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DE7 Huge Camp on Skalisty Island! Raid/Destroy it! (pics inside)

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I went back to this server to check the status of the Island. I instantly got sniped at Cap Golova (well it's just doggy dog isn't it?).

So I managed to respawn and make my way to the island. Most tents I found had no weapons or toolbelt items. I did find some tents that still had SVD snipers, silenced M4a1, NVG and GPS.

There is even more tents than I originally thought though. Literally the entire island is covered in them.

So its been restocked again ? Lol. We didnt come across any SVD's etc. Although we didnt get to comb the entire island so I dont know..

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So its been restocked again ? Lol. We didnt come across any SVD's etc. Although we didnt get to comb the entire island so I dont know..

The tents that I found with weapons/tools were near rocks. Most of the tents I checked just had basic crap in them but there is still a lot of high tier stuff there.

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DE7 is a very "old" server with a Steam Group and more Coop centric from what i know, how exactly do you *KNOW* that this duped, and not simply the fruit of some proper "playing together" type thing with a lot of players ?

Oh wait, that would be too shocking for you, players in DayZ actually cooperating instead of shooting each other in the face FOR TEH LULZ all the time.

This community is one of the most dickish i have ever seen, congratulations.

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Just take some stuff and leave all the rest behind, don't be a dick and expose or destroy it o.o..

But it could had been duped even though I have no idea how to dupe.

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The little plumb that got banned was banned for combat logging, the only reason anyone will get banned from DE7 by a admin. check how long the servers been runing and the amount of actual bans....hardly any. this wee guy and his mate killed one of mine and obviously would try and jump in the chopper so i just waited, even said to my mate bet these wee guys combat log and sure enough they didnt disapoint. if youd like to appolagise for your combat logging and promise that you have learned from this ill unban you no problem.

There is no difference between banning for combat logging and banning because you are afraid that someone could kill you or banning because you don't like someones nickname.

It is massive admin abuse and needs to be punished by revoking hive access.

It is a real life necessity to log out of a server every once in a while. People have real lives, too and exiting a game is a very basic and normal feature in any game.You have neither a fucking clue why someone needed to log out exactly, nor is this any of your business.

Its unfortunate that stopping to play the game can be abused in principle, but thats a flaw in the game itself and nobodys fault. It is obscene that people like you play witness, judge and prosecutor all in on person based on your personal and very limited perception of what is going on.

I'm sick of these people like you making up their own nonsensical rules and even bring them up to defend themselves if they get caught abusing.

Edited by perestain

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It is obscene that people like you play witness, judge and prosecutor all in on person based on your personal and very limited perception of what is going on.

So thats why you are on the forums and play judge and cry for hive-access rights removal, without exactly knowing what was going on yourself ?


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So thats why you are on the forums and play judge and cry for hive-access rights removal, without exactly knowing what was going on yourself ?


I know perfectly what is going on, because all I refer to is what can be read on this forum.

Not like admins, who assume and interprete the personal reasons of a player that logs out however they like.

On this forum, admins are openly admitting to abusive practice and are excusing it with rules they made up themselves and do not apply to dayz, and for good reasons. Therfore I request them to be removed from the hive. Simple.

Banning for any reason other than proven racism, locking a server, hacking the game and spawning in items.

These are all pretty much the same thing.

Actually banning for combat logging is even below hacking in tanks and other stuff, since the latter at least might produce some interesting results that can point to new ideas in the development.

Anyways, this is all abusing and exploiting the game in its development process, it can be proven with logs and people who do it should be excluded from taking part in the development process.

The intentions behind a logout however cannot be proven. Unless gunshots were fired, its perfectly possible the guy did not even know he was escaping a situation. And even if there was gunfire, there is a possibility that someone stopped playing because he had something else to do in real life.

Letting admins who have no way to prove anything and have an interest in banning someone decide what the intentions behind a DC were and act upon these assumptions is a fallacy. As an admin, you could virtually ban anyone for combat logging, since everone logs out of the server at some time, and there are usually other people on the same server, too.

And therefore combat logging is not bannable by official rules, and for good reasons.

In my opinion, admins who ban for disconnecting are way lower than the hackers or combat loggers themselves. They practically grant themselves the right to ban anyone whenever they like. And excuse it in a twofaced manner. Its disgusting.

If you have a problem with the state of the game, talk about solutions or quit hosting a server for the project. Granting yourself abusing rights is not acceptable.

Edited by perestain

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Like i CONTINUE to say over and over again!

IF you have a problem with admins on the server please contact me on the forums via PM.

IF you have a problem with someone hacking contact me on the forums via PM.

IF you you believe that there are camps duping to gain an unfair advantage DONT pm me via forums. Because all tents dupe it is a known bug with DayZ.

I have heard people getting banned for logging off to avoid combat or to ghost players and have been looking into the bans myself. If you believe you have been banned because of this contact me via forum pm with your GUID and ig name.

Get off the forums and get in game


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Hello all,

I was on DE7 earlier and decided to make a trip to Skalisty Island since I have never been there before. What I discovered was insane. There must be about 40-50 tents littered across the island. They contain lots of weapons including multiple L85 AWS and silenced rifles.

Check out the pics below and please go and raid it. Everything seems duped. They have about 15 guille suits, 10 NVG, 10 rangefinder etc.

There is also a boat around the back of the island that needs fuel.

Oh. And what, if this is your camp? Would you appreciate it if some motherfu*ker is posting it on the forums just to get raid? Dude u need a fist.

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Fuck me! Can someone actually be THAT stupid?! I mean really, is it possible?!

How many people do you need to tell you that it IS Dog eat dog world?! Hell, someone even provided you with facts. I was going to reply with the same thing until I saw that post and thought you'd be smart enough to take your loss and quietly slink away, obviously not.

Also, loosing? Not losing but loosing their mind? Yes, we should trust you completely on a matter of grammar.

Your the one who is the moran.

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Fuck me! Can someone actually be THAT stupid?! I mean really, is it possible?!

How many people do you need to tell you that it IS Dog eat dog world?! Hell, someone even provided you with facts. I was going to reply with the same thing until I saw that post and thought you'd be smart enough to take your loss and quietly slink away, obviously not.

Also, loosing? Not losing but loosing their mind? Yes, we should trust you completely on a matter of grammar.

God damnit. "A Doggy Dog World" is an episode of Rugrats. I'm pretty sure it originates from that, at least thats when I first heard it said that way. It is actually a common mis saying, many small children do it. When people use it, they usually know that "dog eat dog" is correct but use "doggy dog" instead.

Edited by KeelPool

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This thread needs a close...

Oh, that would be convenient for you wouldn't it?

IF you have a problem with admins on the server please contact me on the forums via PM.

So you want me to PM you a link to this thread in which there is ample evidence of your admins breaking the hosting rules, including a confession?


IF you you believe that there are camps duping to gain an unfair advantage DONT pm me via forums. Because all tents dupe it is a known bug with DayZ.

Interesting perspective. So it's totally okay for people to cheat as long as the cheats are "known?"

Don't call it a bug. It's an exploit. The idea that you can "accidentally" create a tent city filled with gear because of a bug is silly. You have to deliberately utilize the well known exploit in order to copy the tents, place them and duplicate their contents. It's not like "Whoops I tripped on that rock and now we have a tent city and a bunch of gear."

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Contact Server Admins or if you have a valid reason report in the correct forum....

I should have locked this on Day 1.

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