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DayZ Name :Benja, G00gl3maN4me

How long have you played DayZ :For a few days

Time Zone:EU

Will you stay loyal to our group?:Sure, i play when i get the chance

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Medic

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DayZ Name : ghostrec35

How long have you played DayZ : 5 weeks

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, why else would I use my time filling out the needed details?

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper or Medic.

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DayZ Name : Aecuss

How long have you played DayZ : Like a month or 2

Time Zone: Gmt +1

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes ofcourse im looking for a tight and friendly group to play with that treat all the players fairly

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Ive got some expierence with sniping aswell as long range rifles. But i am willing to take up another role if needed

Edited by Aecuss

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DayZ Name : Hellement

How long have you played DayZ : Couple of weeks

Time Zone: EST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Preferably a "Grunt" basically if you need something done, come to me.

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Game Name/Steamname : Christian/barbarossaaa

How long have you played DayZ : <month

Time Zone: CentralStandardTime(6+)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role requested?: Assault, Driver, Sniper

Additional Info: I'm 20, and really enjoy this game. I have friends on here I play with but I'd like a larger group to go with.

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DayZ Name : Victor

How long have you played DayZ : A week

Time Zone: Eastern Standard

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can fill any role needed.

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i want to join but i cant find the application, me and one other person want to join ( my bro)

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Dayz name: Dakota

How long have you been playing dayz?: about a week and a half now

Time Zone: West coast NA (montana)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: yes, i will always be loyal to the clan and its members

What is your primary role? i dont have a primary role, im good at some, but the ones i wouldnt be good at is sniping and driving. anyone you need on the field (grunt, combat medic, ext) or if you need a tactical advisor i can fill those slots.

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Dayz name: Shadow

How long have you been playing Dayz: 2 months.

Time Zone: East Coast time (ohio)

Will you stay loyal: Most definately... as long as the family doesn't have back stabbers.

What is your primary role: Scavanger, Sniper... I play this a lot on my own. Most of my kills have been through a sniper scope. I also have a knack in findind great equipment without being seen. I'm a very patient player, and nothing stops me from completeing my mission.

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DayZ Name : Pavies

How long have you played DayZ : Month and a half

Time Zone: GMT+1

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes

What is your primary role: assault, medic

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DayZ Name : WaRPaTH

How long have you played DayZ : 2 or 3 months now

Time Zone: Est.

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Absolutly, I have been searching for a team for sometime now. It would be an honor to be of use to your outfit

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper/Recon is my specialty, Though I have played all roles as a lone wolf and am confident I could help out in any role

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DayZ Name : Oni

How long have you played DayZ : Going on a week

Time Zone:j -7 GMT (Arizona)

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, When I served in the Army, part of our motto was no man gets left behind.

Wha i your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer

Sniper/Spotter Overwatch

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DayZ Name Martin, Steam Name: Noflii

How long have you played DayZ : I've been playing Dayz in almost a month now.

Time Zone: Central

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes I will. I've been searching for a loyal clan so I will of course act loyal.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I am much of an all around player. But what I feel best and most fun is medic. I will offer suppression fire and get my teammates back on track.

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DayZ Name : Viper66

How long have you played DayZ : Going on a month and a half now.

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I am always on and a very loyal person.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer): I would like to be a sniper. I served in the US Army Rangers 75th, 3rd Recon Divison (Long name for being a sniper) did two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I am well trained and well qualified.

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DayZ Name : Luke

How long have you played DayZ : 2 Months now

Time Zone: CST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. I was betrayed by my last clan and decided that I need to re-Setup with some people

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Pilot and Navigationalist. I can also help with overwatch and spotting for snipers.I also can scan,Guard,or Medic.

Edited by reeddreed

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DayZ Name : Alienware (Going to change it when I die :P)

How long have you played DayZ : 1 1/2 to 2 months. I'm decent for my playtime.

Time Zone: EST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. I would love some organization for once and DayZ. And it seems like this would be perfect.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Navigator,driver(of cars-trucks), and/or engineer :) (spotter works as well)

Thank you for your time,


Edited by 99treefrog

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DayZ Name : iuri

How long have you played DayZ : for 1 month

Time Zone:GTM +6

Will you stay loyal to our group?: iv played in many clans in other games, i love teamwork, i will

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) i can be a sniper or assault

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DayZ Name : Gabe Sanchez

How long have you played DayZ : 2-3 Months

Time Zone: Central

Will you stay loyal to our group?: I will, i've been very interested in joining a clan like this for awhile now.

What is your primary role requested?: I'd like to be anything, I do pretty well with a sniper though.

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DayZ Name : Huskerguy

How long have you played DayZ : Since May 2012, I've had a total of three characters (one that made it through 88 days until he got capped).

Time Zone: USA CST

Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. Not only do I have to, but I want to. For me, it's about fellowship. Lone wolfing gets boring very quickly; you don't have much to fight for. I enjoy fighting with the people alongside me. I will have a better Day Z experience playing with an organized group that operates professionally than going solo. If I do happen to get bored and want to leave, I would do it in an appropriate manner.

What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer): I have been playing Arma since day one and have taken the time learn almost every role (except for armor, but that is irrelevant in Day Z anyways). Thus, I can truly be placed in any role; I can snipe proficiently at +1000m ranges, effectively direct a firefight at 300m, and I am familiar with the proper CQB tactics when securing a building. I can truly e put anywhere. However, I think that my most useful skills for CSA are (in order of most benefits): pilot (I have probably clocked over 100 flight hours in Arma and have served as a training instructor for a major Arma group), fire team leader, tactical advice (up to platoon level), and rifleman. Again, I don't mind being put anywhere as playing with a group of guys who move tactically is my goal.

I look forwar to hearing back from you. Let me know if you have any questions.

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I dont care who the asks, I dont drop my gear on the ground. I would rather get shot and alt-f4 and sign back on later to bleed out and die before I give up my weapons and items. If I cant have it, no one can.

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Thoughtless, Shadow, Warpath, Tybacca, Gabe, and Husker you have all been accepted sorry on the wait our recruitment guy was gone. Hop onto our teamspeak.

Edited by Acevedo

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DayZ Name/Steam Name : MisterFister/raz0r3101

How long have you played DayZ : I'm just starting

Time Zone: middle-european time

Will you stay loyal to our group?: that's the reason why I'm joining...have some other players to rely on, so YES

What is your primary role requested?: sniper or assault (I'll do almost everything)

I already played Arma II a lot and saw many gameplays of Day Z..I also played it at a friend's house. I have a mic and will get teamspeak 3 for you.

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