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Stop shooting people who are Unarmed

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Look guys I get it you shoot first ask questions later but seriously, what is some guy without any gear going to do to you? Just don't do it. Come on guys let's try to make this community a better place.

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Look guys I get it you shoot first ask questions later but seriously, what is some guy without any gear going to do to you? Just don't do it. Come on guys let's try to make this community a better place.

I dont shoot unarmed people. I give them 3 seconds to respond to me on comms. If they dont. Then I shoot them.

It has to do with my belief that if you cant communicate. You came to chernarus unarmed.(unarmed in this case meaning without the ability to communicate. Get it? Get it? no? just die.)

Edited by core.-
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I'm sick of these threads. Some of us shoot on sight, some of us don't. The guy unarmed could find a gun round the corner and come back and kill you. He could have friends. Yadda Yadda Yadda... These threads are never ending.

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I dont shoot unarmed people. I give them 3 seconds to respond to me on comms. If they dont. Then I shoot them.

It has to do with my belief that if you cant communicate. You came to chernarus unarmed.(unarmed in this case meaning without the ability to communicate. Get it? Get it? no? just die.)

Pretty much exactly.

Buy a mic if you don't have one, because if I try to talk to you and you just stand there staring at me or run away silently, I'm going to assume you're hostile or will be soon and shoot you in the spine.

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I'm sick of these threads. Some of us shoot on sight, some of us don't. The guy unarmed could find a gun round the corner and come back and kill you. He could have friends. Yadda Yadda Yadda... These threads are never ending.

ye this ^^^^^

i escorted a guy in to cherno took him to where i knew there were weapons and waited for him to get kitted was just saying my farewells and he shoots me in the head i still help people out but im alot more cautious when doing so

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They might have a nade on them is why.

I killed 5 people in an apartment room (idiots were jerking each other off I guess) after I pretended to be friendly with no weapon and was "joining" their group. I walked into the front room, threw the nade into the back room where they were looting..

4 dead, one severly wounded, picked up a gun and killed the 5th.

I shoot on site, because even "unarmed" people can be a threat.

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im kinda sick of the lazy people taking the easy way out all the time... because that is what it comes down to, its too hard for people...

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i will kill them....

i have seen one took a gun nearby and shoot me....but i killed him :D

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Yet another of those threads, Should make a rule to ban people who start another thread like this. It gets annoying already.

To answer your question. No. I won'. We won't. Now cry more.

Surviving in this game becomes a walk in the park, after you played it for 3-4 weeks. It is really easy. Now, after gathering all the high end gear and weapons, what are you expecting me to do. To sit in the bushes and eat my supplies then go into cities only to resupply on food and water? No. Now that I got all I need, i go for the fun part. To kill other players. Unarmed or not, you are going to die.


1) Its a game and I don't have emotions or sympathy for you. I kill you for loot, I kill you for fun, I kill you for nothing.

2) I don't know if you are an unarmed survivor or bandit. I won't take the chance you gear up and come to kill me afterwards.

3) I helped a lot of unarmed people when I started playing, just to get shot in the back when they find a weapon.

So yes, anyone crossing my fov is going down, and it is like that with 80% of players, at least.. if not even more.

So keep crying, Bye.

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You're right, this game could use more butterflies and rainbows.

I agree!

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Someone sniped me while I was in the top floor of the power station north of Elektro. I had nothing on me at all, I had just flound a water bottle.

It made me sad.

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You're right, this game could use more butterflies and rainbows.

And a crash site at the end of the rainbows

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Depends how I'm playing. On my current character I'll kill you as soon as I see you and if I hear you I'll hunt you down.

Edited by Zymi

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This thread is the ultimated fail.

When even trained members of mitlitary and police forces are to dumb/ignorant/sadistic/panicked/careless/trigger-happy/etc. to avoid this in RL, how can on expect that from the average online gamer????

Edited by TheStoryteller01

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This thread is the ultimated fail.

When even trained members of mitlitary and police forces are to dumb/ignorant/sadistic/panicked/careless/trigger-happy/etc. to avoid this in RL, how can on expect that from the average online gamer????

winner of the most stupid post!

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Some of us shoot on sight, some of us don't. The guy unarmed could find a gun round the corner and come back and kill you. He could have friends.

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People can do whatever the hell they want to do. If they want to be a dick, then there is no rule from stopping them from being a dick.

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Had an unarmed guy show up in a school building with me. I didn't shoot him, but he kept getting close, using voice comms. I kept my distance as its possible to loot someone elses gear if they are in range. Next thing I know the guy has a 1911. My first mistake was not just shooting him to avoid the personal conflict of decision making. Thankfully my teammate shot him for me because I was having a mental block. Shooting someone (or everyone for that matter) takes all of the decision making out of the process after they are dead.

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They might have a nade on them is why.

I killed 5 people in an apartment room (idiots were jerking each other off I guess) after I pretended to be friendly with no weapon and was "joining" their group. I walked into the front room, threw the nade into the back room where they were looting..

4 dead, one severly wounded, picked up a gun and killed the 5th.

I shoot on site, because even "unarmed" people can be a threat.

Best not be around me playa, people liek you that diminish this game...

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Welcome ACE to the community! you will get used to the abuse... playing this game for a couple of months turns everyone into untrusting, bitter human beings..

the contempt they direct at your comment is actually contempt they feel for themselves, for trusting someone in the begininng and it getting them killed...

so dont take it personally.

Its a funny old zombie survival game this one, as you soon realise that zombies are your friends.. humans are your enemies...

throw in fear of making a decision and its almost certain most people will at first hide, then shoot if they cant hide.. (lone wolfs)

groups wil activly hunt you... because they are more confident.. so be careful when you shoot.

then you have the usual griefers,hackers and ass hats who ruin most communities (the reason humans cant have nice things)

I recomend you take up lurking on this board...

good discussion rarely takes place, too many blow hards. hence all rockets comments to "shut up"

maybe change the title from dayz to "james holmes finishing school"

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Look guys I get it you shoot first ask questions later but seriously, what is some guy without any gear going to do to you? Just don't do it. Come on guys let's try to make this community a better place.

No. There is nothing stopping that person from having a hatchet on their toolbelt and trying to hatchet me when I am not looking. If I see you and you don't call out on my TS that it's you (a member), you're dead. No chances, I don't care, I want to survive.

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I'm sick of these threads. Some of us shoot on sight, some of us don't. The guy unarmed could find a gun round the corner and come back and kill you. He could have friends. Yadda Yadda Yadda... These threads are never ending.

Typical duche bag comment :/

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Yet another of those threads, Should make a rule to ban people who start another thread like this. It gets annoying already.

To answer your question. No. I won'. We won't. Now cry more.

Surviving in this game becomes a walk in the park, after you played it for 3-4 weeks. It is really easy. Now, after gathering all the high end gear and weapons, what are you expecting me to do. To sit in the bushes and eat my supplies then go into cities only to resupply on food and water? No. Now that I got all I need, i go for the fun part. To kill other players. Unarmed or not, you are going to die.


1) Its a game and I don't have emotions or sympathy for you. I kill you for loot, I kill you for fun, I kill you for nothing.

2) I don't know if you are an unarmed survivor or bandit. I won't take the chance you gear up and come to kill me afterwards.

3) I helped a lot of unarmed people when I started playing, just to get shot in the back when they find a weapon.

So yes, anyone crossing my fov is going down, and it is like that with 80% of players, at least.. if not even more.

So keep crying, Bye.


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