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thrasher (DayZ)


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Please show us how to update battle eye in a way we can stop these hackers you mothafucking genius!

deinstall battleeye

deinstall dayz

= best update.

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The Problem is everyone thinks he is a "big star killer" and when someone kills him with a as50 it must be a cheated thermo one and this must be a hacker....

Not everyone who kills you is a hacker.

This teleporting shit, clearly is a hacker.

But cherno on fire and all the people in the near death could be the Uhey when it crashes. We have crashed the Uhey in the woods and you could see the fire from everywhere. That wasnt a hack only a bug that the Uhey exploded on a tree while standing...after that the woods burnt for a long time.

Not every night is too dark to shoot with the AS50 without thermal. You can search enemys with NightVision and prepare your shot without thermal AS50 without problems. Just a little bit of skill...

Last night the moon was shining and that was perfect for long AS50 firering.

Set your Gama high and you mustnt run with your flashlight around ;)

When you think that is a hacker then write a PN to the Server Admins that they can check the Logs and send them to the Dayz staff.

Thats the way to go to keep the Forum free from some shitty Postings which will not help anything.

It is like the good old Counter Strike Days, this guy who is killing me must be a hacker :>

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actually i have, and nothing was done about it besides them getting banned from ONE server.

This hack is still around and it bypasses battle eye scripts. Such a shame they cant deal with it.

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In 12 weeks of playing the game I have seen hackers twice. It is a serious problem but not nearly as serious as you make it out to be....

On the contrary my friend, your experience does not necessarily represent the whole. Just look at the hack reports in this forum, it's probably only a very small fraction of what is actively occurring simply because many people (myself included) have been victims of these hacks so many times that we no longer have any desire to spend our time typing up and submitting reports on them. In the past two weeks of playing this game, I have been a victim of these hacks at least once or twice a day across over a dozen different servers. In the past three days, the frequency has gone up to almost once every few hours. My regular crew of players is becoming quickly frustrated over this, and many are already moving on in disgust -- they absolutely love this game and the concepts behind it, but the Dev's lack of a solution or proactive support of the server admins regarding hack prevention is absolutely ruining their experience.

I truly hope something is done about it and soon because it would be sad to see this project fail and the company's product reputation tainted.

Edited by Ragotag
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On the contrary my friend, your experience does not necessarily represent the whole. Just look at the hack reports in this forum, it's probably only a very small fraction of what is actively occurring simply because many people (myself included) have been victims of these hacks so many times that we no longer have any desire to spend our time typing up and submitting reports on them. In the past two weeks of playing this game, I have been a victim of these hacks at least once or twice a day across over a dozen different servers. In the past three days, the frequency has gone up to almost once every few hours. My regular crew of players is becoming quickly frustrated over this, and many are already moving on in disgust -- they absolutely love this game and the concepts behind it, but the Dev's lack of a solution or proactive support of the server admins regarding hack prevention is absolutely ruining their experience.

I truly hope something is done about it and soon because it would be sad to see this project fail and the company's product reputation tainted.

i for myself lost every hope to deal with this hacking playground.

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My last 5 or so deaths have all been to hackers. I'm not talking sniped while somewhere, but getting disarmed instantly while logged in, teleported, turned into a goat (guess this one was fixed) and then killed, along with everyone else on the server. Like others have said, it's no big deal if you're in the bean wars on the coast but can get really old when walking 30+ minutes out in the woods.

Anyone remember the first Diablo? Guess I'm dating myself by bringing it up but it was great up until everyone everywhere started to hack, and in much the same way—teleporting, killing instantly, invisibility. The solution? Play in passworded games with friends. In some ways the alpha thing still applies but there are two reasons to provide a halfway decent playing experience at this point: keep people interested so you can make a shit ton of money when you decide to charge, and keep people playing so you can get the data you need. For example, It's hard to get a sense of how appropriate weapon spawns are when everyone has illegitimate NVGs, AS50s, L85s, etc.

Back to the OP: Take a break for a few days, relax, then let go of any attachment you have to your stuff.

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Maybe some of the money dayz has made BIS can go to the guy making battleeye so he can hire someone who knows how to program.

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Anyone who thinks there is not a huge hacking problem in DayZ is either a script kiddie in disguise or is in serious denial. I won't be playing unless this problem is fixed. It was fun though while it lasted.

I guess I will just have to wait for WarZ.

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Seriously. We know there are a lot of hackers. Whining about it solves nothing other than to bury unique, non-repetitive threads.

Edit: Also, nobody said you have to keep playing this mod.

Edited by NightRipper

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Anyone remember the first Diablo? Guess I'm dating myself by bringing it up but it was great up until everyone everywhere started to hack, and in much the same way—teleporting, killing instantly, invisibility.

BobaFett's trainer. It is what absolutely ruined Diablo I and then Diablo II when he released an updated version for that. I quit playing D2 after my lvl 80-something hardcore sorc (if you die, you die - no tents or vehicles to save your gear) was killed by a lvl 7 Druid right outside of town. His lvl 7 raven hit me once.

Ironically, the Arma2 engine fucks up in the exact same way the Diablo engines did years and years ago - the code trusts the client. Really, really stupid. Hax will happen anyway, but when this associate-in-game-design mistake is made it really opens the door for the shit storm. Arma2 took it a step further and allows any client to run scripts that affect the entire connected populus of a server. Who thought that would be a good idea? Honestly?

Back to the OP: Take a break for a few days, relax, then let go of any attachment you have to your stuff.

Please don't say the attachment line. Pretty please. It's such a cop-out excuse for problems that aren't being addressed. To me, "let go of any attachment" means, "nobody gives a shit about trying to fix these game-breaking issues." It's the same as saying, "dude, this is an alpha". I understand this isn't a finished product. I've got unfinished coding projects of my own, but believe you me if one of them had a flaw that fucked people out of hours and hours of their time, I'd be fixing that issue first. I'd at least acknowledge the presence of the issue and give status updates on getting it fixed.


Seriously. We know there are a lot of hackers. Whining about it solves nothing other than to bury unique, non-repetitive threads.

Edit: Also, nobody said you have to keep playing this mod.

Ermagerd, another reddit/4chan child. Your signature clearly defines the motivation for your "just ignore the hax or go away" stance. Making oneself heard doesn't solve anything, but one combined with many others will at the very least command additional attention to the issue. Complaints can definitely be constructive, especially in the Cheat Reporting forum, where we are now.

Posts such as yours quoted above define worthless.

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Why dont you guys wote to kik them from server IF YOU SEE THERE NAME

That's reactive and requires action from multiple people. Need to mend the broken parts, not just bandage them and take morphine (her her).

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US 279 today, guy pretty much wiped the server from Solichney to NW airstrip to Cherno in 5 minutes. First time ive seen anything this bad in 2 months of playin

I was watching the ladder where I was and he was suddenly behind me on a roof, one shot and he was gone.

Edited by StzA

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I was unfortunately on a server during a hack, turning everyone into goats and teleporting them around the map was amusing to someone. You just get screwed and start over. I suggest figuring out the mechanics of the tents, and having a few spare camps on diffrent servers so as not to lose all your gear in one hit. In regards to hackers, i have found tents with guns not in dayz, i have found cars that clearly were hacked. I have seen bombers, I have seen cherno on fire. Luck of the draw. its a problem but you just have to deal with it, or stop playing. I have no problem with the fine snipers, you can hit a target with the as50 from a long ways off, it takes skill but its not a hack. look up the shooting range for dayz, try out a few guns on there. It's hard but not impossible.

I agree its not impossible to do very long range shots with an as50. I'm saying the likely hood of someone getting 4 head shots in a row in about 5 seconds on 4 moving targets at 1000+m is VERY UNLIKELY and probably using an aimbot to do so.

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