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How to make DayZ players more compassionate. (A fool-proof plan)

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I mean if you can do something than why shouldn't you, right??

There needs to be a solid surrender mechanic (IMO), even then I don't think it would make a difference to jack-ass's like this. Thats alright though - we need people to play the villan, the thing is even villans need to have a larger thought process than this cave-dweller :) .

No not "I mean if you can do something than why shouldn't you, right??" If you can do something that you find fun, in something that is SUPPOSED to be fun then why not do it? and no don't take this to "oh then if you find murdering fun you should do it" its a game, I will kill everyone even if zombies are a 1s1k, I will kill people as soon as I see them, and I'm sure again, I'm not the only one.

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Just make it so that if your a coast hunter you get perm-banned from the game. Problems solved :D (i am joking)

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I mean if you can do something than why shouldn't you, right??

There needs to be a solid surrender mechanic (IMO), even then I don't think it would make a difference to jack-ass's like this. Thats alright though - we need people to play the villan, the thing is even villans need to have a larger thought process than this cave-dweller :) .

No not "I mean if you can do something than why shouldn't you, right??" If you can do something that you find fun, in something that is SUPPOSED to be fun then why not do it? and no don't take this to "oh then if you find murdering fun you should do it" its a game, I will kill everyone even if zombies are a 1s1k, I will kill people as soon as I see them, and I'm sure again, I'm not the only one.

Alright, so you find it fun to kill people for their loot, but if it is regardless of anything - I think you are playing a very shallow game. But fine, like I said you and people like you do have a role to play in DayZ, and can make this game interesting (IMO) to other playstyles - as essential you are behaving like higly inteligent NPC's (This isn't a compliment :) ).

Edit: the problem is there is no accountability, as there is no way to identify people.

If all you want from this game is a way to KoS you have everything you need right now - so I don't see how your opinions on changes are valid. Also if you can't come up with more creative ways to play the game you'll have to face more and more stringent rules being artificially imposed onto you. Basicly, if you enjoy the level of freedom the game gives you ATM, you also have to take some responsibilty for your actions and think about their concequences on others - try a little empathy. It is a game in a very limited sence (the rules it imposes on you), the rest is upto you and me to define the experience.

So there needs to be concequences - they need to be player implemented - that requires associating individual with their actions.

Edited by Hoik

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So what would that player implemented thing be?

Bounty Hunters?

Guarded Towns?

Roving Rescue Patrols?

I'm afraid nothing would work as it will never stop the players from killing other people, but it would be fun to actually have fights instead of people with guns sneaking up and killing someone without a fight, but thats how arma is, you only die with your back to someone, never in an actual fight.

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