Scipios (DayZ) 5 Posted August 1, 2012 Wow this admin guy is funny. And by that I mean he thinks he is the dogs bollocks because he bought a server and therefore he has some god given right to the game and to the way his server runs. He can schedule things, maintain things but ultimately you can tell this guy has decided to run a server because he is some overweight loser who thinks that by buying a server he is automatically given the ability to be god. Quite frankly.. The admin is a deuche and I think only an idiot would play on his server. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fartus 61 Posted August 1, 2012 Bitches be jealous of my sexy locks.Just look at em all looking at my profile like "dayumm I want his Number". Sorry boys, don't play that way.No, you're just fat and the only way that we positively know that you have a jawline is due to the fact that you've sculpted your facial pubes into a jaw like structure. You overweight goofy fuck-head. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedusly 3 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Hello everybody! I'm one of the guys you kicked last night from your server, adharma. *Siggy_NRL's mate*You're great at diverting attention away from the fact that you kick people from your server, when you die or something doesn't go your way.I really don't understand what your problem is, adharma.I mean, posting immature pictures in response to any rational response someone has...Don't worry though, if Siggy didn't give enough evidence to the events that went down on your server, I think I might add in. :)Last night, around 10:00 p.m, Siggy, our other mate and myself were on Skalisty Island. We found a helicopter there, in need of repairs, so we partially repaired it. Now, if you didn't know, a helicopter that isn't fully repaired, will leak fuel, which it did. This is why we landed on the field, next to the factory, near Polana. To repair it and refuel it. While we were doing so, a bus started to drive along the road, heading from Polana to Orlovets . At the time, I was in the medium value industrial building, closest to the lake, near the factory. As they drove past, Siggy shot the person driving the bus, because I wasn't fast enough to get there in time. He also killed another person who exited the bus and tried to hide behind it. As I was running back towards our helicopter, we all get kicked. Immediately after I got kicked I checked the time, which was close to 11:30 p.m.Now, adharma...Does this sound like something someone would make up? I don't think it does.So now that I have told my side of the story, maybe you won't try to come up with bullshit excuses like: "The OP is lying! WAAAH! :'("Hopefully you shut up and stop posting annoying-ass-pictures.Everybody knows you abuse your powers. Everyone knows to avoid your server. (which is probably what you want)So please stop trying to cover up the fact that you suck. :) Edited August 1, 2012 by Dedusly 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Cursed Red Baron 6 Posted August 1, 2012 You don't even have to kill them... It's enough when you find their camp at the northern border and mark it on the map as "Camp here", so other people can get some gear too.Guess what happened 2 minutes later... Was on US 567 as i can remember... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fartus 61 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I mean honestly, I'm not sure why you care at this point. As fate would have it, the guy who was behaving like a complete cocksucker actually is complete cocksucker. An overweight, greasy moron with a physical representation of poor life choices rammed through his face.If anything, I'd just call it a win. Edited August 1, 2012 by Lord Fartus 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatDamnGinger 0 Posted August 1, 2012 Adharma, I feel what you're saying. Folks want to bitch when they get to use something free but it isn't exactly to their liking. I've got to say though, I get kicked out of a lot of servers. I show up, 2 minutes later I'm kicked. Join again, get kicked again. I've been banned from one server which was US 1337, and all I did was join and run about 60 meters. It's their server, they can run them however they like, and I'm not complaining about this, mind, its just an observation. I'll find a low pop server so I can run across the map, or just have a low-key gaming experience, and get kicked. No biggie, that's what the server list is for I suppose.See the thing is that they can't run it how ever they like. They have to follow Rockets rules for hosting a DayZ server. If they aren't following those rules they can be banned from ever being allowed to to host a server for DayZ. Unfortunatly it is often times very hard to prove that the abuse that does happen is infact taking place since it turns into a I say/ They Say argument. Kill the admin and the server mysteriously restarts? They will say they are updating the ban list or needed to take the server down for maitenence or the server just crashed. Hard for a player to offer proof to the contrary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Fartus 61 Posted August 1, 2012 See the thing is that they can't run it how ever they like. They have to follow Rockets rules for hosting a DayZ server. If they aren't following those rules they can be banned from ever being allowed to to host a server for DayZ. Unfortunatly it is often times very hard to prove that the abuse that does happen is infact taking place since it turns into a I say/ They Say argument. Kill the admin and the server mysteriously restarts? They will say they are updating the ban list or needed to take the server down for maitenence or the server just crashed. Hard for a player to offer proof to the contrary.I dunno man, you're forgetting one key element. The fact that an overweight male in his twenties is lording over a server and expelling his pent up aggression out of the world via the only form of media that he can, which in this case is the internet. Keep in mind this is a MOD, which attracts a certain level of gamer, most of which will fall into the abysmally faulted retards who have turned this game into a zombie version of "2nd Life"Just take a look at that dudes fucking picture. Take a god damn look, if that doesn't make you laugh then I'm sorry to inform you that you may have greater problems than PC gaming. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted August 1, 2012 Waste of space. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted August 1, 2012 By popular request (1 PM).I declare this Thread Open. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) By popular request (1 PM).I declare this Thread Open.Thank you.People need to stop ripping on adharma. He might've kicked this guy and acted like a jerk, but jesus christ, calm the fuck down.Anywho, back on topic...I had another fun admin experience tonight! My buddy and I meet up at the Cherno supermarket and begin following the coast line buildings towards elektro. Well, we made it as far as the Cherno church (the one across the street from the supermarket) before we were attacked. I was shot as I was exiting the church, went down, and got knocked out. The shooter probably thought I was dead until I rolled inside and shut the door. We could hear them talking "He wasn't dead", "There must be two of them", "Fuck you faggots", etc. I'm at like 2k blood and not expecting to live so I just start asking 'You mad?' over and over. Well, this guy must have been pretty mad because I suddenly just died (was not bleeding, no shots, door closed) and then was immediately kicked along with my friend. Yay admins!Maybe I will rethink my shoot on sight policy. I mean, shit, what if I shot an ADMIN!? *gasp*Edit: Upon further investigation it turns out that admins cannot remotely kill you. So I guess I was killed by a hacking admin or a hacking admin's friend. THEN kicked. Edited August 1, 2012 by Shappie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SumoS 168 Posted August 1, 2012 Dear all,I politely request that you refer to the stickied post that indicates what admins can and cannot do.Admin AbuseThis has been an entertaining read but the lack of any suitable evidence and the constant derailing has led me to post this again. Read the link on admin abuse. If you have been kicked/banned for any reason other than exploiting, hacking or the other specific reasons, then you have a legitimate claim to do something about it. However, you need evidence supporting your claim. If you do not supply evidence then the admin will not need to either.This has devolved into a witch hunt with a lot of speculation. In the mean-time go on a different server and have fun.Maybe I will rethink my shoot on sight policy. I mean, shit, what it I shot an ADMIN!?Check out US 571 or US 526. We wont kick you unless you breach the terms you signed up for. Happy admin hunting :)Kind regards,SumoS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) FYI they cannot re-load from a save on their characters.i'll assume he is talking about vehicle's saveunless the thieves got to save it in another position prior to server restartlol 5 pageswhats wrong with you guys Edited August 1, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapalicious 77 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Blacklist the server (as in, never join it again).Suggest your friends don't join.Join another server.Done.Also, calm down and stop throwing stupid immature insults like "homo" around. It frankly makes me glad you were kicked. Edited August 1, 2012 by Flameo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tfninja 8 Posted August 1, 2012 many hosts are complete dicks. alot of the time i see like 2 people on a server, both clan members, both kicking anyone else who joins so they can just run around in safety, and then probably go to a populated server to kill people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedusly 3 Posted August 1, 2012 I realize that the insult homo may be offensive to some people, but it doesn't mean you have to take it literally.People these days use the word homo as an insult, which Siggy was doing. He didn't actually mean homosexual.I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but you should get used to people using the word homo on the internet, it gets thrown around a lot. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggy (DayZ) 95 Posted August 1, 2012 many hosts are complete dicks. alot of the time i see like 2 people on a server, both clan members, both kicking anyone else who joins so they can just run around in safety, and then probably go to a populated server to kill people.Yep happens to me alot as well, or you will find a server, get some vehicles and set up camp, then a few days later server restarts you try to log in and the Admin has put a ping limit on the server so you get kicked everytime you try join. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeetard 9 Posted August 1, 2012 Us 1546 killed a admin that was driving a car towards our group of three guys. we destroyed his car and killed him. he raged and kicked all of us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapalicious 77 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I realize that the insult homo may be offensive to some people, but it doesn't mean you have to take it literally.People these days use the word homo as an insult, which Siggy was doing. He didn't actually mean homosexual.I'm not trying to piss anyone off, but you should get used to people using the word homo on the internet, it gets thrown around a lot.I'm so sick of people acting like a bunch of spicks and chinks in this game....wait, you think I'm a racist refering to the already well defined usages of these words?No way! I'm using my own definitions as a substitute for "asshole" and popularity will justify it.Yeah, no.The word "homosexual" has always referred to sexuality, people use "homo" as an insult because homosexuality is looked own upon, and thus being homosexual is 'bad'.Why am I even explaining this? It's painfully obvious. What you're saying only applies to words which have already developed different meanings through time, like "faggot".Also, Siggy is just being a fucking moron by repping your post, and he clearly needs to grow a pair. Edited August 1, 2012 by Flameo 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dirtdiver (DayZ) 12 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) First rule of Day Z: Don't get attached to anything you own. Yeah it sucks when an admin abuses power… If you don’t like a server then move to another one… simple as that. Edited August 1, 2012 by Dirtdiver Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kirai 18 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) I'm so sick of people acting like a bunch of spicks and chinks in this game....wait, you think I'm a racist refering to the already well defined usages of these words?No way! I'm using my own definitions as a substitute for "asshole" and popularity will justify it.Yeah, no.The word "homosexual" has always referred to sexuality, people use "homo" as an insult because homosexuality is looked own upon, and thus being homosexual is 'bad'.Why am I even explaining this? It's painfully obvious. What you're saying only applies to words which have already developed different meanings through time, like "faggot".Also, Siggy is just being a fucking moron by repping your post, and he clearly needs to grow a pair.Have my beans! Coulnd't have said it better myself. He seems to have removed his post though, coward. Edited August 1, 2012 by Secutor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beanbag Brad 5 Posted August 1, 2012 This just happened to me on the server (If you search "armaderp" it comes up)I followed a helicopter land, waited a bit, it left I scouted around to try and find tents, person spawns right infront of me. I kill him, he alt+f4's and I don't get his loot (sadfaec.) I am them subsequently kicked. I rejoined instantly and body was gone due to ALT F4G.I honestly don't mind dying in this game, the start is the most fun :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggy (DayZ) 95 Posted August 1, 2012 I'm so sick of people acting like a bunch of spicks and chinks in this game....wait, you think I'm a racist refering to the already well defined usages of these words?No way! I'm using my own definitions as a substitute for "asshole" and popularity will justify it.Yeah, no.The word "homosexual" has always referred to sexuality, people use "homo" as an insult because homosexuality is looked own upon, and thus being homosexual is 'bad'.Why am I even explaining this? It's painfully obvious. What you're saying only applies to words which have already developed different meanings through time, like "faggot".Also, Siggy is just being a fucking moron by repping your post, and he clearly needs to grow a pair.Looks like we found a homo ha! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted August 1, 2012 i need a forum mod to edit the title, No you don't. Go to the OP and hit 'Full Edit'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siggy (DayZ) 95 Posted August 1, 2012 No you don't. Go to the OP and hit 'Full Edit'.Thanks mate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
adharma 20 Posted August 1, 2012 Aw shit, fat jokes. Genius humour, bros!!Fuck you. This server is for myself and the people I play with... all you other little dirty trolls are just a side effect of Hitler-Rocket's rules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites