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About Ensign2

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  1. So, I just noticed this: It's 00:30 AM local time (CET). The server resets and says the server started at 05:00 PM. So, with a lot of calculations I could schedule restarts at the right moment for CET, but please do something about this. Run a NTP client to update the server time to CET (Luxembourg time) so 5PM is actually 5 PM. It also seems to be running a day behind.
  2. What I find to be really weird, is that we've set automatic restarts at 02:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00. We can see from the logs that it thinks the reboot is at 02:00, but from emperical evidence we find that the 02:00 reboot (we think) actually reboots at around 00:30 local time. How the hell can it reboot at 00:30? With timezones a reboot on the whole hour could/would make sense. So 01:00, or 03:00, but not half past something. This is unless the time on the server is way off, but of course we cannot check that...
  3. Ensign2

    Vehicles outside map boundaries

    If he weren't an admin, would that have changed things? Anyway... I agree with OP (but beware, I play with him and I'm an admin too!). Wouldn't it be more fun if vehicles were actually used what they are in game for instead of just hoarded outside of the map boundaries? Sure you could take lots of food and water and go play Running Simulator 2012 Pro outside of the map boundaries to find those vehicles. But wouldn't it be fun if you could actually sometimes see one driven or could stumble upon one somewhere in the mountains? Sure, the vehicles should despawn after 24 hours, but there have been reports that after 3 days without touching a vehicle, it was still there. There should just be a big invisible wall on the map boundaries so the vehicles stay in the map. Or Chernarus should be an island like Lingor so you can't drive them off map. Or vehicles should automagically break down when you leave the map... lots of possibilities...
  4. When you order with Vilayer they give you an option for "location routing". This is not where the server is physically located (even though it might suggest otherwise). As stated on their order form page: "All of our Europe servers are physically located in Luxembourg but this is what you will approximately ping."
  5. Apart from the problems today, what I miss is an automatic timezone/offset in the name of the server. It would be sweet if they added that. Oh, and auto announce in game on automatic reboot. I'm not actually sure that isn't the case now though ;)
  6. Ensign2

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    I just used Arma 2 RCON GUI. Worked like a charm: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9647
  7. Ensign2

    Anyone have second weapon vanishing?

    Yup. Friend of mine has had this happen on 2 occasions now. The second time he lost my MK48 after I died. The ammo belts were still there though....
  8. Thanks {JQF}Johnny. We renamed our server to NL. Quick question about the ACP layer setting for Crosshair. We've set it to off, but when we enter the game it's still there. The server was shutdown when we changed it. Should we edit a setting some place else as well?
  9. About the kicking players for clan members: The only incentive for people now to host servers is to have a home to play on (and maybe show support to the DayZ team). We just lost some on another server because it went offline and we didn't want that to happen again. A fair system I feel is to have 40 slots minimum that are open for everyone and some extra slots for clan members. So you want a clan server with 6 reserved slots? Host a 46 slots server - 40 open to public, 6 reserved for clan members.
  10. Just one question: what is location routing when you order a server? All the servers seem to be physically located in Luxembourg (when you chose europe), so your country code will always be "LU". What is the location routing for then?