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Sgt Huntley

The Flying Medics! (New Group)

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Hello guys and girls!

I'm Huntley, been playing this game for a week or two, surviving for a long time with only one of my friends. After a while I realized that being only two can be a bit boring. So I've decided to start a new "clan". We'll go under a TAG, working together and trying or best to help others. We'll do the best we can to avenge the fallen, save the ones in need!

If you're intrested if being one of these players, that enjoys others and only wants gratitude in return for favours, you can post here. And I'll contact you about how we'll go forward from this forum post to an actual force to be recon with ingame.

I'm playing mostly on the europe servers, I'm swedish. So if you do the same, that'll be great!

Thanks and god bless you in the zone!

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I would also be interested, I'm from the UK and can play most evenings. "asm0dai" on steam if you guys use it.

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Adding you on steam, so if you got a steam and would like to join this future group of salvtion just post your name and I'll add you as soon as I can!

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Also group is up and we're starting to get to know eachothers through the group chatt, remember to check in and vote for the server you want as our "home"!

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Hey guys been away for past couple days. Will be on tonight so I'll accept requests and join the group chat. Got a week off work now too! ;) cya tonight!

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Sounds good. Am very interested to join. Playername: KKS3K

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Interested in joining as we're almost all in the same time zone, I'm from Belgium.

Add me on steam Jordy_wvl got a working mic and TS or skype whatever you prefer!

Looking forward to play with you guys soon!

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P.S. My steamname: lionelli

Am from Germany.

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Nice to see the group growing, planing some future events for the group such as holding towns or other objectives :)

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IM IN! Steam Name: Rahelaz

In-Game Name: Japekkii

I have retail version but it added to steam "Non-steam game" :)

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In Sweden as well so count me in. Steam name: lorddukenukem, shortened to "D" in-game.

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Ännu en svensk spelare!

Hello, Leo here. I am currently with a server called LMC; the LMC server focus mainly on Arma 2 Roleplay. This is why I would like to join a community in "DayZ", being that most members are swedish and you all seem experienced, I would like to join.

I've been playing for about a week and know the map in and out, very experienced navigator.

Ingame tag can also be fixed.

Add me on steam! "leodorr"

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Will do Leodorr! Nice to see all of you guys wanting to join our fast growing clan!

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Will do Leodorr! Nice to see all of you guys wanting to join our fast growing clan!

I can't know for sure when you sent this reply, the time system messes up on my computer. Allthough, you have not added me yet. Thought i'd mention! :-/ :D

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Im not gonna join, I'm a loner and I enjoy it that way, but your names are going on my 'good guys list' :D

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