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Game is now unplayable...killed 5 times today from thunderdome or instant death

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BattleEye is a useless piece of crap so this game is full of script kiddies doing that thunderdome teleport or instant death cheat...5 times today I died from either thunderdome or instant death on 5 different servers. These cheat programs completely bypass BattleEye...get rid of it and replace it with something that actually works. It's become so rampant that there isn't a point in playing this game when you lose your stuff so frequently from cheats...and if there are that many doing thunderdome/instant death just imagine how many more are using these cheat programs in a more subtle manner by giving themselves the best stuff, enabling all player locations on the map, and teleporting near others and killing them. There are youtube videos showing this crap...Bohemia needs to dump BattleEye and build workarounds to this crap. They plaster the URL whenever they do that thunderdome....the devs need to get off their ass and bisect these programs and figure out how to prevent it before everyone says screw it and leaves the game.

Edited by Andrew111
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All script kiddies love these threads.

I'm sure they do...they can play with each other when everyone leaves the game.

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I agree about dumping battle eye.

Go punk buster.

Anyone actually screenshot thunderdome before?

I wana see what it looks like

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tent being teleported to, jet bombed twice, and mass teleport all in 1 day. it's just pointless to even bother playing DayZ anymore. DayZ may be Alpha and bugs I can deal with but hacking is something that doesn't seemed to be being fixed so yeah I hope the standalone has better cheat protection

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It is not a problem with battleye, it is a problem with the Arma engine. And the fact that Arma all of a sudden got popular. It used to have a "small" but stable community of mostly mature players, If somebody came on a server and hacked, a Admin would usually have a easy time of finding out who/how and ban the person.

Then DayZ came along, now there is a fair amount of money and tears in making scripts for Arma.

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DayZ's popularity will kill DayZ. Arma engine is just horrible to mod so limited with what can really be done. I really don;t see how a script detection system can't be implemented. RTCW:ET you could include ban-able scripts in server config I know that Arma engine and ET engine are totally totally different but still.

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3000th thread like this in the last month and yet it's popularity is still growing HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Do you really think punkbuster or battleeye or any other company can really get rid of hackers permanently?

What do you think they have a magic wand? lol

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I agree with Kex. I played for two weeks and just got my first taste of hackers. The bugs can be bad and there needs to be more to do in the game but most people will understand those types of issues and stick it out until things can be put right. Rampant cheating, however, is another matter. I won't continue to play a game where there is no control over hackers. At this point, I would not recommend the game to anyone simply because of the cheating issue.

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Hackers are becoming more prominent, It doesn't matter who's fault it is, but its starting to become a problem. Rocket will address it, and the outcome of that will decide what happens next, complaining, or being a dick, won't fix the problem, its out of your hands.

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3000th thread like this in the last month and yet it's popularity is still growing HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Do you really think punkbuster or battleeye or any other company can really get rid of hackers permanently?

What do you think they have a magic wand? lol

no but hacking shouldn't be as rampant and yeah DayZ is getting more popular (more popular with hackers) there is an expectation that hacking will at least slow down. I know that hackers will always be there but not to the point it is now I seen less hackers in Combat Arms then in Dayz. Sadly hacking won't really die down and will probably get worst because of battleye and as well as how the engine works when this is realized by. From looking at the engine and how Arma 2 mods work I honestly don't see how rocket can deal with them but he is far smarter and more familiar then me when it comes to Arma engine

Edited by Kex

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It is not a problem with battleye, it is a problem with the Arma engine. And the fact that Arma all of a sudden got popular. It used to have a "small" but stable community of mostly mature players, If somebody came on a server and hacked, a Admin would usually have a easy time of finding out who/how and ban the person.

Then DayZ came along, now there is a fair amount of money and tears in making scripts for Arma.

Obviously BattleEye is useless garbage because these cheat programs completely bypass it...one of the first things these cheat programs do is load something that explicitly says it's bypassing BattleEye. These cheat sites and the low lifes that use them have uploaded plenty of youtube videos showing it. This game is quickly going to lose its player-base guaranteed...you're not surviving from zombies and bandits any more you are waiting until the next time you die from script kiddy cheats.

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I agree about dumping battle eye.

Go punk buster.

Anyone actually screenshot thunderdome before?

I wana see what it looks like

Look up "whiteboy7thst thunder dome" on YouTube. He just released a video about it.

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I've played foer almost a month now and I haven't seen a single hacker on the server I play on yet..

Server does insta kick when you open the script interface tho... So that might have something to do with it?

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oh thats what that is...

i logged into a server this afternoon, thought the caption just before i spawned was odd.. it mentioned thunderdome and winning to keep my weapons..

instantly i got edgy and ready to logout.. sure enuf when i spwned i was NOt were i had logged off previously.. logged out instantly before anythin could happen.

logged back into the same server i was playing on earlier in the day and i was back were i was supposed to be with all my gear..

woah crisis averted.

so the question is if i had stuck around, was the area i was teleported to some kind of horseshit dueling area were you cant escape from while the server admin sits back and watchs ???

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I agree about dumping battle eye.

Go punk buster.

I can only desperately hope that this is some kind of joke.

Edited by Flameo

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Hackers are becoming more prominent, It doesn't matter who's fault it is, but its starting to become a problem. Rocket will address it, and the outcome of that will decide what happens next, complaining, or being a dick, won't fix the problem, its out of your hands.

Rocket will address it uh? O rly? Does he make is own Anti-cheat software or what?

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I agree about dumping battle eye.

Go punk buster.

Anyone actually screenshot thunderdome before?

I wana see what it looks like

From Reddit



Edited by Dagoth Wit

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Punkbuster isn't too bad they have different levels of protection at different prices of course the good protection is just so expensive. the most affordable protection is just awful though

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That is what got me tonight on US 267.

Teleported to this concrete compound at the NW airfield.

I disconnected as soon as I teleported, knowing what was happening but I still had to run the whole damn way back on another server to where I was with my buddies.

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Arma engine is just horrible to mod so limited with what can really be done.


Have you seen the amount of mods out there for arma2? And their diversity?

Making a zombie/rpg/mmo-esque game out of a milsim is testament to it's modability.

It's also one of the issues that leaves the game open to script kiddies.



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Have you seen the amount of mods out there for arma2? And their diversity?

Making a zombie/rpg/mmo-esque game out of a milsim is testament to it's modability.

It's also one of the issues that leaves the game open to script kiddies.



My statement it's my opinion and was more venting, Arma 2 mods are very diverse to an extent but overall gameplay such as the overall mechanics of the mods is very similar to me I will admit I have only tried like 5 different mods. I like working and messing around with engines where I have more control and free roam with what I can do to the engine itself but arma 2 isn't open source

so I am limited. Arma 2 mods are a pain to install and manage and even find that might have to do with more with the community and mod makers. Script kiddies can be dealt with if there was better mod support from BI I believe but I could be wrong.

Back to main issue I can't seem to play on a server for past few days for more then a couple of hours before I am teleported. teleported to, instantly killed, or randomly exploded I don't disconnect in firefights or when I know someone is near me that can kill me, I don't shoot first when I see a player, I just want to play the game with as is intended but with the hacker situation I have faced past few days which my just be really back luck with servers I connect to I can't (look at cheat reporting forum just shows how bad it is). Me and my friends love DayZ but just can't enjoy it because of constant issues we face with hackers, bugs, DM players, disconnecters, all can deal with hackers not so much We don't regret shelling out $30 each for this game and will gladly buy the DayZ standalone but only if there is some sort of cheat protection that reduces the amount of hacking we have been seeing in game.

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Rocket will address it uh? O rly? Does he make is own Anti-cheat software or what?

It's not that he has his own "anti-cheat" software, but has the developer of this game he will address the problem in some manor. Whether it be by telling us all to do deal with it, or actually finding a solution to the problem, it will be addressed. I don't suppose you have an anti-cheating software either, do you? Or a way to stop it, if not, then you can't help the situation in anyway.

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