bad time, not even time to inject myself, bleh.

Edit, Loading into my next life at the moment, going to head back and beat them this time lol!

Theyre not that rare.

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