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Put Bandages Back On Mouse Wheel Please

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It would be nice to have bandages returned to mouse wheel option :huh:

It was possible to stop blood loss, in between waves of Zebs , but now its a bit slow.

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In the interest of efficiency under stressful situations I do agree that selecting bandages, morphine, and painkillers under the mouse wheel option was a much more viable solution.

The current method works too, and the timing can probably be attuned over time, but I won't argue that having it on the mouse wheel is much faster.

Old procedure:

Roll mouse wheel to selection > Left click

New procedure:

G > (Wait for crouch if not already) > Move mouse to a small box containing bandages > Right click > Apply bandage

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It adds to the realism.

I love seeing non-arma players getting constantly butt hurt cause realism

its sweet :)

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Simply don't get hit! Means you will have to think more about your next move so you wont get hit. Makes the gameplay more exciting imo.

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Most people should know to instinctively apply bandages when they are bleeding. I assume you portray your character in DayZ as yourself if you were in a zombie apocalyptic situation. In real life, if you were bleeding, you shouldn't need to check every pocket you have just to point at your bandages, then think about what you should do with them. It's not a fault with realism, it's merely a quality of life issue in a video game.

You know what bandages do. Why shouldn't our characters?

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  'Gearbox said:

Most people should know to instinctively apply bandages when they are bleeding. I assume you portray your character in DayZ as yourself if you were in a zombie apocalyptic situation. In real life' date=' if you were bleeding, you shouldn't need to check every pocket you have just to point at your bandages, then think about what you should do with them. It's not a fault with realism, it's merely a quality of life issue in a video game.

You know what bandages do. Why shouldn't our characters?


Im not even sure what side are you on, Ill assume you agree with op

well its not like the bandages are floating in front of you in real life?

you still need to take it out of your pocket or backpack and apply it, it takes more then just moving your finger.

Srsly if you are going to use logical arguments first think about it...

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I like the new system. You will adjust in time don't worry. Applying a bandage for a wound that is deadly like in dayz would take alot longer, plus you panicking... we all would at least have an adrenaline rush, if you've had one before it doesn't make complicated things like this easy.

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I dont support this suggestion, in real life i would need to get the bandage out my pockets, this represents pressing G.

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In the interest of constructive feedback, when I pack my gear I know exactly where all my things are. My character appears to be wearing some sort of MOLLE personal armor. Most people wearing MOLLE gear would have a pouch dedicated to first aid equipment. I don't dig into a giant dump bag containing all my things as that is inefficient in every way. That's how I handle first aid gear, that's how most military servicemembers handle their first aid gear, so you'll have to excuse me if I think my character should handle first aid gear that way as well, especially if it's in my active inventory (not in the backpack, that's different).

While off-topic but still on the baseline of the discussion regarding menus, how come reloading doesn't involve pressing G and right-clicking another slot of ammunition to reload?

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  'Gearbox said:

While off-topic but still on the baseline of the discussion regarding menus' date=' how come reloading doesn't involve pressing G and right-clicking another slot of ammunition to reload?


There's a fine line between reloading and ruining gameplay.

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I have to agree with the OP - bandages can be readily accessible. I have bandages on my tac-vest in RL easy access, almost as easy as pulling a 30rd mag.

If the ones that are against it and think its 'realistic'...you obviously don't know jack-shit about RL. Going with your theory of 'realism' would mean I would have to press 'G' to get a mag for the makarov as well...

Its enough that the ACT of bandaging takes time...there's the realism, mm'kay kiddies...?

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The last time I had to take something out of my pocket I wasn't forced to crouch and slowly and painfully search through my "inventory."

My character knows where his bandages are. Making me open the inventory, find them, right click on them--it's pointless. The mousewheel is a form of convenience. Make it take longer to apply bandages. It's irritating to open my inventory when there was a perfectly good system in place before.

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The new system encourages you to have your bags well organized, so that you can quickly access what you need to use. I think it adds a bit of challenge, and forces you to put a little bit of forethought to how you organize your stuff.

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Why is it pain in the ass? Is it really that hard to go to your inventory and use the bandages just like you would do in real life? (remember you are a survivor, regular guy, not military trained)

Stop making the game easy to play. Plenty others you can chose and play.

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I've already explained the process on how to apply bandages now and how it was before. I never said it was hard, I just said the previous procedure was faster. I understand that I'm portraying a regular guy, but I'm also not autistic. If you feel that it's more realistic for a sane person like yourself to throw everything they have into one bag to sort through under stress and/or while bleeding, that's fine, and I hope they keep this feature just for those who feel that this accurately portrays how they would pack in a survival situation.

However, I would still like to suggest (which is the basis of this subforum) that the previous mouse-wheel procedure be implemented back in because some people portray themselves as organized individuals and can immediately reach for bandages to save, at most, a few seconds of additional bleeding (which is the main focus of what you seem to be getting really defensive over). The fact that it was implemented prior to 1.5.8 would require little additional development time.

We're not asking to remove the bandage animation. We're not asking to remove the concept of bleeding. It's a very simple modification regarding quality of life for the player.

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Bandages can be accessed relatively easily with proper gear placement. All of you are correct, you may each have one cookie.

However... placing said bandage on a life threatening wound takes a little more time than slapping a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker on my sons cheek. You now have to give your cookie back.

Seriously if anything think of the added steps not as the time it takes to reach your bandage, but actually apply said bandage. Be thankful he isn't using the animations from ArmA 2 for bandaging where you rolled on the ground for the longest 60 seconds of your gaming life while some brave soul did some hand wrapping animation while bullets popped left and right of you. The end result was usually them going down on top of you in a puff of crimson and you went back to rolling around on the ground until you bled out.

I actually was thinking about this yesterday when I bandaged up a wound after taking down a few walkers (speed induced sprinters) with enough time to after to reload and drop the hoppers as well and I thought to myself;

"That was way too easy"

If I had my way bandaging would only stop bleeding for a short time, 5-10 minutes. Then it would start up again unless you took the time to get some real medical aid.

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The system was mostly used to save on performance, as I've explained before. The performance increases were very, very significant. And I needed it this way so I could allow filling water bottles from ponds and non-classed objects like wells.

I also happened to like the mechanic, and I think it helps with some more complex interactions that we might have with items later.

Mouse wheel feature was not being used at intended, and was a big cause of performance issues and also possibly crashes after some time. I could probably allow the binding of some action to a key, but I think it all becomes a bit console-ey and mixed message. Where possible I will have the interactions in the gear menu right click if only because of the huge performance games. The fact I kind of like it, at least so far, is sort of icing on the cake.

I'm not running out another option, but the mouse wheel one just isn't feasible. I could add it as a userAction in the config though, thats a possibility.

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I think it is just a matter of getting accustomed to the new system. Pressing G and right clicking on a bandage really doesn't take much more than one second.

Much ado about nothing.

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I do see the current implementation being more useful when there are multiple items that accomplish the same purpose. If there were different items that stopped bleeding, it would be much more useful to utilize the gear system. I'm only supporting this idea as it stands because there is only one item used to stop bleeding, shaking, and to fix fractures so there isn't any discrepancy about which type of item to use like with water (soda/water bottle) and food (can/cooked meat) when utilizing the mouse-wheel procedure.

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It simulates going into your gear and finding the correct item rather than having it already available.

Plus it easier to switch weapons, open doors, in a hurry.

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  'rocket said:

The system was mostly used to save on performance' date=' as I've explained before. The performance increases were very, very significant. And I needed it this way so I could allow filling water bottles from ponds and non-classed objects like wells.

I also happened to like the mechanic, and I think it helps with some more complex interactions that we might have with items later.

Mouse wheel feature was not being used at intended, and was a big cause of performance issues and also possibly crashes after some time. I could probably allow the binding of some action to a key, but I think it all becomes a bit console-ey and mixed message. Where possible I will have the interactions in the gear menu right click if only because of the huge performance games. The fact I kind of like it, at least so far, is sort of icing on the cake.

I'm not running out another option, but the mouse wheel one just isn't feasible. I could add it as a userAction in the config though, thats a possibility.


I'm glad the Scroll-Wheel action is gone, I always hated it, it was too inaccurate for my liking, so glad you have changed to inventry system.

I have tried it today and had no problem adjusting, it actually makes sense. And the performance boost is a major plus.

Liking the new stuff Rocket, keep on your path...

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Thank you Rocket for explaining why you need the new system or rather A new system for item consumption to be implemented.

Though the wheel option seems to be out the window for the sake of game performance and efficiency, I have to greatly disagree with everyone (including the mods) with the argument of realism of getting items out of a storage space from your combat vest. I am farther convinced with my stand where even within the inventory window itself, bandages are separated from the rest of the consumable items. I as a survivor knows where my sidearm ammo thus doesn't need to "search" for them. This should apply to bandages when I know I need to close an open wound.

When bleeding, a survivor's instinct should be to preserve blood by banding himself. You as a player can choose not to do so as you continue to pressing "WASD" and/or shooting whatever threat is imposing itself on you. In such situations, maybe an action queue when bleeding, crouched, not moving, and not in front of a door or ladder or other player bleeding can a player bandage himself up.

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I disagree with the OP.

I think making the bandages take a bit more effort to apply helps reduce the bunny popping, Quake style gameplay and require you to weigh your choices more.

Combat should not be a trivial experience.

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