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All the time I've had with my computer over the last 3 days I've poured into this masterpiece. The concept and everything about this game has me glued, no matter what happens to my characters I'm always itching to return and start over, but the same thing keeps happening to me. I don't like other players, and as soon as I spawn I head straight into the woods to find a barn to loot for a rifle or other larger gun. I always do, but by then I have all the food and water I'll ever need. There's just one catch, no matter what I decide to do I die in two ways; 1: I head into elektro or cherno for more potent firepower, 2: Keep hunting the countryside for a military installation or towns to scavenge. If I go with option 1 then a player always kills me, through direct action or stupidity involving zombies. And then 2, I get slaughtered by zombies in some way or another. I love watching videos of people patrolling towns killing people with they're high tech weaponry and the likes, but whenever I try to go up another tier of goods, I get shat on by zombies or players. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for your help, any and all.

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Try being more sneaky? Download a map of Chernarus, and find out where you are, plot your path, hide in the woods and avoid open areas. With zombie sounds as long as you're running in a crouch you should never just "run up on" zombies, if there's a building, there's zombies near, if there's zombies, there's a building around.

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Patience. This isn't GTA or CoD or anything of the sort. To effectively hide from both players and zombies, you need to drop to the ground and low crawl, period. If you find yourself outside of an apartment building you want to loot, stop and watch the building for a few minuets.

You'll learn little tricks for yourself over time.

You can find most mid-level equipment in low-risk barns throughout the map, and even some high-level equipment in deer stands.

You'll be able to raid the most deadly locations if you learn to lay down, watch the area for some time, and very carefully sneak around.

The worst enemy is other players, and a players worst enemy is the fact that they're human. Use that to your advantage. Out-think other players, be quicker and stealthier than they can process, just like real life.

You'll learn to make it soon, keep at it.

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I've snuck into plenty of towns that are packed full of zombies, looted every building that is enterable, then gotten out without ever firing a shot.

When dealing with other players, Stealth x2 is required; not only do you need to look out for your own self, but you have to be constantly looking over your shoulder for other players, and using cues such as footsteps, flares/flashlights/chem lights, gunshots (that aren't your own), or zombie aggro to tell where other players are.

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As has been stated, being a ninja marksman is key. Sneak is priority with firing your weapon a last resort. Always make sure you observe an area from a treeline for a while before moving into it. Generally, when zeds first spawn they move away from buildings towards the outskirts of town/farm area and then either circle or move back inwards.

Going prone is essential for moving by zeds. Zeds can see through some walls and all windows. Just because you are inside doesn't mean they cannot see or hear you. So be careful while moving around inside a structure. When in doubt stay prone. Some buildings will also make you stand when crossing the threshold (front door of grocery, some elevated/stair entrances). Be careful.

I usually do not have a problem moving into an area at a fast crouch before zeds spawn in, but keep my finger on the prone button. It is getting out and moving around a town that can get tricky. Now, if you stop at a treeline that is within 150m or so of a building to observe it, you can actually watch as the zeds spawn in most times. So you have to gauge whether speed is more essential or stealth and safety.

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