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Player "Venom" on Sabre Recon...

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Thanks for needlessly killing me you dickhead, I had both my tents disappear yesterday and been spending all morning with all my gear on me trying to find a tent, all was well in Cherno before you fucking showed up and started killing!

Enjoy my M16A2, M14 AIM, AKM and fuck loads of other shit.


Edited by Fraggle
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Would you mind justifying why your death was not a necessity for him?

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I had to give you mine beans for making me laugh so much!

Thank you OP, you are the kind of people that makes random killing worth it!

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U mad?

lol, should have stayed out of Cherno with all that loot then.

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Why would you go into cherno with that gear. Why not paint a big sign on your back saying " kill me" oh wait... they did

I have been dropped on the coast twice now with not bad gear and I got the hell out of there as I know its a clusterfk of killing for giggles and loot

OP..... its just stuff... go find it again

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Expain yourself venom!

People have to have explanations for killing other people now? You just shook this game to the core...

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Player loaded with loot walks into cherno and gets shot and gets upset.... I would have thought he should have slapped himself on the forehead and realised the rookie mistake

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Now there's other people in Cherno, 2 in particular camping on the roof of an industrial site laying down with 2 hatches ready to ambush anyone coming up the ladder, someone I managed to get up there and vault over them, luckily the wankers both had broken legs and there was a dead body with a hatchet just outside the roof door, I waited for some zombies to come up so it would distract them, and then I was going to kill them... player "Zac" I hit COUNTLESS times with the hatchet and he didn't fucking die! Then he gets about 4 hits on me and kills me... FUCK THIS SHIT.

Player loaded with loot walks into cherno and gets shot and gets upset.... I would have thought he should have slapped himself on the forehead and realised the rookie mistake

I was doing it all morning from 9:30 'til about 12:30-ish, I wouldn't go out there if I know it's got a load of people in there, I always play on quieter servers for a reason.

People just need to stop being cunts and killing for the fucking fun of it, if it was ACTUALLY simulating a Zombie Apocalypse don't you think you'd see someone heavily armed and think "Hey, he looks tough, he could help me out through my journey"?

Not "Hurrr he's got a nice gun durrr imma kill 'im and claim da gun for maself becoz imma too lazy to find shit by maself"

Edited by Skyl1n3

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OP, take your tears elsewhere and sort out your language.

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