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What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

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Since there is no way in proving you know it is hacked, no. I think that only applies for vehicles. Although, if you do know it's hacked, be a man and dispose of it. Guns are an iffy. Just don't be a douche bag, discard of hacked stuff.

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Since there is no way in proving you know it is hacked, no. I think that only applies for vehicles. Although, if you do know it's hacked, be a man and dispose of it. Guns are an iffy. Just don't be a douche bag, discard of hacked stuff.

I'm really new, so I don't know much. Just a question I had in my mind, I'm watching a Live stream and he killed a hacker, he had a hacked gun... according to the viewers.

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At this time, battleye is only banning people who are detected running scripts, but the devs ARE logging data on everything, so you may get listed as having had a hacked item in your possesion at some point.

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If you do get banned I find that highly stupid, the person who spawned the weapon it should get all the blame.

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I have heard that possession may lead to a ban. There have been warnings of not picking up hacked weapons (non-Day Z weapons), and ammo refills on beaches.

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At this time, battleye is only banning people who are detected running scripts, but the devs ARE logging data on everything, so you may get listed as having had a hacked item in your possesion at some point.

I can understand that. Though, how am I to know if the guns some guy had were hacked in? Is it only the guns that are not supposed to be in the mod that will get you in trouble?

I have killed a few people and looted them, if the guy hacked in a silenced mp5 and I take it will I get in trouble? It's a legit gun how would I know if he hacked it in? I understand not picking up guns that aren't in the game legit, but I'm going to be paranoid about looting anyone if there is a ban threat for picking up any "spawned in" gun as there is really no way to know.

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Rocket has said no, but you do risk getting flagged and being monitored. I am sure that there is a system in place (or will be later) which monitors it. If you use a hacked item once I am sure that nothing will be done, but if you keep getting items they will become suspicious (e.g. a hacker friend who keeps giving you cheated items).

Don't forget about all of the people who currently dupe legitimate items, they are as much to blame for cheating as the hackers and I hope that they get punished as well.

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It would seem pretty dumb to me to ban people for looting guns/gear that a hacker spanwed, as long as they are guns that are legititimately in game. ~Edit~ As far as looting dead bodies goes. Not if you were like, willingly associating with a hacker.

I mean, if I come across a body near a crashed heli, and the guy has an AS-50, rangefinder, GPS, etc. who's to say that it's not legit? I mean, if the guy and his pals had enought time/gear to fix up a heli, maybe he really did find all that stuff.

Chances are he didn't, but really for the looter there's no way to know for sure one way or the other. Just like M4A1 CCO SD's.

Now, if he had like a AKS-74UN or a Mk.12, that's a whole different story entirely.

Edited by AttackBadger

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I have seen people banned on the Darwin List (global banned user list) because they picked up a weapon from a hackers body. They appealed because they didn't know, but Rocket has said if you take a hacked item, and you know it's hacked, you will be banned. Taking and using hacked weapons is against the rules, if you find an item with no description, or that you know doesn't belong in the game DON'T TOUCH IT. Ignorance only works for so long :P

oh @AttackBadger hackers spawn weapons that are in Arma 2 but not DayZ, such as Rocket Launchers etc.

Edited by WintersWolf

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I have seen people banned on the Darwin List (global banned user list) because they picked up a weapon from a hackers body. They appealed because they didn't know, but Rocket has said if you take a hacked item, and you know it's hacked, you will be banned. Taking and using hacked weapons is against the rules, if you find an item with no description, or that you know doesn't belong in the game DON'T TOUCH IT. Ignorance only works for so long :P

oh @AttackBadger hackers spawn weapons that are in Arma 2 but not DayZ, such as Rocket Launchers etc.

Well, going back to my crashed chopper guys, within 30 seconds of me hearing the crash, they had another chopper in the air that set down near the cherno med tents, and then you could hear MG fire.

I find it hard to believe that those 4 clan guys had two choppers plus heavy weapons and it being legit.

Does that mean the stuff I looted off that dead guy was hacked? Probably, but I'ma ditch it anyhow since an AS-50 isn't much use to a solo survivor.

But, on the other hand, there is a chance it was in fact legit gear.

Which is kind of my point; there's no way for a player to be sure that what he's looting off a dead guy isn't something somebody spawned in somehow, or duped gear, if it's a gun that is in game. While you have to have that strong index of suspicion that maybe something just isn't quite right with it.

So, IMO, it's dumb to say "If you pick up a hacked gun we're gonna ban you." Certainly, with the number of hackers DayzZ seems to have, it seems that unless you absolutely never pick up anything off a dead body ever, at some point you're going to come in contact with something that was generated illigitmately.

I dunno, it just seems to me there ought to be a somewhat better way to handle things than that.

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Well, going back to my crashed chopper guys, within 30 seconds of me hearing the crash, they had another chopper in the air that set down near the cherno med tents, and then you could hear MG fire.

I find it hard to believe that those 4 clan guys had two choppers plus heavy weapons and it being legit.

Does that mean the stuff I looted off that dead guy was hacked? Probably, but I'ma ditch it anyhow since an AS-50 isn't much use to a solo survivor.

But, on the other hand, there is a chance it was in fact legit gear.

Which is kind of my point; there's no way for a player to be sure that what he's looting off a dead guy isn't something somebody spawned in somehow, or duped gear, if it's a gun that is in game. While you have to have that strong index of suspicion that maybe something just isn't quite right with it.

So, IMO, it's dumb to say "If you pick up a hacked gun we're gonna ban you." Certainly, with the number of hackers DayzZ seems to have, it seems that unless you absolutely never pick up anything off a dead body ever, at some point you're going to come in contact with something that was generated illigitmately.

I dunno, it just seems to me there ought to be a somewhat better way to handle things than that.

I've seen people have 2 helicopters legitly, but you're right. Better safe than sorry, but Rocket isn't the kind of guy to nedlessly ban people, but there are some who take advantage of hacked weapons knowingly, even after being warned by admins on the server. That's what leads to bans, not a new player picking up a hacked weapon without realizing.

Edited by WintersWolf

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I have seen people banned on the Darwin List (global banned user list) because they picked up a weapon from a hackers body. They appealed because they didn't know, but Rocket has said if you take a hacked item, and you know it's hacked, you will be banned. Taking and using hacked weapons is against the rules, if you find an item with no description, or that you know doesn't belong in the game DON'T TOUCH IT. Ignorance only works for so long :P

oh @AttackBadger hackers spawn weapons that are in Arma 2 but not DayZ, such as Rocket Launchers etc.

Look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536

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I have heard that possession may lead to a ban. There have been warnings of not picking up hacked weapons (non-Day Z weapons), and ammo refills on beaches.

No their hasn't been. You are allowed to have hacked weapons if you find them. Someone who wishes to play fair would drop the weapon though.

Edited by Dazed

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Are u sure about that we need proof links rocket tweets for example because its really silly to ban people who did not hack just finding random loot

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Try not to take it. That kind of ruins the game. Hacking doesn't make it better so using a hacked gun doesn't help either.

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I'm kind of new to DayZ, if I find a hacked gun or vehicle, take it, would I get banned?

No you can't be banned for using it as long as you didn't spawn it in the game using scripts, generally it's frowned upon though if you are knowingly using guns that arent in the game, reading this thread some of the people on this forum make up a lot of nonsense, yeh sure if you are constantly using various hacked weapons over and over again all the time they might look into it a little further as that would be highly unusual but for a legitimate player there is no risk involved, use some common sense please, they aren't going to ban somebody because they picked up a gun they weren't supposed to.

Edited by smasht_AU

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I know two people who took hacked weapons and their characters were stripped and relogged. You basically start from a fresh spawn again if they catch you with hacked gear.

I know some one in real life who took a G36 SD off of a body and I told him it wasn't on the DayZ wiki page so it has to be hacked. He had it for about 3 days and one day he logged in and he spawned on the shore. We pretty much get on US servers that have 10-30 people max and we live in the north fields/woods, I doubt he was killed while logging in.

Edited by mad_orbitz

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using guns that arent in the gam

I'm reading wiki, I play Arma as well, I'm ok. But what about casual players, who bought A2 just for dayz? Those who don't know anything about the game? I'm pretty sure these type of guys will be just like 'Oh sweet a gun finally', without knowing that hacks exist.

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