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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

What to do when you've got all the gear besides killing people like an asshole

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I did this the other day, we had an excess of gear, so I drove along the coast in a motorbike, saw an unarmed player and dropped a ghillie suit, an m4a1, a m1911 (both with ammo), and medical supplies. I then drove off telling him to 'enjoy' :)

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I did this the other day, we had an excess of gear, so I drove along the coast in a motorbike, saw an unarmed player and dropped a ghillie suit, an m4a1, a m1911 (both with ammo), and medical supplies. I then drove off telling him to 'enjoy' :)

good for you! take my beans!

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I did this the other day, we had an excess of gear, so I drove along the coast in a motorbike, saw an unarmed player and dropped a ghillie suit, an m4a1, a m1911 (both with ammo), and medical supplies. I then drove off telling him to 'enjoy' :)

You should have frapsed that, would love to see that random guy standing frozen in disbelief that it acctually happened :D

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I finally got a good amount of gear, even the sniper suit etc. But still, if I see people (no matter if I can see weapons or not) I shit myself. Violent world

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aite so we just picked up some new spawn at kamyshovo and flew him over to his friend at kamenka

am i a gud guy yet?

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I think that many players do not realise that if we ALL succumb to killing on sight, the game will lose some of it's atmosphere.

We need samaritans the same way we need some bandits and sadly the trend is, that samaritans are turning into cold blood killers because of all this K.O.S. religion so many people worship fanatically.

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I tried that a couple of times. Most people run as soon as they see that Mk48. I tell over direct that I have stuff for them, but no they keep running or the try to get close and get into my backpack, which is a bad idea. Once I found an unarmed new-spawn in berenzino at night running around like a headless chicken I had kind of compassion for this guy so I asked him to stop, he sounded a little scared^^. I gave him a GPS and NVG I found in a camp (which I had no use for), which made him even more confused, well he then locked off. So all this helping thing doesn't really work out for me, but I did try it.

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yesterday i found a bus, repair it and drive players from one town to a other town until a fcking idiot came to kill me, but i saved all my gear in my tents so iam dont worry about this :-o

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Thanks to guys that park a shiny white pickup next to their tents in the woods, i'm again full geared within some hours. After some weeks playing DAYZ, i must say that i don't want any help after a respwan. Right after spawning at the beach is the, still, most exciting time. And as i don't see any challenge in killing survivors at the coast, i'll look for some action at the airfields. That's all what i feel that could get me some tension. Any better ideas are welcome.

Edited by gambla

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I get a good laugh out of the "don't force us to play your game" types. hate to tell you guys but rocket is going to force you to play this game like a survival one eventually, once ammo isn't infinite and tents are reworked or removed you won't have the ammo to engage in huge firefights like you do, now add to that zombies becoming more and more a legitimate threat, eventually survival is going to be an actual challange for those besides new spawns without dupeing tents. (i don't even use tents because of this glitch, but most gamers these days have a "play to win" mentality even in winnable games and have to use every exploit available to make a game not fun or turn it into something it was never intended to be.) Im having the most fun right now just creeping around towns looking for medical supplies and food for my group who's in pretty bad shape (2 broken legs, low on food, and we don't server hope to replenish our ammo but thats getting fixed on wed i hear anyways.) Using a crossbow to keep quiet and search lone zombies for beans. sure we could hide our stuff in a tent, suicide, and be right back in tip top shape but what's the fun in that? I found morphine for one guy today which was one of my major goals and got a much bigger feeling of accomplishment then if we just respawned.

Edited by neo2157

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the voices in my head tell me not to trust anybody. Playing your way I'll end up with a hatchet in my back and I'll come crying on the forum.

Oh, the irony.

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the voices in my head tell me not to trust anybody. Playing your way I'll end up with a hatchet in my back and I'll come crying on the forum.

Oh, the irony.

and that is exactly why i said that you shouldn't help anybody with a weapon.

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