L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted July 31, 2012 (edited) Some of these points are just silly for a game and you likely know this, so why post them? I can agree with a lot of them, but you are quite soft ... my personal patch notes would include:- [new] players now spawn with only a bandage- [new] all backpacks now also have broken variants with less slots, spawns of all tweaked to add coyote and broken packs. (sowing kit to come)- [new] main inventory now has 9 slots- [new] side inventory now has 6 slots- [new] toolbelt now has 5 slots- [new] ACE inventory & weight implemented (not to sure about the other ones, they may well be good though)- [new] Splints added, Zed ability to break bones back to previous setting, besides legs arms can also be broken <- disables main gun use.- [new] guns are not changed in regards to the changes to recent changes ArmA2, learn how to aim!- [new] Vehicle spawns increased slightly, battery box included as spawn and needed in repair.- [new] all electrically driven kit now need batteries- [new] Cookies, candybars, cake added as food item (heals for 100HP)- [new] Rags added to make splints- [new] Rubbles piles, Dumpsters now have a chance to spawn various civilian items, and parts.- [new] all items have durability, repair kits in the works...- [new] hits from zombies can now also cause an infection (not the zombie infection)- [new] hunted meat has a chance to be spoiled while gutted, if the knive is used on spoiled meat it will carry the infection to other meat gutted, meat spoils with time. Eating spoiled meat will get you an foodpoisoning, causing unvoluntairy vomitting, clears with stock (made from meat, tincan, water).- [new] spawn chance of antibiotics slightly increased, hunting knive has the added function of 'bleeding infection' with which you can bleed yourself untill the infection is cleared.- [new] wodka added, can be used to disinfect knives and infected wounds, can also be consumed, causes getting drunk.- [new] Spawns of all items reduced to make room for all items added.I guess some might be for and i have quite some stuff left for and upwards... Edited July 31, 2012 by L0GIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andrestander (DayZ) 37 Posted July 31, 2012 (edited) Some of these points are just silly for a game and you likely know this, so why post them? I can agree with a lot of them, but you are quite soft ... my personal patch notes would include:- [new] players now spawn with only a bandage- [new] all backpacks now also have broken variants with less slots, spawns of all tweaked to add coyote and broken packs. (sowing kit to come)- [new] main inventory now has 9 slots- [new] side inventory now has 6 slots- [new] toolbelt now has 5 slots- [new] ACE inventory & weight implemented (not to sure about the other ones, they may well be good though)- [new] Splints added, Zed ability to break bones back to previous setting, besides legs arms can also be broken <- disables main gun use.- [new] guns are not changed in regards to the changes to recent changes ArmA2, learn how to aim!- [new] Vehicle spawns increased slightly, battery box included as spawn and needed in repair.- [new] all electrically driven kit now need batteries- [new] Cookies, candybars, cake added as food item (heals for 100HP)- [new] Rags added to make splints- [new] Rubbles piles, Dumpsters now have a chance to spawn various civilian items, and parts.- [new] all items have durability, repair kits in the works...- [new] hits from zombies can now also cause an infection (not the zombie infection)- [new] hunted meat has a chance to be spoiled while gutted, if the knive is used on spoiled meat it will carry the infection to other meat gutted, meat spoils with time. Eating spoiled meat will get you an foodpoisoning, causing unvoluntairy vomitting, clears with stock (made from meat, tincan, water).- [new] spawn chance of antibiotics slightly increased, hunting knive has the added function of 'bleeding infection' with which you can bleed yourself untill the infection is cleared.- [new] wodka added, can be used to disinfect knives and infected wounds, can also be consumed, causes getting drunk.- [new] Spawns of all items reduced to make room for all items added.I guess some might be for and i have quite some stuff left for and upwards...+1 for the splint + bandage to heal a broken leg instead of the current morphine system and for the zombies can infect you if they hit you.The infected knife suggestion is cool, it's in the same category as needing to boil water before drinking from lakes.The bleeding infection one is just plain weird tbh.And I don't think changing the slot capacity of the inventory is possible neither is the item damage system due limitations from the engine....are we vampires now?It's the same as doing an emergency blood transfusion at a hospital for someone whos in critical need of blood. Except at the hospital the nurses/doctors limit the amount of blood they take from you and end the transfusion before you loose too much blood. Edited July 31, 2012 by andrestander Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted August 1, 2012 The bleeding infection one is just plain weird tbh.And I don't think changing the slot capacity of the inventory is possible neither is the item damage system due limitations from the engine.If the infection is a wound it makes a lot of sense? never had an infected cut or something? clearing out all that dirty puss untill it bleeds actually helps healing it, hence 'bleeding', ofcourse there are all sorts of infections so maybe thats what causing some confusion. The word Inflamation somehow jumps in my mind, would that make more sense in regards to bleeding? it's still an infection though?Well ACE has an entirely different functioning inventory system, so it seems entirely possible to do something with it? Then again, if it's impossible to remove slots, it sure it possible to put items in it when we spawn, so put some dummy items in there that can not be moved elsewhere, and use those to block off the space ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flatline 32 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) * [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz^THIS* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch --- patrol pack is small enough i think* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased.^AND THIS* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased --- agreed* [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased. --- agreed* [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased. --- agreed^AND THISAll good. While it may never happen, it is a good post. You have my beans. Edited August 1, 2012 by Flatline Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suspectmammal 22 Posted August 1, 2012 I agree with the majority of the OP's ideas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kirai 18 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) Oh for Gods sake! Yeah make the game for only super hardcore gamers. This only shows that some people only think about themselfs! Please! Can you at least keep this game so even normal players can handle it cause it is NOT that easy just because some live by their computer and don't have a real life <_< Edited August 1, 2012 by Secutor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexis 127 Posted August 1, 2012 If you reduce the spawn of so many items, what will take their places? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cRy Posted August 1, 2012 I am a murdery a-hole. I love these changes. Keep making this game more hardcore.Question, though. What is being done about scripting/hacking? That should be the number one note. I would like to see something in regards to this, it would make me and everyone else that isn't a chodling, feel better about buying more versions of DayZ down the line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Udak 104 Posted August 1, 2012 Number one concern as noted by cRy, is stopping/reducing hacking. Duping would be my second concern as any reduction in the numbers of weapons (or, anything for that matter) would be temporary and the newly found weapons would be easily duped, resulting in the current situation of As50s, L85s and such being so widespread.ANYTHING beyond those two fixes is cool, but until those are fixed this game will remain (at least partially, depending on how often you're hacked) broken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
libertine 351 Posted August 1, 2012 Damn, i thought this was real! I agree with them. Mod is too easy even on veteran and i think im done with it since im not going to partake in PVP in a virtual reality sim since thats certainly not the way it would go down in real life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kalle^ 11 Posted August 1, 2012 Nice joke. If can food spawning decreases, even more people start killing animals so you don't even need to take risk to go cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobiassolem 173 Posted August 1, 2012 So many people with the ability to type, so few with the ability to do and to implement. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDM (DayZ) 30 Posted August 1, 2012 I like the way this is going, alot of my friends agree! Good work Dayz staff. Hope to see atleast 3x the vehicles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 23 Posted August 1, 2012 This sounds more like someone's unhappiness of other people benefiting from the game's mechanics. Shocking.Exactly. Either that or a try hard troll. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vendayn 7 Posted August 1, 2012 (edited) My patch notes for 2.0.0* [NEW] Mc Donalds has been added. Seeing as how they are all over the world, it made no sense there were no Mc Donalds.* [FIXED] Player weight has increased.* [FIXED] Blood decreased by 2000.* [NEW] More food items! Whoppers! Double Pounder!* [FIXED] Player speed has decreased.* [FIXED] Player lifespan has decreased.* [NEW] Zombies no longer chase players. Instead, they attack anyone that has recently eaten at Mc Donalds. Easy meal.* [NEW] Diabetes! Now when you eat a Whopper or one of the new food items, you get Diabetes. Your blood lowers to 5000, and you must visit a hospital once a week or you will bleed. You'll also bleed if consuming pepsi or cola and almost any food. However zombies will ignore you. You'll still be able to drink water bottles and eat Whoppers and Double Pounders. Edited August 1, 2012 by Vendayn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nexus545 13 Posted August 1, 2012 Wait... Lower blood pack spawn chance and introduce blood types? I think i would rather go hunting for food than waste my time looking for O- so I don't get killed by a transfusion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizm0 96 Posted August 1, 2012 I'll just elaborate on the problems i see then.Loot:Food/Drink items decreased, weapons decreased, ammo decreased in relation, backpack upgrades decreased, spawning with a smaller backpack.Basically in essence this makes the Risk Vs Reward of looting favor the risk side to me, if i go into a city/town, looking for supplies, i may come up with nothing but empty cans because the spawn rate has been lowered, this means i have no incentive to actually do any looting because it'll waste my time.This makes camping and banditry more reliable in finding supplies.Zombies:Take away the unpredictable movement and speed and they are no longer even an annoyance.If they shamble and just walk straight, free headshots for your stat bar, no challenge, no sense of danger.Plus you might want to read Rockets views, he prefers Infected, Infected can run and sprint.Features:Blood types are a little strange, unnecessary in my opinion, why use a syringe when i could use a blood bag? unless you make bags spawn at ridiculously low rates rivalling antibiotics. Which would be stupid.Water boiling makes little sense, there is no possible way that every single lake, pond and river in Day Z is stagnant, they already removed refilling at the coast. This makes it even more annoying to refill canteens.Cooked Meat is a no, only possible way for a soloist to refill blood and it's fine as it is at 800. Refilling blood with canned foods is rarely done and to costly to be effective.Edit: Taking away unlimited sprint is bad, it's already bad enough running long distance, even with increased vehicle spawns as you'd propose, low chance of finding one yourself, since clans hoard them for the sake of hoarding them. Also server hoppers camp them.How was not letting you re-fill from the coast, a bad thing? I mean honestly I prefer these changes since items like empty tin cans get an added use, as well as adds depth to the survival aspect, so its more of a priority and isn't something that can be done and forgot about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipala 32 Posted October 1, 2012 (edited) I am already playing on a server with quite many of those features on the list, not quite ridiculous as that but still. Edited October 1, 2012 by Vipala 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZomboWTF 527 Posted October 1, 2012 i'd love seeing way more vehicles and parts spawning to fix them, for having stamina and the other stuffsadly, this would never happen, since the majority of the players allready think the game is "hard"if they dont get to fix the zombie movements in the standalone, i'll think twice about buying it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pixel Crisis 4 Posted January 11, 2013 I know this is an old el oh el post but wow these changes actually sound fantastic! I hope many changes like these make it in to the stand alone (love the boiling the water). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Col. Kurtz (DayZ) 91 Posted January 11, 2013 My Patch notes* [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans now come in supermarket basic brands for the poor* [NEW] Soda cans can now fizz and splash all over the consumer* [NEW] Bloodbags have a chance to spawn with AIDS* [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD Have a chance to spawn in pink. includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24* [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL have a chance to fire a bang sign out the barrel.* [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype, some with AIDS, others with Herpies.* [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows you to bang up heroin. You can not bang up a dead body for shits and giggles* [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself, also, you can wear goth clothes and run around pretending to be a vampire* [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now, some characters spawn colour blind for added realism* [NEW] Alice in wonderland lunch box now available* [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch with a hole in it.* [NEW] Sowing kit now added to fix the hole in the Czech vest pouch. Rare find.* [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn with a real Coyote inside* [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion. They now do the correct moonwalk from the thriller video as previously intended.* [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed but they can fly.This-------^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ) 71 Posted January 12, 2013 I know this is an old el oh el post but wow these changes actually sound fantastic! I hope many changes like these make it in to the stand alone (love the boiling the water).It's old and outdated. Nice necromancy there, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted January 12, 2013 Don't do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites