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VaultDweller (DayZ)


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Are there any true ,,survivors,, left out there?

From my recent experiance,all i can encounter are 80% of the hostile players (bandits)

Not that i say anything bad about it (that's what keeping this game running mostly,PvP makes it an interesting experiance in the first place,accelerate heart beating and all that)

But i mean we all know that quote ,,trust no one,, ,it is what keept us alive in this game so far.

Putting friends from the real life watching your back in this game aside,are there any random encounters who made it into the friendship zone?

The banditory keeps evolving true this game on the daily basics (especially with new ,,COD type of players joining in,,)

It all went down to ,,kill or be killed,, scavange,loot and move on to the next target.

Edited by VaultDweller

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pfff....more like 99% of everyone will kill you as soon as they see you. i've said it before, i'll say it again. if you prove to me that you aren't hostile, then i have no problem making an alliance, giving blood, giving ammo, sharing some food/water, whatever. why would i do this? because this would be the first friendly player i've ever seen that lived. (first and only one so far was mauled by zombies while we were talking. we only spoke for maybe ten seconds before he died)

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Most of the people I encounter don't give me bandit kills, but murders. But everyone I encounter KOS'es. This leads me to believe that most people simply avoid other players for the most part. That's as close to friendly as you're going to get really, no one's going to risk their beans saying "HI U FRIENDLY?"

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Their are good souls out there still. The thing is not to be paranoid of others and shoot them right away. Get contact with them as soon as you can and establish a human connection. You'll have a bigger chance of living.

This coming from a guy who donates Medical Supplies and Food whenever he can. :)

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my bullet wants to be friends :D

all you need to do is give him a +1 murder token

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Haven't exactly had too much human contact to begin with, I don't tend to shoot people instead I simply avoid them and if they're really hellbent on getting close to me then I'll either go in a full sprint escape or try and make sure they know I won't fire the first shot.

So far I haven't been killed yet in the first month of my character, nor have I really killed anyone besides one guy who just happened to be AFK in the entrance to a building I needed to take cover in (if you're reading this, sorry for that).

Although sadly, the truth still is that most people will just kill you and be done with it, personally I have no problem with this. It's just the kind of people that don't even bother looting their kills that piss me off.

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Well I tend to avoid this by being a loner for the most part. Unless I am playing with a group of people who I can trust, I am out in the shadows carefully watching any and all survivors within a 500m radius. Just keep walking and no one gets hurt. I haven't had to pull the trigger so far, but probably because no one seems to see me.

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Haven't exactly had too much human contact to begin with, I don't tend to shoot people instead I simply avoid them and if they're really hellbent on getting close to me then I'll either go in a full sprint escape or try and make sure they know I won't fire the first shot.

So far I haven't been killed yet in the first month of my character, nor have I really killed anyone besides one guy who just happened to be AFK in the entrance to a building I needed to take cover in (if you're reading this, sorry for that).

Although sadly, the truth still is that most people will just kill you and be done with it, personally I have no problem with this. It's just the kind of people that don't even bother looting their kills that piss me off.

why would i risk myself to loot your crap.

what if you had hidden friends that are watching your body? what if other people heard the shots and are coming to investigate?

i am NOT staying around to take your worthless gear that spawns at every second house.

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I'm all for being friendly when I'm freshly spawned on the coast. It's different once I've taken the time, depending on conditions, and found decent gear. I'm not in the business of finding gear for some "friendly" guy that's eyeing my m14 with envy.

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why would i risk myself to loot your crap.

what if you had hidden friends that are watching your body? what if other people heard the shots and are coming to investigate?

i am NOT staying around to take your worthless gear that spawns at every second house.

True, although at that point you do have to wonder about the neccesity of said kill.

And a bit of patience, provided you have a good spot, can lure a whole lot more to an area than just a single kill with worthless loot.

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why would i risk myself to loot your crap.

what if you had hidden friends that are watching your body? what if other people heard the shots and are coming to investigate?

i am NOT staying around to take your worthless gear that spawns at every second house.

Then why woud you take his life in first place?

There are 2 types of survivors in here:

Basic ones (just tryng to survive true scavengine,hiding and avoiding contacts as much as possible)

Bandits (scavenging and killing other players so they cut their trouble of searching for loot)

You however on the other side make no sense...killing other player without a reason is just brutal.

If you are shooting other players just for fun,then im gonna admit this game aint gonna last long for you.

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I was in Elektro about an hour ago, freshly spawned but managed to grab a few bits of loot, winchester, makarov, a tonne of food etc.

Hear a guy asking 'Friendly?' in voice chat, so i reply "Yes, do you need any food?"

He told me that would be great if I had any spare. I ran towards him, I put my beans in his backpack.

As I bid him farewell and go on my way he runs up behind me and sticks an axe in my back.

I've heard of being stabbed in the back, but axed?!

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Then why woud you take his life in first place?

There are 2 types of survivors in here:

Basic ones (just tryng to survive true scavengine,hiding and avoiding contacts as much as possible)

Bandits (scavenging and killing other players so they cut their trouble of searching for loot)

You however on the other side make no sense...killing other player without a reason is just brutal.

If you are shooting other players just for fun,then im gonna admit this game aint gonna last long for you.

i realize low end players have no clue about end game

but at our base we have endless supplies of everything (literally people can dupe anything if we ever get low). i use gear i personally found at crash sites (yes i found my NVGs, L85, AS50 myself) though and havent needed to dip into the dupe piles.

the ONLY thing to do when you have everything is to raise your kill counts. like asking why do people pvp on hardcore diablo or any other perma death game. the knowing that you just took everything that person had away from them.

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I've shot people in the back after saying friendly, simply because they were too dangerous. If they're unarmed, I let them go.

I don't need friends, I don't need alliances. I have a group already.

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i realize low end players have no clue about end game

but at our base we have endless supplies of everything (literally people can dupe anything if we ever get low). i use gear i personally found at crash sites (yes i found my NVGs, L85, AS50 myself) though and havent needed to dip into the dupe piles.

the ONLY thing to do when you have everything is to raise your kill counts. like asking why do people pvp on hardcore diablo or any other perma death game. the knowing that you just took everything that person had away from them.

Thats just your opinion how to proceed when you collect everything you need.

I however look completly diffrendly at situation by not raising (or if possible having) any kills at all,not looking at this game as FPS shooter)

When i gather all the stashes i need il simply continue surviving as long as possible (counting days without dying) , by making some new friends (yea its hard as hell) but its doable by right aproach.

Killing others on sight just lowers my level of humanity (atleast in this game IMO)

But thats just my prefrence,just like you got yours.

Not tryng to be good/bad guy or anything.

Simple experiment of how woud i react if i ever find myself in similar situation.

Edited by VaultDweller

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Simple experiment of how woud i react if i ever find myself in similar situation.

I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing more of that in the future as more features are implemented. Most "friendlies" simply find it too difficult at the moment, or are too stupid to approach a stranger while having a buddy on overwatch, or staying behind cover while conversing, etc.

Hopefully base building will let a few intelligent survivors keep an area safe for the masses of morons who want to socialize but can't figure out how.

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Tonight, just right now i met my first friendly encounter. some dude at the bay at electro. and then i kept running into people that were actually using the direct communication! we ended up being 5 or so people scavenging together. It then ended up in a bloodbath when some other guy (i presume) pulled a silenced weapon and shot them all. i was the only surviver, because oddly enough he didnt go after me. Pretty wierd experience, but i am really happy with my first friendly encounter, and i am looking forward to more of them.

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I used to be friendly when I first started, I would shout into the mike for survivors with hordes to draw them closer and stay out of my line of fire, I would hand off food, ammo, guns, meds or whatever I had they needed and I could spare. Hell, I have heard gunshots and I would run right for them to see if I could help people. Now after being murdered a dozen times, betrayed and hurt, I will call out friendly a few times if I hear shots near me, but if I get no response I will not risk showing myself. I have yet to kill a single person who did not shoot first.

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I believe some "groups" are scared of competition, again its an Alpha Dog situation, those with established groups will hunt and kill anything that moves to keep ahead... wont be the first time i have deliberatley left my squad behind to go in search of these said groups, and have came across and neutralized them.

We love a bit of competition but if anyone declares "friendly" then lowers their weapon or salutes is ok with us, we would rather allow them to move on and enjoy the game, instead of forcing them back to Komorvo....

Oh and when we do kill, we do it for the loot, im afraid to say but if you are clocked running with an AS50 then your going down.... but if you have nothing of importance then please "Move Along" :)

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