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What are a few Good places to shoot zombies without drawing the bandit attention..?

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no where, everyone is a bandit.

not everyone, stop spreading lies.

Play left for dead.

if some can focus on the player kill count, than let some focus on their zombie kill count, you know no harm no foul.

On Topic: Try either small towns, tucked away buildings in the woods, or out of the way deer stands. However be wary that someone may be trying to live out there away from other players.

Edited by Orthus
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I'd say some small town on the map, that has nothing of value in it, up north. Khelm maybe? In the middle of the map, Shakhovka maybe?

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If killing zombies is your thing, do it quietly. Find a silenced weapon or use the hatchet. Just remember zombies spawning and aggroing give away your position to other players even without gunfire. Best bet is to only kill them if you absolutely have to.

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lol was gonna say hope its high perch zombies cant climb up haha

in the zombie apocalypse imm climbing tall building and shooting zeds

I get to be the clock tower killer without repurcussions like death or jail haha

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1. Find a small town

2. Go prone with your hatchet

3. Sneak up on zombies

4. Kill said zombies

5. ????????????

6. Proft

Can't tell you how many sodas, baked beans, spare ammo I've looted off no-risk zombie hatchet crawls.

Edited by Cannon Fodder
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As the other guys say. If you really want to shoot zombies, apperently just for the fun of it, then a small village is just your thing. Some place inland with loot that nobody really cares about. But if you just want to shoot zombies, I would recommend you just play L4D or somthing like that. It would be a waste of ammo. And if you dont want it, iam sure somebody else would like to have it. ^^

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If killing zombies is your thing, do it quietly. Find a silenced weapon or use the hatchet. Just remember zombies spawning and aggroing give away your position to other players even without gunfire. Best bet is to only kill them if you absolutely have to.

What if he's going for a high infected kill? I was on the other night, and took great pleasure in messing with the infected at "factory" east of Polana. I had a blast rounding them up and dragging them into the building. I killed about 50 infected there, never saw a single person while I was there.

Edited by kentk94

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As the other guys say. If you really want to shoot zombies, apperently just for the fun of it, then a small village is just your thing. Some place inland with loot that nobody really cares about. But if you just want to shoot zombies, I would recommend you just play L4D or somthing like that. It would be a waste of ammo. And if you dont want it, iam sure somebody else would like to have it. ^^

Im trying to get rid of my negative humanity shot a few too many people

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Nowhere. Me and a friend once killed two vet players with killcounts of 500 and 400 and had antibiotics, ghillie suits, a white pickup, several sniper rifles and assault rifles including L85's and more at a farmhouse far away in the middle of nowhere because they ran in guns blazing.

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The best place to shoot Zed without attracting any player attention is N-NW of Skalka mountain.

Goto grid 02-01, there is a road leading north from Lopatino. Keep following that road; you'll find some houses and a barn there, with Zed roaming the area.

Because it's an offmap location IMO It will be highly unlikely that anyone else will be there, or that anyone will hear your gunshots.

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i actually found some barns in Kabanino and ran between them with my akm shooting zombies

i killed like 112 zombies before i started running low on ammo and decided to book it

new problem i noticed im not very good with the Mp5 lol

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Silenced mp5 is so quiet and it's pretty easy to find and no one who's like more then 15m away wont hear a thing.

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Polana is a pretty good place. A barn for lining up large crowds, a supermarket for resupply, and best of all, rare player encounters.

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Go into any barn or factory warehouse anywhere and make some noise. It can take a while, but if you hit the "sweet spot" you'll have zombies that are spawning outside the building where your client isn't rendering (they won't appear where you can see them) but they can hear you and will make their way through the door in orderly single file. It's a good idea to have an axe or M9SD handy, so you can take a break every so often, mop up the latest volunteers without attracting more, and do some housecleaning with regard to loot and body-hiding. AKM is a great primary weapon for this, since it has high capacity and doesn't require headshots, but just a WInchester or even an enfield can do good work for you.

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