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how to recognize too low temperature??

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I know there is a thermometer in the HUD but it looks always the same how do I know I'm near 33°C?????

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ok, so my mate got infected but his temperature was "whiteyellowish" all the time!!!

also it was bright day! with sun, no rain!

Edited by Magicool

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The icon will start to turn bluish grey. When you become cold enough to get an infection the icon will start flashing just like hunger or food.

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It'll start to blink when you're in a critical state

Edited by bahhh

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There's a temperature thingy in the Debug window.

u sir fail

The icon will start to turn bluish grey. When you become cold enough to get an infection the icon will start flashing just like hunger or food.

ok so the guy above said it turns red, u say it becomes blueish grey

so anyone who can confirm one of these theories?

edit: oh ok I was too slow, ok so blinking seems to be confirmed

Edited by Magicool

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You can get infected by zombies too - very small chance, but it can happen.

Just make sure you aren't in rain or water and if it's night time keep moving while outside.

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You can get infected by zombies too - very small chance, but it can happen.

Just make sure you aren't in rain or water and if it's night time keep moving while outside.

ok, because in the dayzwiki only cause is low temp

but it was a sunny day,

it was shortly after zombie aggro, so seems he had very bad luck

Edited by Magicool

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What I think is annoying is that thermometers seems to use a different color scheme than the other icons. Both on mine and my buddy's character its always this greenish-slightly reddish color, and when my buddy caught a cold it didn't turn red like the icons for hunger or thirst do. I'm not against having to check for my body temperature every now and then, its pretty cool actually, but I don't like stare at that icon again and again, trying to figure out if I'm getting cold or something.

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ok, so my mate got infected but his temperature was "whiteyellowish" all the time!!!

also it was bright day! with sun, no rain!

You can get it when a zombie hit's you as well.

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Maybe they should add a shaking similar to the one when you are in pain, to signify you are getting cold enough to get sick.

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When the thermometer gets very pale green and then starts turning to light blue you know you are getting colder. Sadly it's difficult to tell exactly how cold you are now.

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Maybe they should add a shaking similar to the one when you are in pain, to signify you are getting cold enough to get sick.

I believe they already do. If you're cold enough you start to shiver. That is what I have been told. to from experience.

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There's a temperature thingy in the Debug window.

No, its gone. You don't see your exact temperature anymore. ..-.-

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No, its gone. You don't see your exact temperature anymore. ..-.-

Good riddance. It's not like I'd run around sticking a thermometer up my arse in the event of societal collapse.

I can't wait until the debug monitor is no longer required for testing at all, then it won't be a score sheet.

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The colors of the thermometer icon could be more well defined. I think it looks like a hue of blue when it's getting low, but it's hardly noticeable. It seems yellow when it's good.

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So, black means I'm a Z now? :)

I can hardly tell any difference and suddenly it starts blinking.

At least heatpacks are useful now, but the colouring has to be more distinct when the temp value from the debug monitor is removed.

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Yeah, there is a small chance to become infected if you are hit BY a zombie WHILE you are BLEEDING.

But, despite the chance being so minute, I have been infected from zombies 4 times. And have only just now found Antibiotics from a helo crash site.

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Yeah, there is a small chance to become infected if you are hit BY a zombie WHILE you are BLEEDING.

But, despite the chance being so minute, I have been infected from zombies 4 times. And have only just now found Antibiotics from a helo crash site.

Dude, I've been infected by zombies so many times, I've lost count. I make it my mission to grab antibiotics before I leave the coast.

On another note, does anyone know what the requirements for getting broken bones from zombies are? I got a broken bone earlier on the first hit from 12000 blood.

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