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DayZ Name/Steam Name : MisterFister/raz0r3101

How long have you played DayZ : I'm just starting

Time Zone: middle-european time

Will you stay loyal to our group?: that's the reason why I'm joining...have some other players to rely on, so YES

What is your primary role requested?: sniper or assault (I'll do almost everything)

I already played Arma II a lot and saw many gameplays of Day Z..I also played it at a friend's house. I have a mic and will get teamspeak 3 for you.

Sorry man you need a little more experience

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DayZ Name : nerves

How long have you played DayZ : Just shy of a month now, although in that time I have played it quite a bit.

Time Zone : UTC -8

Will you stay loyal to our group? : Yes, I've been looking for a group to play and share the experience with ever since I realized the game is far more enjoyable and rewarding when played in a coordinated, team environment.

What is your primary role requested? : (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) : I prefer fighting at a 300~800M range, so I typically assume a Marksman/Sniper role. Although I usually adjust it to whatever equipment is available to me at the time. I also don't mind serving double duty as a medic (Ex. Carrying the groups blood bags, antibiotics, etc. and administering them when needed).

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DayZ Name : Beehe (ironic eh?)

How long have you played DayZ : A solid month and 3 days

Time Zone: -5 UTC

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, Looking for a group willing to have some zombie hunting fun :)

What is your primary role requested?: I will Fill any role requested.

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DayZ Name :SRA

How long have you played DayZ : 2 months

Time Zone: PST

Will you stay loyal to our group: Yes, I haven't been in a clan yet so when I get in I'm staying

What is your primary role requested: I like sniping but i also like lmgs so I can fill thous rolls well and the others I can but not as efficiently

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dayz name: James

how long have you played DayZ: 2 weeks

TimeZone: GMT

will you stay loyal to the group? yes

what is your requested role? I would prefer stalker, if you don't know that's someone who follows players around to see if they have a base we could raid

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dayz name: James

how long have you played DayZ: 2 weeks

TimeZone: GMT

will you stay loyal to the group? yes

what is your requested role? I would prefer stalker, if you don't know that's someone who follows players around to see if they have a base we could raid

Accepted going to pm you.

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DayZ Name :Shane

How long have you played DayZ :2 months

Time Zone:GMT

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes very(no if I see hacking or duping then I wll leave)

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)Medic /support

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DayZ Name :Shane

How long have you played DayZ :2 months

Time Zone:GMT

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes very(no if I see hacking or duping then I wll leave)

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)Medic /support


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DayZ Name : Sabby

How long have you played DayZ :Around 1.5 months. I played ARMA 2 as well.

Time Zone: EST Late night. Playtime is usually midnight to 6am.

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I will. But I don't like duping, and hacking obviously. Mostly I just would like a good organized group to play with on a regular basis.

What is your primary role requested?: LMG/Heavy Weapons or Sniper/Spotter.

I agree to follow all your rules. They are basically the way I play now. I used to play a lot with the folks on the reddit TS but am looking for something more organized. I have a blast playing this game but there is a time for fucking around and there is a time for the gameface. Too many people don't know when to shutup and let the spotter or overwatch talk. I don't expect perfection just a good group for organized team play. You guys sound like a good outfit.

Edited by Sabby

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DayZ Name : Sabby

How long have you played DayZ :Around 1.5 months. I played ARMA 2 as well.

Time Zone: EST Late night. Playtime is usually midnight to 6am.

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I will. But I don't like duping, and hacking obviously. Mostly I just would like a good organized group to play with on a regular basis.

What is your primary role requested?: LMG/Heavy Weapons or Sniper/Spotter.

I agree to follow all your rules. They are basically the way I play now. I used to play a lot with the folks on the reddit TS but am looking for something more organized. I have a blast playing this game but there is a time for fucking around and there is a time for the gameface. Too many people don't know when to shutup and let the spotter or overwatch talk. I don't expect perfection just a good group for organized team play. You guys sound like a good outfit.

I agree with everything you've said you've been accepted!

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DayZ Name: Jeremy

How long have I played DayZ for?: A month and a half

Time Zone: Pacific Time Standard

Will I stay loyal to your group?: Absolutely

What is my prmary role?: Spotter

~ Looking forward to see you in the battlefield

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You should ask a moderator to move this to survivor HQ, there may be some folks who miss this because they don't post in here.

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DayZ Name : Ivedefected

How long have you played DayZ : 3 months

Time Zone: Central (UTC-6)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. Loyalty, courage, and honor are the virtues I play by.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can fill any role but I personally enjoy assault/sniper. My load-out is usually an M4SD/MK48 with either AS50/DMR depending on the time of day.

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DayZ Name : Ivedefected

How long have you played DayZ : 3 months

Time Zone: Central (UTC-6)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. Loyalty, courage, and honor are the virtues I play by.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can fill any role but I personally enjoy assault/sniper. My load-out is usually an M4SD/MK48 with either AS50/DMR depending on the time of day.


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DayZ Name : ProGamerGov

How long have you played DayZ :

Over 20 hours

Time Zone: GMT (Alberta)

Will you stay loyal to our group?:

Yes, I have never turned on anyone and don't plan on doing so.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)

I prefer medic or sniper but I can adapt based on current supplies and weapons.

I would like to join this group because organized groups have more fun in DayZ and I can keep things safe in the group camp.

I currently have one teammate and a m249 saw as a primary with plenty of medical supplies.

Hope I get accepted! :)

Edited by ProGamerGov

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DayZ Name : Crackermachine

How long have you played DayZ : 2 months give or take.

Time Zone: Mountain

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes I havent really ran around with anyone else yet.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Assault or any role I don't mind doing my part.

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Progamer you've been accepted. Cracker how experienced are you in pvp and how old are you?

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Progamer you've been accepted. Cracker how experienced are you in pvp and how old are you?

I'm 27 years old, was in the marine corps for 4 years. I am somewhat familiar with PvP on DayZ. I have gotten into firefights and stuff before at airfields and main thoroughfares, but I tend do avoid cities for the most part and stick to treelines.

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A bit of advice for the people who are recruiting:

1. You're not giving questions that tell us to embellish, yet you accept people who answer questions that aren't asked. You give simple questions, expect simple answers.

2. You're not giving us expectations on the applications to make us aware of the previous point. This assumes that you like people who give you too much information.

Imagine a battlefield where people talk through you while you spotted a player on the N. West Airfield, a crucial time where you need players to communicate? It's important to

keep comms clear during these times.

3. You're accepting a couple people which lack the confidence of giving you a class that they want to play as. Some answer the question but make it too long. "I can play any class but I prefer, and this is my secon-". Cut the bullcrap. If people here cannot choose a class, why are they here? Indifferent, lengthy answers makes for indifferent players. If they simply said "Any" with one sentence, that's a different story. Then, it truly shows that they are adaptive.

4. You're accepting people who say "kinda, somewhat, maybe" people. It makes me wonder what you are actually looking for. If it was me in your role, I'd look for people who don't say those words because I could imagine the "I think, uhm, he might be in the hangar, I don't know!". The crucial minute of DayZ where everyone goes haywire.

I hope you don't take these pointers offensively, but I believe you're missing some good applications out there. You missed a few that looked excellent. Reconsider some applications or have someone else look at it.

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DayZ Name : Hellblaza

How long have you played DayZ : A month and a bit

Time Zone: UTC (London)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes I Will

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer)

Direct Assault

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Like the above application. ^ Excellent, because he answers your questions.... Looking for more? Ask more questions then!

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I'm 27 years old, was in the marine corps for 4 years. I am somewhat familiar with PvP on DayZ. I have gotten into firefights and stuff before at airfields and main thoroughfares, but I tend do avoid cities for the most part and stick to treelines.

Awesome great to have you aboard. I'll pm you the info.

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