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Do you kill on sight?

Do you kill on sight?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you kill on sight?

    • Yes, without exception.
    • Yes, except for unarmed fresh spawns.
    • Only under certain circumstances. (ie. raiding NWAF)
    • No, I only kill when they shoot/attack first.
    • No, I never kill.

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More and more I see people complaining that everyone KOS (which, ironically, makes them also KOS). In my experience, players in-game are a mixed bag. Some are really chill and down to trade supplies or team up, some are ice cold murderers with no remorse, and some just want to be left alone. It's pretty much a coin flip as to which personality you'll encounter. As for me, I usually try to be friendly and helpful to those I come across, but have no qualms shooting first when my gut tells me they are hostile. So, how do you play the game? Are you a straight up pacifist, a straight up killer, or somewhere in between?

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Our clan do not shoot on sight unless aimed at and clearly in danger

We help survivors and fight against player killers who only kill for the thrill of it.

Check out my youtube for more info and videos of our missions so far

We know we cant stop bandits, but we can create a balance between them and those that want to team up

If you see us in a server, you have friends in the field, [Regulator] is our clan tag

Edited by thelonewarrior

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only thing left to do in this game for me is to get my kill counts as high as i can and crush as many people before i die.

edit: and no i dont want your shit loot either. my l85 / as50 do fine. animals everywhere and ponds / secluded residential spawns give me the food / drinks i need.

if i do ever need to go into a town my vehicle will tell me if its safe or not to go into town.

Edited by Buffjesus
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Depends. Some dude was sniping me from a rooftop while I was in the grocery store. While that was going on some guy with a revolver walked in the side entrance. There was a chance he was working with the sniper, and he was armed and I had already taken a bullet...wasn't about to risk it. Had to put him down

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Oh look. This thread again.

When you sit on the forums all day, the same thread is bound to show up sooner or later.

I don't usually engage on site unless im in a hostile area, or they are physically threatening(rushing my position w/o warning, keeps pointing gun at me,etc). I've shot 2 random dude's that were unarmed because they both ran around a corner straight at me.I felt bad :(

Edited by jordan2412

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Depends. If the player says he is friendly we don't shoot him, but we do shoot if he didn't identify himself or just poses a threat!

I have to admit that we killed a player once that entered a SuperMarket we were in! Mostly cause we needed his backpack!

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I live to kill, nuff said. If I see a survivor I will pursue him and ONLY stop if he's dead or aborts. I don't care for the loot at all, I just want to kill everyone cuz that's the only thing that's fun atm, actually trying to make it far and establish a base so far has ended in my group being killed by hackers and everything we set up destroyed.

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I kill on sight! Too many times have I tried to make nice and it backfire on me. I kill before i get killed. I do however try to avoid the "new" spawns. It is pointless to kill the unarmed unless they make threats or just run at me all crazy eyed.

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I kill on sight! Too many times have I tried to make nice and it backfire on me. I kill before i get killed. I do however try to avoid the "new" spawns. It is pointless to kill the unarmed unless they make threats or just run at me all crazy eyed.

or if you need more painkillers / bandages :D

Edited by Buffjesus
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or if you need more painkillers / bandages :D

I love you

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I've never killed a player yet, and I don't really intend to unless I'm left with no choice. Then again I'm a loner and haven't run into a single other player in my past 6+ hours of travelling, so I guess that helps.

My goal since the beginning has been to get my zombie kill count as high as I can. And with the increased spawn rate lately, it's been surprisingly hectic. Mass of zombies pouring into a barn that I just ducked into, crowding the stairs upward and actually getting close enough to hit me.

Zombie kills are my score, and I want it to go up.

Edited by Nesstrodamus

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for my first 2 weeks of play I did not KOS, and was therefore killed for not shooting first.

Now I KOS.

I even had a guy yelling over chat ... nooo... I'm friendly... don;t shoot.. I'm unarmed...

After I killed him I did not get a murder... I was like wtf? then ran up to his dead body... he was standing over a guy he just killed.


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Oh look. This thread again.

so exactly how many posts are you going to ridicule before you say something worthwhile?

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Honestly, I try to outrun folks. I was at the NE airfield last night and there was a guy headed to the hangar I was in. I could see that he had an AK. I had a Sniper Rifle and the M1911. I just kept running full sprint right past him and headed for the tower. Next thing I knew, I could see him come around the corner, full sprint, after me. So I ran up the steps and waited for him. He came in, I ran up the steps, and heard him fire off a few rounds. I kept on going up to the top, outside and down the ladder. I saw him in the top and I headed into one of the nearby buildings. I waited for him to come in, but I heard him pass by. So I went out and watched him. He kept on going, into each hangar, and as he did, I went the other way.

I thought about sniping his ass, but I actually had more fun leading him on a wild goose chase. :P

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Too many bandit's to risk it.

If you don't see me or your unarmed, I won't kill you. If your heading in my direction and you have a weapon, unfourtunely it'll be your time to go

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More and more I see people complaining that everyone KOS (which, ironically, makes them also KOS). In my experience, players in-game are a mixed bag. Some are really chill and down to trade supplies or team up, some are ice cold murderers with no remorse, and some just want to be left alone. It's pretty much a coin flip as to which personality you'll encounter. As for me, I usually try to be friendly and helpful to those I come across, but have no qualms shooting first when my gut tells me they are hostile. So, how do you play the game? Are you a straight up pacifist, a straight up killer, or somewhere in between?

It depends on my equipment like if I have a coyote and an Enfield, yeah I'm going to slaughter everyone until I get better stuff, so yeah it depends on my equipment and on how I'm feeling, Sometimes I just like to go hunting (and I'm not talking about animals)

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Kind of a tough call for me since every encounter never plays out the same no matter where you are. For example, if I see someone just camping out on the roof of a hospital in Cherno with a rifle you bet your ass ill be pumping a round into his skull.

So I put kill on sight unless unarmed, even though I do get the odd peaceful encounter here and there. But I am usually in control of the situation and I make the choice to let them live.

Edited by Vellarain

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With bandit skins in place I used to avoid killing survivors to the point of self sacrifice (not shooting back).

Nowadays I´m alot more ruthless (after two bad experiences) and shoot first when theres no way to avoid the player.

Also wth. means "NWAF" ?

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With bandit skins in place I used to avoid killing survivors to the point of self sacrifice (not shooting back).

Nowadays I´m alot more ruthless (after two bad experiences) and shoot first when theres no way to avoid the player.

Also wth. means "NWAF" ?

northwest airfield

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Since I started playing this game I have realised one thing. On EU servers it's kill or be killed, if you encounter a person with a weapon the chance he will greet you and help you is 0,1%. So far I have yet to encounter someone who hasn't tried to shoot me or kill me on sight regardless if I have a weapon or not. I think the "best" death I had was spawning at the beach outside Elektro just to see one guy run up to me and shoot me in the head with a enfield when I had nothing. So after enough of those deaths you kind of build up a natural shoot on sight instinct as long as you are armed and see other players being armed.

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