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FogeyZ Gilly

Pipe bombs / ied's

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I'd like to use ied's / pipe bombs .. There allready in arma and would be fun for ambushing people and vehicles and such... Has this been suggested and what u lot think?

Could be made from certain shotgun ammo and other parts scrap metal, another use for the radios as a detonator, sync em with ya watch , dunno just throwing it out there

Edited by English_infidel

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This has been gone through before. Perhaps the search bar should give you some pretty good feedback on this idea.

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Kpe. You fuckin mong. Are they in dayz now ? I think not??? Calm ya boots ya cunt.

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Kpe. You fuckin mong. Are they in dayz now ? I think not??? Calm ya boots ya cunt.

There are satchel charges.

They're basically huge blobs of C4.

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Would be nice, our group has gone over it a few times but then there are the flaws, everything will be IED'd and i mean everything. Go to airfield BOOM dead.... goto supermarket BOOOM dead, firestation BOOOOOOM dead... you get the idea, unless they incorperated a metal detector device for hunting the bombs but again thats a slow task and leaves players open to others...

Hunt harder and find some satchel charges and use them, just don't think the IED idea would work, but thats just my opinion.

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Didn't realise there were. Nice

Thanks lads

Have to make them really rare. Hard to make/find components like how hard it is to get a motor fixed.

They could be abused tho like all other things. Kids will abuse

Edited by English_infidel

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IED's are in the ARMA2 expansion in takistan, so they are part of the game. You would need a handful of junk and a m67 frag grenade in your inventory and it should be possible to spawn an IED.

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