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Vilayer can you get your act together?

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Its been over 8 hours. TS is full while you guys sit AFK. Ive beeen a customer for a few months and been letting it slide but I am ready to move to another provider. Get it together guys, business isn't conducted this way. Vilayer2.png


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Woo I see my name :D But seriously I've been sitting on that ts for 8 hours waiting and no update at all..its only a java problem

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Taking foreeeeevvverrrrrr. Gah, been refreshing the page all day.

At least talk to us and let us know what's going on.

Edited by iHighland

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I can barely play on the server its so laggy and needs rebooted. Yesterday another ACP panel issue, same amount of people waiting.

Why don't you login to admin in game then restart?

At least your server is up

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Thank god for my server having automated restarts. It came at the perfect time. Been trying to access my ACP all day but knew about the problem so I didn't even bother going to TS to ask about it.

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Why don't you login to admin in game then restart?

At least your server is up

I cant restart it that way it kicks me for #55 or #54 for trying to access the login for admin.

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Thank you it worked, lag is gone. I was using BERcon which didn't allow me to restart. Still my original post stands. This is ridiculous ACP panel goes down all the time.

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When i first tried to rent a server at vilayer I transferred the funds and a couple of hours later when I checked the status page it said it my account was blocked.

This gave me a very bad first impression.

I got their teamspeak adress later on by a clanmember and hopped on to their TS to find out what was going on.

It turned out there was a problem with a module on their site, and they had people working on it.

Granted I have not been a customer for very long, I have nothing but good things to say about them.

Yes there can be a rather large quantity of technical issues at times, but their team is devoted to help you out.

While they have to work with a alpha version and half of the issues are not caused by them, they even helped me out with things that aren't even 'their' job to do so.

And that means more than anything to me, even in the middle of the night at ungodly hours they do their best to help you out.

I'm glad i'm able to work with humans instead of machines, and I felt I had to come to their defense on this one.

As unconvienent this may be, the best solution right now is to be patient.

I'm 100% confident that if they aren't already, they will work on this immediatly as soon as they find out.



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I unserstand when a company has tech issues, sometimes their are issues that can happen out of nowhere and nobody is to blame. That being said, I am pretty upset about this.... I got my server through them over a week ago and it's been non-stop issues. The issues aren't even why I am mad, it's the lack of communication and the awful customer service they offer. And they advetise that communication and service are the company's main concern. I have spend countless hours over the course of a few days on the Teamspeak3 they have set up and I still haven't received a real answer. The ticket system has resulted in a prompt reply 3 times, although the answers were anything but helpfull. Casey was the service rep for all 3 tickets and ll 3 of them read somethign like this, "We said we would have your server up and running in 4 hours, we never said you could play it in 4 hours." I got this messaged replied to me 3 times in one ticket after I kept trying to get more info to resolve the issue. "Your server may have been installing or you were attempting to edit the files while the server was running. Regardless, your server is now working properly as US1***" <<<< not the case. It's not cheap to run these and donations are few and far between. I would like a little more for my money. If theexplosion of DayZ has created issues and they can't supply the constant demand then they need to construct a larger support staff. This JavScript issue is crazy, nobody cares if the server has issues, just let us know where you are at in the process. They haven't even acknowledged that there is an issue!

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I'm guessing you didn't read the channel description which specifically states the error/issue with the java script and the error 500? What's even more interesting to me is that we as American's have a sense of NOW OR ILL TAKE MY MONEY ELSEWHERE. It's a game, I agree we do it for enjoyment, but your life is not going to fall apart because there are a few issues on that game for a small period of time. I highly doubt 8 hours of downtime in your ACP (not even in the server) affects your life that badly. I've had no issues with vilayer in the times that I've had them and they've been responsive within their TS at all times.

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It's not tht its going to ruin my life or even ruin my day, it's the amount of money you pay monthly and the service you get in return. And no, I searched everywhere earlier for any type of error message or statement and the only thing I came across was the DayZ Forums. And yes $50 a month is a lot and you deserve good service for that kind of commitment. American's are asshole who think they deserve everything and anything but fuck it why not? I'll fall in line with the rest of this miserable society.

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That issue was fixed hours ago. TCAdmin developers wanted to look into it and see if they could fix it in their next version. Game servers were not affected and could still be controlled via Rcon.

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That issue was fixed hours ago. TCAdmin developers wanted to look into it and see if they could fix it in their next version. Game servers were not affected and could still be controlled via Rcon.

Unless your server has been down for the last 30 some odd hours like a large number of east coast servers. At least we can get into TCadmin now and it shows status: Unknown.

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Unless your server has been down for the last 30 some odd hours like a large number of east coast servers. At least we can get into TCadmin now and it shows status: Unknown.

I just purchased a server from ViLayer and my server has been saying "Status: Unknown" for awhile now...

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we got a server around 8:25pm central, its now 1 am and we cant even access acp....lol worst company ever...we sent in a ticket and got a quick response stating it can take up to an hour...their working on 5 hours now....the user and pass they gave me doesnt work nor does my email work when i try the forgot your password link, says theirs no account with that email....

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Hi all,

I got my server this night, but i looks to me like the mission is empty, and when i connect to the server it just states "wait for host" anyone know how to fix that?

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Hi all,

I got my server this night, but i looks to me like the mission is empty, and when i connect to the server it just states "wait for host" anyone know how to fix that?

I would guess you dont have an instance ID yet, same boat as us, just wait you will get it eventually.

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I just got great help from Johnny from Vilayer, my server is running now and he even helped with me some of the settings in the config file that i was unsure of, so great service from him.

What i did was first to create a ticket and then join their TS3, i got contacted after 15-20 min and johnny fixed my problem within 5 mins.

So super service :)

Happy server admin of DK8

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I dont really know why people are waiting to get any help with the ACP, they could just as easily read the description and actually not waste the time of the helpdesk and people that they could help.

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Ive never had a problem with Vilayer or their ACP - seriously just stop your whinging put in a ticket and wait your time. Vilayer Staff do need to sleep and i assume the 8 hours is proberly from them working over time on problems with day z and the hive. Its not that easy to host a server for a game that is in alpha. Vilayer are top server providers and flaming them on this is fucking stupid. Time Zone variation makes it so easy to get things done for everyone in the world give them a break and wait your turn.

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Hello Everyone,

First of all i am extremely sorry for the issues over the past 24 hours.

All customers must understand that we are under extremely load currently, we're getting approx 30 odd orders per hours for DayZ.

The control panel issues were fixed this morning by Tcadmin, we're continuing to monitor the situation carefully to ensure it doesn't happen again.

If anyone wants to come on our Teamspeak i'll be around to help them in any way i can.

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