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Sgt Huntley

The Flying Medics! (New Group)

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I'm Dutch and I don't know how good my English is but I think I will find that out when I talk to English people :D. I play now always on EU3 and I wanna join you guys :D.

OO yeah my steam is: sniperkip

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Steam name is M.Shini http://steamcommunity.com/id/MShini/

Grabed the game yetserday had a coupel days play around now im totally ready to get in a roaming gang can be very lonleys, have Mic for easy communications too, im from the Uk so Fluent in English and the same sort of time as most you guys.

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Very glad to see all you wanting to join TFM.

Yesterday the group itself managed to hold the entire NW airfield, finding a chopper, starting to repair it, with some minor deaths. Peter (Dont mind me), got greedy and entered the crashed chopper, resulting into his death while sitting in one of the gun slots.

Hopefully this day, we'll be able to do the same thing without "Dont mind me" dying thanks to his greed :D

Peace out!

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Do you guys play in the dark or in daylight? (i only play when there is daylight because i don't like the darkness)

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We'll we tend to play on servers with light, but since we've managed to get some of our members NVG, we don't mind playing in the night. Or you can use the poor mans Night Vision and turn the brightness up!

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Seems such a Friendly and nice group!

I love it when people come together and help each other :)

Add me on steam "simos mcmuffin", do you use voice chat on steams mass chat?

in-game nick is "SiMoS".

Cheers from Finland!

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I would really like to join you guys and have some fun together!

My Steam name is Heraclius, could anyone add me to the Steam community page so I can group up with you?

Thanks! :)

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If you're still looking for people, I'm interested.

I'm 16 soon, from Germany, but I live in Sweden, so I can talk Swedish at an acceptable level.

My steam name is CER10TY, my ingame name is CER10TY too, and I mostly play on FR1. You can PM me anytime.

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I'm also looking for a group of people to play with, my steam is Proxzor add me :)

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Im Ref!.

From Norway here and I mostly play European serveres (whichever I manage to join) :)

I have mostly gone by myself and avoided big cities as much as possible due to huge in-game trust-issues. It would be nice to team up and I love helping and being a part of something bigger :)

If ya see me ingame, lemme know and I'll do whatever I can to assist!

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New people who wants to join add me at "Davegrowl" on steam! Makes it easier for me :)

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