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have a "killed by" in the chat

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if u have an close quater combat with someone, and got a realy good look on him/her. i think i would be nice. but not if ur sniped down from 500meters, u have no clue what hit u. its just stupid to display his name then. and think i gonna effect the gameplay as well, u WILL seek that revenge.

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I am always for being consistent.

So for me its either no death message at all or the usual online shooter way including how the dead one got it.

Thats where dayz fails constantly. Trying to be realistic but not toooooo much.

Edited by TheStoryteller01

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I think the anonimity of it all helps add to realism and stops flame wars... You died.... Demmet, you have to get over it and it does take away the ability for the more mentally fragile individuals to rage at someone... But I think complete lack of death notification would be a good option for servers to use, if you don't hear them die, you shouldn't know about it.

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I think the anonimity of it all helps add to realism and stops flame wars... You died.... Demmet, you have to get over it and it does take away the ability for the more mentally fragile individuals to rage at someone... But I think complete lack of death notification would be a good option for servers to use, if you don't hear them die, you shouldn't know about it.

well there already is that option server admins can turn off death notifications at anytime

but people are taking what im trying to suggest to a whole other level

im not talking about the aesthetics of the game, i just want perhaps a "killed by" function for administrators, maybe making it available to admins on the console or something because i cant even see who died in my server right now

as we all know hackers are excruciatingly annoying, however dayz hasnt done anything to give admins power over control of the server to handle hackers (of course some people abuse adminship)

anyhow what i want is a simple indicator of who is doing the killing in my server so if 20 people go down by one guy, i can safely assume he is up to no good and ban him locally.

however right now since my server host doesnt even have script logs so i cant see who is injecting scripts and stuff i am defenseless and at the mercy of hackers who love to come in and kill everyone.

simple as that, just a suggestion on how to deal with hackers since BE is so easily bypassed.

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the amount of people that post without reading or thinking amazes me.

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I think the problem is that 1 person can be such a destructive force in this game...

Maybe they shouldn't have names, but "xxx died to horde", or "xxx died to player" or "xxx died because he tried to open a door"...or "xxx died while walking over a rock"...

That kind of thing :P

youre going far off from where i was going with my suggestion. im not suggesting it for aesthetics but for deterring mas murdering hackers. I dont give a damn if xxx was killed by yyyy i just give a damn when 20 mr xxx was killed by 1 mr "yyy"

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I would not like this added. Even seeing xxxx was killed is not realistic. Example, If you shoot your neighbor in town1 and I'm in town2 how do I know your neighbor is dead? I wasn't there to see it happen. And the newspaper yes but in a zombie infected world there probably aren't any newspapers being published after a certain time period. But this is just me and I don't mind the xxxx was killed. I don't want to know who killed me unless I saw him. Even then how would I know his name?

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