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God Save Us All is Recruiting

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Hello all, we are a strong clan looking to expand our community with mature players to be able to play around the clock, we do daily weapon runs at the usual hot spots, we are looking for strong individuals who prepare for events, tournaments, and coordinated attacks from time to time. We are not looking for new players to "teach" or to just "gear"

We offer:

Maturity when in combat or raiding.

If you die we will help you retrieve your corpse or get your gear back to you.

Good players, Teamwork, coordination.

Easy communication/Vent.

What we want:

A strong level of maturity during combat.

A headset so we can communicate.

A strong understanding of the game and map awareness - we don't babysit

If you die get over it, its going to happen eventually.

Have fun, its important.

If your interested in joining us please go to Godsaveusall.com register and go to our new applicant thread and let us know a bit about yourself

You can also add me to your friends through Steam, name is Kriticalfury.

(Please dont ask me to add you, half the time people dont have room and I tend to have my hands full in game.)

PS: We have nothing to do with religion unless its the religion of killing zombies and players ;)

Edited by Kriticalfury

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Hello all, we are a strong clan looking to expand our community with mature players to be able to play at all times, we do daily weapon runs at the usual hot spots, help new players, prepare for what we like to call The Massacre of Chernogorsk and The Elektrozavodsk Incident. These are basically kill runs.

We offer:



Quality players

A server for players to setup camps and help new players learn the ropes.

If you like to work together to make the team stronger and dominate cities this is probably the community for you, we dont want whiners or ragers but we do want map awareness and focus.

If your interested in joining us please go to Godsaveusall.com register and go to our new applicant thread and let us know a bit about yourself

You can also add me to your friends through Steam, name is Kriticalfury.

(Please dont ask me to add you, half the time people dont have room and I tend to have my hands full in game.)

PS: We have nothing to do with religion unless its the religion of killing zombies and players ;)

You shoot other players... yet this is posted in the Survivor HQ.

Are you or are you not bandits?

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Right... I know its fun to waste peoples time with a post to start debate, trolling is fun right bud? Take the time to read something through, and if possible go out play or have fun instead of wasting peoples time if your not interested in joining Maroite. We have ALOT of events like hatchet wars in house fights and more BUT FIRST we help people who are new clan to learn the ropes and excel, teamwork is our main focus and helping newer players. I know its hard to read clearly sometimes and its a blast to just down people for fun but im sure you have the ability to do this, take more time to read and think about what your saying ;)

Good luck in your future posts and hopefully in life =D

Edited by Kriticalfury

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Right... I know its fun to waste peoples time with a post to start debate, trolling is fun right bud? Take the time to read something through, and if possible go out play or have fun instead of wasting peoples time if your not interested in joining Maroite. We have ALOT of events like hatchet wars in house fights and more BUT FIRST we help people who are new clan to learn the ropes and excel, teamwork is our main focus and helping newer players. I know its hard to read clearly sometimes and its a blast to just down people for fun but im sure you have the ability to do this, take more time to read and think about what your saying ;)

Good luck in your future posts and hopefully in life =D

Re-Read your last sentence.. Then you'll understand why you guys are no different from bandits.

Yes you help new player.. Who have first applied to your clan.

But you still kill everyone outside the clan dont you?

Thats where lots of survivor clans fail at.. They do "coordinated attacks", which is most times the same as "kill on sight and take their loot".

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you dont have to bump every fucking 5 sec

Edited by Mabuse

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Stop trolling on the recruitment page hommies. IF you don't like that its in the Survivor HQ, complain to a mod and tell them to move it to Bandits.


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